Philippians ASR Hard at Work

Evangelism victory report.
An ASR Team of 6 riders and 4 4-wheeled vehicles convoyed going to General Nakar. We took our breakfast at Rambulls, a well-known place in Tanay for travellers. The team is composed of 11 ASR members with their families. The journey was smooth and very relaxing.. looks like we’re travelling in the clouds due to thick fogs with approx. 5 meters visibility only, a great experience.
We passed three major checkpoints to reach General Nakar, by the power of God, we were able to pass through all these checkpoints. We arrived at 1PM, then we took our lunch and rested for a while.
At 4PM, Sister Stella, who’ve been baptized and received the Holy Ghost last ASR evangelism, started to invite all her neighbors and friends in the area. Within 20mins or less, more than 60 people came to the venue! Truly they are hungry for the Word of God!
We started the service about 5PM. A song number by Bro Jun Fabro and Bro Dan de Guzman; our preachers started to deliver the Word of God: Ptr Dennis E. and Ptr Romie C. The Lord Jesus moved mightily in the midst of us. Some of the attendees told us that what they want now is a pastor who will teach them and guide them spiritually.
ASR ministries is now levelling up from supporting the pioneering pastors in promoting the church in the area to church planting.
Early morning breakfast together and bonding time for ASR Families..
A once in a life time experience happened. A fish called Bolinao filled the sea shore. A local resident told us that this is the first time they saw fishes swim to the shore and toward us while we enjoy the very calm sea. We are so amazed by this phenomena.
A local fisherman tried to catch them using a very fine net 4 times but they failed, they didn’t catch even one fish.. but we continuously enjoyed picking the fishes because they are swimming toward us.. what a great experience! Suddenly, a very significant meaning on what actually happened came to our minds. People in Barangay Sulok General Nakar hunger for the Word of the living God.. they need somebody to feed them. No need to go further to catch some fishes, you just need to pick them. Praise God!
11AM, we left the place with our hearts rejoicing, enjoying the wonders of God’s creation.
Special thanks to:
• Ptr Romie Cabarle and Family for providing kitchen utensils with cook (a very young looking member of LMD UPC Baras)
• Bro Jun Fabro and Family for sponsoring the food packs and fuel for the needy rider.
God Bless ASR Philippines!
Let’s ride and build the church of Jesus Christ!
We need to keep the Philippines in prayer unfortunately the  torrential rains have brought flooding and much damage
PRAY for the Philippines
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Robert Thompson served as President of Azusa StreetRiders International from 2017-2023 and National Secretary from 2010 - 2016 and has been an active member since 2008.

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