Hear from the Candidates

  • Bro. Johnny Carr – Vice President Nominee

Greetings in the name of Jesus! I was nominated to run for the VP position of ASR and I was asked to submit a little about myself. To introduce myself to those who don’t know me.

I joined ASR in 2017 and been a dues paying member ever since. I really don’t like talking about myself, would rather others know me for who I am by my actions.

My apostolic beginnings started in April 1991. During that time I followed the message of salvation by repenting of my sins, being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and being filled with the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in tongues.

I worked in my local church, helping in any capacity I could. Janitor, grounds keeper, carpenter, electrician, plumber, Sunday school teacher, Bus Ministry, etc…, whatever was needed I was willing.

I started in Jail Ministry in 1992 by helping in our local jail Ministry team. Since then I have worked as interim pastor for a local church and moved from that to pastoring a home missions church. I am no longer pastoring, but I do not feel like God is through with me yet. I am and will always be, conservative in my views on holiness. For without holiness, no man shall see God. Hebrew 12:14  Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.

I have obtained a Masters in Biblical Studies and I am an ordained minister through Independent Apostolic Ministry at the present. I am presently serving as the  Louisiana State Coordinator and served as the East Texas State Coordinator before moving to Louisiana.

My last secular job I had, I worked my way into management of the shop, after 9 years of management I feel very capable that I can handle a management position no matter what it may be.

I will say the last two years have not been easy years. I have missed out on National Rallies due to health at the time. 2022 seen me in a major accident and 2023 had me having bypass surgery on my heart. But God has been good and faithful to me during that time. He has supplied my every need.

Upon thinking about and praying about, what I could offer ASR as the VP, it has me looking back in what I know about ASR and things that have transpired over the years. It also has me thinking about ASR’s future.

One of the biggest things, in my opinion, is to see us become an unique unified body. I know from past experiences outside of ASR, that without complete unity, the leadership’s hands are tied. ASR might experience growth, but is that growth healthy? Can it withstand the trials to come?

Second, I would love to see some type of training done. You might ask, how can this be done? There is many ways, Zoom comes to the forefront on my thinking. Zoom meetings once a month, would go a long ways in teaching on outreach, safety, the do’s and don’ts of this ministry. There are many of you out there that has a lot to offer, especially to the new members that may not be up on their knowledge of the motorcycle world.

There are other things on my mind, but I am trying to make this short as I can. Pray and fast about this election, God’s will is paramount. If Bro Keck is elected, then that was God’s will, if I am elected, that to is God’s will. Let God be our guide.

  • Pastor Jeff Keck – Vice President Nominee and Currently Appointed Vice President

Hey everyone, I am Pastor Jeff Keck.

I have been riding for 50 years and I started out as many of you did, on minibikes. My dad bought me my beloved Suzuki 185 enduro in 1977. I have been riding with Azusa StreetRiders for the past 20 years and I look to continue for many years to come.

I have started 2 ASR chapters (San Diego, CA and Northwest, MO) and have been active at many levels in ASR during my tenure. I currently serve as the appointed international vice president for 2024.


Vision articulates God’s plan while Mission implements God’s Plan. It is my desire to see ASR grow spiritually as well as numerically. But good intentions are never enough. In my estimation, the primary function of ASR is twofold: 1.) Encourage our members (brothers and sisters) to contend for the Apostolic faith once delivered to us.  2.) Make disciples inside and outside the biker community at large.

In order to do this effectively we must prayerfully work hand in hand with the local churches and pastors who watch over our members in their local congregations as well as being involved as a torch in the biker community.

My first initiative is to continue to reach out to as many pastors and churches as possible in every state/district of North America. This is a daunting task, and I will need the continued support of every State Coordinator for us to be effective.

My second initiative is to work closely with chaplain Scott Culver to expand our chaplaincy division by encouraging more of you to engage in the training tools available. We are here to assist you to find better ways to utilize your ministry gifts of service.

My third initiative is to continue to encourage member, beginning at chapter level, to become all that God has called us to be. To understand and embrace our role in this world as the “image bearers” of His name and Spirit. We must be unapologetic in our orthodoxy as well as our orthopraxy of Scripture while serving the lost with orthopathy. We are ministers of Christ and as such, we are the purveyors of the Apostles doctrine and distinctives as we ride and represent our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Every time we put on our colors; we are dressed for discipleship success.

I humbly ask for your vote as I endeavor to serve you with distinction as your international vice president 2024-2025.

  • Julie McGhghy – Secretary Nominee and Currently Appointed Secretary

Greetings fellow Azusa StreetRiders. I am Julie McGhghy and I am the current Secretary appointed by the ASR Board to fill the remainder of the 2024 term of office. I have also been nominated to serve for the next two years.

My husband Mike and I have been members of ASR since 2011. I served as the first National Ladies Chaplain from 2014 until I resigned in 2018 while Mike and I prepared to move to Costa Rica to serve as Associates in Missions. Although we had to sell our bikes and most of our belongings when we moved to Costa Rica, we continued our membership in ASR and I contributed to the ministry by submitting articles for the Rumblings and reviewing by-laws and resolutions when requested by the Board.

Please allow me to let the Board’s announcement of my appointment inform you about me: “She is uniquely qualified to handle the responsibilities of Secretary due to her many years as a corporate attorney. She is dedicated to the Apostolic doctrine and is submitted to the authority of her pastor and the UPCI licensing authorities. She has actively loved the organization and its members by serving as National Ladies Chaplain and submitting many video and written teachings in the Rumblings.”

Mike and I returned to the United States in 2021 and now serve as Associated Ministers under the UPCI Global Missions Division and travel to teach faculty development seminars for Bible Schools throughout the world. Although we do not currently own motorcycles, we continue to love and support the ministry of the Azusa Streetriders.

For the short time that I have been serving as Secretary, I have greatly appreciated the singular focus of the Board on moving the ministry to grow spiritually and numerically. I pray our continued spiritual growth will be evident by the love and unity of the membership as we reach out to the lost to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and trust our Lord and Savior to give the increase to His Kingdom!

I consider it a great privilege to serve this ministry as Secretary and appreciate your confidence in me to do so.

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Julie McGhghy is the ASR National Secretary and a licensed minister of the United Pentecostal Church International. She is a member of The Calvary Church in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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