What Role Does Azusa StreetRiders Play in Your Life?
Azusa StreetRiders ministry is many things to many people. For some it’s just an opportunity to ride with like-minded Apostolic christen men and woman, for some it’s an avenue to put the great commission of the Lord Jesus Christ to work. For others it’s simply a chance to serve. Missionaries it’s an opportunity to receive something they might not ever be able to afford in a timely manner, a motorcycle for God’s work. For pastors it can be an extension of the church to reach out for souls they might not otherwise be able to connect with, simply another quiver in their pouch to reach a lost and dying world.
Of course there are many other roles that Azusa StreetRiders ministry plays in people’s lives. That is why we need to make this ministry, ourselves available for service to others whenever and wherever we can. I know schedules are tight; lives are busy whether or not we want them to be. This week alone my heart yearns to have been in Central Missouri for their event and trying every which way next week to get to Omaha, NE. I am still trying to figure out how to put fifteen gallons into a five-gallon bucket, any suggestions? As the Azusa StreetRiders ministry grows and yes we are defiantly growing there are choices that need to be made and time is a valuable commodity. My prayer is all of our membership gets engaged at some level, at some time during our riding season let do the best we can do to support each other’s efforts.
So how do we manage this already packed schedule, our families, church, jobs and honey do’s and yes down time. I wish I knew! I do know that when we commit to an Azusa StreetRiders ministry event it is counted as a sacrifice on behalf of the members that attend and promote these events. Mark my words this is God’s work and he is not slack. We are about our Fathers business when we are a part of either someone else’s event or ours. If you are an Apostolic man or women of God and a member of this ministry regardless of what role Azusa StreetRiders ministry is currently playing in your life you are in the soul reaching business and that job description is all about lost souls via motorcycles.
Our mission if we choose to accept it is to go out in the highways and byways always keeping in mind, what can I do to reach the lost? I suggest start with prayer asking the Lord Jesus Christ for direction after all he knows your schedule better than you do so why not consult with the one that can make it all work our according to his will. Second, wear the Azusa StreetRiders backpatch when you ride, that is a drawing card for so many. I have seen it many times where people will inquire about the backpatch and Azusa Street, it works! We all cannot attend every event, believe me I want to but we can do some. One advantage of a growing ministry like ours is there are more events every year and many which are coming closer to home, get involved when you can, be a part, make a difference.
In closing I want to say it has been a privilege to service this ministry. I have seen the Azusa StreetRiders ministry blossom due to the efforts of this membership and with growth come challenges. In earlier years it was easy to attend all or most of the events because there were only a few but now we have something going on almost weekly especially when you add in unadvertised local chapter rides or events, just local chapters going out ministering where and when they can. I feel this fulfills what Bro & Sis Beall envisioned when they first started this ministry and I give them both honor for allowing this membership to run with the ball. I am also sanctified proud that were doing our best to adhere to Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Even if that is from a motorcycle seat.

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