Greetings to everyone in Jesus name!
I trust everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day weekend. A time to remember and show our appreciation to all the fallen soldiers and our veterans still living. We owe a great debt to all of the individuals that served and continue to serve. Also the families that have lost loved ones or are coping with living and maintaining their lives as their loved ones are away serving. There are so many sacrifices that have been made for our freedom.
I was thinking this weekend about the innocent people that have died for our freedom. Parents have lost their sons, daughters- Husbands have lost their wives, wives that have lost their husbands, children that have lost their parents and on and on. So much SELFLESSNESS of individuals laid out for a world of selfishness! They did not think twice about putting themselves in danger for a total stranger or even dying for a stranger. They made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
My mind takes me to Jesus. How could he love with that kind of love and sacrifice his life for us to reap the benefits? He only asked that we live a life to be pleasing to him and to be with him in heaven one day. Not such a hard task for some one that died for our sins. How unselfish! I think of Mary and how her heart felt losing her only son! The pain of seeing the anger and hatred toward Jesus for no reason! Then to see him on the cross, suffering. How can we ever repay this gift?
I want to live my life in such a way that pleases him and always let my light shine. I want to walk in his footsteps, love, show compassion so that everyone can literally be able to see Christ through me.
Please join me in prayer and fasting for the following:
Rev Mikes and Julie McGhghy, Aimers to Costa Rica
- Bro. Fred Bealle healing in body
- Bro. Jeremiah Hayes mother , Tina
- Bro. Ron Condin
- Sis. Ruby Cobb-loss of family member due to motorcycle accident
Chaplain Carman Hamby

Carman Hamby

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