2023 UPCI General Conference

Azusa StreetRiders’ is going to have a display-information booth at UPCI’s General Conference in Indianapolis this year which is open to the public from Wednesday morning (9/20/23) through

Friday night (9/23/23) and we need your help!

ASR’s presence over the years at this annual event has been extremely helpful to help dispel negative pre-conceived notions about motorcycles and bikers while explaining how our ministry has helped win the lost! Thousands of Oneness Apostolics (pastors and saints) simply pass our booth and that, alone, gives name recognition. Many stop with questions. We tell them about souls that have come to Christ through our efforts, about backsliders who’ve returned to the fold, and about witnessing opportunities afforded us while ministering with our motorcycles wearing our God-inspired Azusa StreetRiders back patches.

At the Conference, we tell them about the powerful Apostolic ministers who’ve preached our National Rallies and about our “Motorcycles for Missionaries” program. They’re astounded to hear we’ve donated well over a hundred motorcycles to Oneness Apostolic foreign missionaries around the globe and are surprised at us having members in 42 states and several foreign countries including our largest chapter in the Philippines.

UPCI’s General Conference is an opportunity to reach new pastors and saints. We open our hearts and welcome bikers who don’t feel they “fit in” with church people. We offer them a ministry (ASR) where they, too, can win souls all while doing what they love riding bikes!

Despite having over 700 Trinitarian motorcycle ministries around the world, Azusa StreetRiders is the “World’s Only Oneness Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry.” Yes, there’re some local

Apostolic church groups that ride, but we need to convince them to join us there is strength in numbers!

Azusa StreetRiders have broken down barriers between bikers and saints like no other Oneness

Apostolic ministries have been able to do. But there is much work still to be done! Every year, there are new General Conference attendees who know very little about us. Again, we need your help! Help to meet people, to talk to them about biking, about ministry, and about ministry using motorcycles.

The Exhibit Hall for General Conference is opened to the public Wednesday through Friday

during the hours charted in the schedule below. Many of our ASR Members will be there and I ask that you please help us by committing to be at the booth for at least two hours. Everything will be furnished except your personal vest. If you can help us, please bring it. Men’s attire is typically dress pants, a long-sleeve white shirt (with or without a tie) and the vest. Ladies generally are in dresses and wear their vests. Please don’t scoff at the attire requests. We know the saying, “These are my church clothes” often seen on bikers’ vests, but remember, we are “guests” at the conference. If we exhibit ministry and ourselves accordingly, we’ll have much more favorable opportunities to spread the word about Azusa StreetRiders.

Bro fred Beall,
Founder & Lifetime Member,
Azusa StretRiders Ministry

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Robert Thompson served as President of Azusa StreetRiders International from 2017-2023 and National Secretary from 2010 - 2016 and has been an active member since 2008.

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