By: Johnathon Mcguire
Vice President
Mid Michigan Chapter
A year ago I met Brother John Zerbe in Midland Michigan. Pentecostal Temple, the local UPCI Church, was preparing to participate in the Midland Memorial Day Parade 2023. Pastor Willis, Brother Zerbe and Sister Zerbe were going to ride their bikes in the Parade. I was to drive the Church van. As we prepared for the day, Brother Zerbe, or as I now with respect call Zerbz, talked to me about a motorcycle ministry. This thing was called Azusa Street Riders. He explained to me how it wasn’t a club but a ministry. That the bike and the patch were tools the LORD uses to start conversation with people and minister the Gospel of JESUS. He wanted to start a Chapter in Michigan. This caught my interest since I have a history on 2 wheels. I wanted to become part of it and do what I could to help. Shortly thereafter a Chapter was formed in Midland Michigan. At the 1st meeting of the Mid Michigan ASR Chapter with its humble beginning, I was voted in as its Vice President. With Brother Zerbe, as the President.
I hadn’t rode since receiving the HOLY GHOST. I was associated with people where that bike and I had existed unGODly and in darkness. Five years had passed without a ride because what it meant to me to be on my bike, the mindset, the lifestyle and what I was involved in had all ceased to exist. The old man was dead. Now that I was made new in CHRIST, coupled with the focus of a motorcycle ministry, well that gave new meaning to – lets ride.
Zerbz talked to me about how people would come up and start the conversation. I found out how true that is. Recently I was invited on a ride by Brother Thomas Newman from Yorkville Ohio UPCI Church where my dear Brother David Forsythe Pastors. Our destination was Gatlinburg Tennessee to meet up with several people who needed a witness. We rode through West Virginia. On our way, stopped in Jane Lew West Virginia and visited with Pastor Jeff Cochran of Buchannon UPCI Church. At breakfast that morning, us three Brothers ministered to the kind waitress GOD had put in our path. She felt a strong presence of the LORD as she let tears flow. Phone numbers were exchanged so that Sister Cochran could reach out to her and help that relationship with JESUS grow. After leaving Jane Lew, we rode to Charleston West Virginia and met up with the National ASR President Jeremiah Hayes for lunch. How refreshing, iron sharpens iron. Then on to Gatlinburg where I had the opportunity to give a lengthy version of my testimony to a married couple at the cabin where we stayed, and so a seed was planted. The man and Thomas work together. I’m sure Brother Thomas will do plenty of watering there. After the beautiful ride through parts of Tennessee and North Carolina, Thomas and I rode out. Heading to Glen Ferris West Virginia for Men’s Conference where Brother David Bounds spoke what GOD put on him and the place just came undone. Wonderful worship and what a move of GOD. So energized, and full of the HOLY GHOST, away we went. Back toward Yorkville Ohio. Just north of Flatwoods West Virginia we stopped at a rest area. A woman approached us and asked if she could take a picture of the patch on the back of my vest. A conversation began. As she talked to me about her walk with GOD, Brother Thomas received a word from the LORD for her and jumped in and spoke it. Immediately she broke out in tears. As we prayed for her and laid hands on her, GOD filled her with HIS SPIRIT! A day she will never forget. And all this happened in front of two tour busses of people. A witness of a move of GOD for all of them to see. I traveled on to Midland Michigan. Where I had some things to work out at my tax preparers office. On that Monday morning the owner was in and he noticed my vest. He said “Azusa Street! Charles Parham and William Seymore! Are you Pentecostal?” When I said yes he strolled around the tax office singing old hymns and praising GOD. Stopped in front of me and as the presence of GOD fell on that place he was filled with the HOLY GHOST and spoke in tongues!
I write all this to honor my ALMIGHTY LORD GOD JESUS! Understand people, this Azusa Street Riders thing is ordained of GOD! No matter where you ride and stop with this patch and the Anointing, GOD is with you. Angels are encompassed about to help prepare the way. This is a Missions work. In a field where most of the people you come in contact with have never met a Oneness Apostolic believer and been ministered to by one. This is to help the lost who are hungry and hurting. This is to impress upon them to yield their mind to the HOLY GHOST and not a substance! It is evident that GOD honors this because of HIS manifest presence. Because of HIS miracle working power evident at every stop. And because people come to you, GOD draws them by HIS SPIRIT.
A week after the Gatlinburg trip, Midland Michigan had its first ASR Biker Weekend. What a joyous time. Brother Hayes and his family came, along with other Brothers and Sisters from out of state. We raised funds for Motorcycles for Missions which purchases bikes for missionaries overseas. Great fellowship. Great food. Thank you Sisters of Pentecostal Temple Midland Michigan for preparing meals for us. Pastor Kevin Willis of Pentecostal Temple invited his brother who is also a Pastor to preach for us. He preached about “The Pulpit”. That got us stirred up! Great worship and Alter call followed. We rode Saturday and Sunday. A little rainy Saturday. Didn’t let the rain stop us. This is ministry, nothing can stop it. The gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church! We are the Church. We are GOD’s modern day remnant! Out into the highways and the byways. To the uttermost part of the earth – lets ride!
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