According to statistics posted on the US Chamber of commerce website, in 2023, employers ended up adding 3.1 million jobs. A strong jobs market is good news, but many of those job openings are going unfilled because the U.S. does not have enough workers to fill them. Even though we have more Americans participating in the workforce today than before the pandemic, the overall share of the population participating in the labor force has dropped. If our labor force participation rate today was the same as it was in February of 2020, we would have more than two million more Americans in our workforce to help fill those open jobs.
In fact, the decline of Americans’ labor force participation is nothing new—fewer and fewer Americans have been participating in the labor force for decades, resulting in a smaller workforce that is expected to continue shrinking for years to come.
Right now, the labor force participation rate is 62.7%, down from 63.3% in February 2020 and 67.2% in January 2001. Additionally, in May 2022, the U.S. Chamber surveyed unemployed workers who lost their jobs during the pandemic to gain more insight into what is keeping them from returning to work. Here are a few of the key findings.
Two-thirds (66%) of Americans who lost their full-time job during the pandemic say they are only somewhat active or not very active at all in searching for a new job.
About half (49%) are not willing to take jobs that do not offer the opportunity for remote work.
More than a quarter (26%) say it will never again be essential for them to return to work.
Nearly one in five have altered their livelihood, 17% have retired, 19% have transitioned to homemaker, and 14% are now working part-time.
Almost a quarter (24%) say government aid packages during the pandemic have incentivized them to not actively look for work.
Younger respondents, aged 25-34, are prioritizing personal growth over searching for a job right now; 36% say they’re more focused on acquiring new skills, education, or training before re-entering the job market.
I wonder, if God sometimes looks down on the people who are claiming to follow Him, who are attending church, maybe even calling themselves Christians. And says, no one wants to work anymore.
No doubt it is still on His mind. He said it to his disciples in Matthew chapter 9, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few. If the statistics in the work force of the United States are any indication of the mindset and the willingness of people to get out and get a job, then I can’t imagine the decline in the modern day church.
Do you get excited when you see someone come in and get a blessing from the Lord that was headed down the road to a place called hell? Do you rejoice over someone being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and filled with His Spirit? I know I do, I rejoice with them that rejoice. I love seeing a life made new, and sins washed away. I love seeing the joy of the Lord get all over somebody, and they shout and dance across the front of the church.
There are countless people across this country and world that are relying on a strong labor force in the Apostolic Movement. The fields are white unto harvest. Everywhere you look, there is someone ready to receive what God has for them.
Can you imagine what would happen to the food industry in the country, if half of the farmers suddenly stopped planting and harvesting. There would be a lot of hunger across this land. We take it for granted in this great country of ours, because we have plenty of everything we need.
But, if we could look out over this country through the eyes of the Savior, and see that the population is starving to death spiritually. Because, it’s not enough to attend church, or call ourselves a Christian.. There is a desperate need for people in the fields.
There are more than 25,000 web sites that list job openings. There are a few well-known sites like LinkedIn, Indeed and Monster.. All of these sites offer a place to upload a resume. Indeed describes what a resume is on their site.
A resume is a formal document that displays an individual’s professional background and relevant skills. Those interested in finding a new job write a resume. Hiring managers or recruiters usually collect resumes through an organization’s career website, a job search engine, a professional social media page or in person. Most resumes consist of work history, education, a professional summary and a list of skills.
Far too often, we discount ourselves, and the ability we have to be used by God, when all He is looking for is someone to be willing to be used by Him. He doesn’t need references or a list of accomplishments. He is just waiting on the words………..
Here am I, send me.

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