Thailand Update
Here is an update from Bro Frizzell and Bro Kebasen from the Azusa StreetRiders, Bangkok, Thailand Chapter of which if you check out the New Members for April 2019 let’s welcome Bro Dionaro Orcullo from Par Kret, Nonthaburi Province, outside of Bangkok, Thailand
From Bro Frizzell:
Greetings to you from the land of the big bamboo and traffic jams in South East Asia!
Greetings to you from the land of the big bamboo and traffic jams in South East Asia!
I am writing to you so you may understand what is going on here with your new ASR chapter in Thailand.
The guys that have joined ASR are English speaking people and predominantly Filipino.
The churches that they pastor are all English speaking.
The churches that they pastor are all English speaking.
Pastor Steve Kebasen pastors 3 churches and Pastor Dionaro Orcullo pastors at least 2 churches. Both these men have several mid-week meetings going on along with the other men who have applied to ASR for membership. They are connected with other motorcycle groups who are sinners and they are working with them.
Our church organization is International Apostolic Church of Thailand = iACT.
We do things organizationally for the sake of unity and the witness of the real Church here among the Thai and the other nationalities.
Whatever they have done to be a part of ASR has always been presented to me first then onto you; they understand the chain of command.
It is a pleasure working with them and I know they will work along with the ASR ministry as much as possible.
Live to Ride for the Glory of God!
Robert P Frizzell
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Robert Thompson served as President of Azusa StreetRiders International
from 2017-2023 and National Secretary from 2010 - 2016 and has been an active member since 2008.

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