Miscellaneous Information From The Desk of Jon Weber, N.R.C.

  1. Greeting in Jesus name ASR family & friends! First I want to say how thankful I am to be a part of this ministry and to have a family like each of you and have had the privilege of getting to know! There are so many I haven’t had the pleasure to meet yet! Hope to see those at our National rally this year! I’m excited that it is in Nebraska as I have never been there!
    We ask for summer and got Africa, lol ! Speaking of Africa, I’m excited to see what we can do this year for  the Motorcycle for Missionaries!!
    Hope everyone has success in the planning for raising money!! Time is getting close, so good luck and God bless your efforts and this mission! We are a big part of these missionaries spreading the word of our Lord and savior!! These are the times to make ready folks!! Look up for our redemption draweth nigh!!

With summer here, many highways as well as local roads are under construction. Traffic is bad with back ups, detours, workers everywhere. Please pay extra attention to the cars around you! They are nuts!! They don’t watch where they are going. Only concerned with getting through traffic, so WATCH OUT!!
Unfortunately, due to other circumstances but still the same, we’ve had a couple of people who have had accidents that I am aware of. One was due to gravel and the other was a deer. Thankfully God had His hand on them and they’re healing up! So please everyone, let’s keep our heads on a swivel, our senses to our surroundings, and what is on the road ahead of us!
Remember: saying a quick Prayer before you ride asking our Heavenly Father to put a hedge around us, lead us to His will and Jesus, take the handle bars, is a must!!
He watches over his children!

ASR biker weekends are in full motion! Hope each one is successful! I’ve made a few myself and the fellowship is Awesome!! Being able to witness, asked to say a Prayer for someone, all due to our patch is outreach in its self along with the scheduled outreach! I so enjoy this work for God and I personally want to do more!!
I’m hoping to see many of you yet this summer and I Pray for our ASR and leaders that Hod will continue to Bless and keep them in His will!!




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Azusa StreetRiders National Road Captain NE Indiana Chapter President

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