Road Trip!

As we are eagerly looking forward to the Azusa StreetRiders National Rally, it brings to mind the necessity of good road trip preparation. There are a lot of scenarios that can play out, from weather or road hazards to unforeseen mechanical issues. And while we do not know exactly what will happen, we can take steps to mitigate many road trip issues.

One of the greatest tools we possess is experience. Even if you do not have a lot of experience of your own, there are those among us who do. Wise travelers will avail themselves to the collective knowledge of experienced bikers with a few trips and a lot of miles under their belts. YouTube is a great resource for various ideas and styles of road trips from camping to hotels.

Here are 10 things which can help make traveling on your scooter more enjoyable:

  1. Commit to the trip: It seems quite obvious, but the first thing one must do is to commit to the trip. Don’t allow double-mindedness and second guessing to derail you from a wonderful road trip experience. The easiest way to take last minute pressures off is by making succinct travel plans. “Commit your way unto the LORD; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.” (Psalm 37:5)
  2. Plan your route:  Plan your route and daily riding miles that matches your (or your group’s) riding style, preferences, and road stamina. This is arguably the most important step to an enjoyable road trip. Add a buffer of approximately 2 hours a day to your mapped ride time. Riding long distances on a bike is much different than an automobile. Two lanes and scenic routes take much longer than freeways because of lower riding speeds and more frequent photo opportunities.
  3. Maintenance:  Perform a complete maintenance on your bike before you leave, including making sure you have good rubber on your tires. Be aware of maintenance items tasks that may need to be done at a certain mileage intervals, and take care of them in advance.
  4. Have a tool kit:  Bring a set of necessary wrenches (tool roll SAE/Metric), sockets, tire pressure gauge, tire inflator or mini-compressor, screwdrivers: flat/Phillips long/short handles and shaft, multiple tip sizes—magnetic tips are a bonus, hex keys, torque wrench. Even just some generic hardware, tape, and zip ties can save the day in many situations.
  5. Proper riding gear:  Bring comfortable all-weather safety gear, including a helmet, gloves, quality rain gear, earplugs/coms, proper boots, wind resistant jacket for cold night riding, sun and nighttime riding glasses, and some may even consider chaps.
  6. Take breaks:  Take frequent breaks. I find it best to use fuel stops for breaks every 1.5 or 2 hours to avoid discomfort and fatigue, which can lead to accidents.
  7. Hydration is essential:  People often get dehydrated when riding all day in the sun and wind. A good cup of coffee is great in the morning and afternoon, but nothing replaces water as your primary source of hydration. This will make you feel more alert and alleviate cramping muscles.
  8. Packing:  Pack light and only bring essential items, using fabrics that roll up small. Don’t overload your bike to where it is off balance or catch too much unnecessary wind.
  9. Accommodation:  Plan your accommodation ahead of time, making reservations for hotels, hostels, or campsites along your route.
  10. Prayer:  Yes, this is the first thing that we should do, but we also want to continue to cover our trip in meaningful times of prayer. While on the road, be mindful and sensitive to your ministries and gifts. After all, Jesus told us to GO!
    Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to everyone. This is an amazing opportunity to reach our world. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” (Romans 8:14)

Furthermore, by being prayerful, you facilitate the working of the Holy Spirit in your life and ministry to everyone you meet on the road.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes. . .” (Romans 1:16)



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Pastor Jeff Keck

International Vice President at Azusa StreetRiders

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