We are all vessels of God’s service. Can we choose what kind of vessels we are?
Updated version of ASR’s iOS app is now available!
Version 2.2 of the ASR iOS app is available now in the App Store!
We are told it addresses issues we pointed out regarding the initial release. Those who downloaded and installed version 1.0: you should get a notice via App Store telling you an update is ready and available. For those who never yet installed it, just go to the App Store and install. The best search terms to find it are “Azusa StreetRiders.”
Note: If you had version 1.0 first, be aware that after updating to 2.2 you may need to restart your phone in order to use the updated app.
World Network of Prayer publishes report on ASR’s 2nd Bind The Strong Man event!
The World Network of Prayer is a global prayer ministry effort administered by the United Pentecostal Church International. WNOP’s weekly Prayer Connect newsletter (which you can sign up for free by clicking here), goes out to many thousands of readers. In the March 18, 2014 edition of Prayer Connect, the WNOP featured an article about the recent ASR Bind the Strong Man prayer event. Here is their excellent report, thanks to ASR Pastor Mike Markham:
Azusa StreetRiders All Night Prayer Meeting
Last weekend, Azusa StreetRiders from seven states joined members of Turning Point Fellowship in Marbury, Alabama, Pastor Mike Markham, for Bind the Strong Man, an all-night prayer gathering. Additionally, several other churches in the US and Canada opened their doors for Azusa StreetRiders members, church members and guests to join in all-night, focused corporate prayer following the same hourly prayer outline as in Marbury.
This was the second annual Bind the Strong Man event. At the event last year in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, God healed Patrick Beall of brain cancer after doctors had given him little hope of survival. Other noted miracles took place.
In Luke 24:49, Jesus instructed his disciples to “go to Jerusalem and tarry…” The world changed forever because these men obeyed Christ and traveled for a corporate prayer meeting. Please pray that more churches join us in our prayer efforts as we try to grow Bind the Strong Man prayer meetings with next year’s event to be held at Eminence, KY.
The Azusa StreetRiders Motorcycle Ministry is endorsed by the UPCI. Visit their website, azusastreetriders.com for more information on being involved in Bind the Strong Man prayer meetings.
Event: 2nd Annual Sword Run in Clarksburg – Great BBQ, Great Ride, Great Cause!
Start your riding season off with a great ride for a great cause!
2nd Annual Sword Run in Clarksburg, WV, on Saturday, May 10, 2014 at Norwood Park in Nutterfort, WV (also known as Clarksburg City Park) [ Google Map].
Starting at 10 am, enjoy mouth-watering slow-smoked barbecue, door prizes, raffles, and a chance to win a $500 grand prize!
NOTE: Hotel (Sutton Inn) is filling up fast. Book ASAP. Special rate is $78.57 including tax (upstairs rooms). Call or email either Pastor Doug Joseph or LaDonna Joseph to obtain one of the rooms we’re holding onto.
Register online or get details at SwordRun.com.
Proceeds go to “Motorcycles For Missionaries” and help to build a new church facility in the Clarksburg area.
Event brought to you by 102.3 WFBY-FM, WDTV Channel 5, and the local Clarksburg chapter of the Azusa Street Riders. Are you interested in helping to sponsor this event? Then download the Sword-Run-Sponsorship-Form and/or visit SwordRun.com.
This year’s event will be hosted at the big pavilion just to the right, at the main entrance to Norwood Park in Nutter Fort, WV. Screenshot below:
ASR dues were to be in by yesterday. For those having an “Oops” moment…
Please don’t fail to pay your dues for 2014. The due date was March 31. You can pay online right now via PayPal. If you can log into PayPal, just click the “Send Money” tab, and input the recipient as “support@azusastreetriders.com” — use the “send money to friends” option, which will spare ASR a fee. (Since there are no goods or services involved, this is allowable). If you need more time or want to make an arrangement for a payment plan, please let Sister Lydia Diaz know. If you have not yet paid your dues, starting in April your status will be changed to “Associate Member” unless arrangements have been made. Thank you!
Event: 5th Annual Michael Theodore Jr Memorial Ride & Biker Sunday
Weekend of July 11-13 (Friday-Sunday).
We have combined the Memorial Ride with Biker Sunday!
We would like for you to join us for our 5th Annual Biker Sunday in memory of our son, Michael Theodore Jr.
MEET-and-GREET is Friday, July 11 at 5 pm at:
Magnuson Grand Hotel & Conference Center
9519 E. Market St., Warren, OH , 44484
[ Google Map | Hotel website | Ph: (330) 856-1900 ]
ASR RIDE planned for Saturday, July 12.
This is an outreach ride to a biker town to hand out free dinner tickets for Sunday’s event, the Biker Sunday.
BIKER SUNDAY on Sunday, July 13 at 10 am at:
Pentecostal Community Church
5348 Peck Rd, Jefferson, OH 44047
[ Google Map | Church website | Ph: (440) 293-6182 ]
- There will be a pig roast after service, followed by a short ride.
- We will have many baskets to raffle off.
- Cost for Biker Sunday is $10, which includes your dinner.
- Event T-shirts are $20
- All proceeds go toward the Michael Theodore Jr Memorial Youth Center to be built at our church, and Motorcycles for Missionaries
Again, the HOST HOTEL is:
Magnuson Grand Hotel & Conference Center
9519 E. Market St., Warren, OH , 44484
[ Google Map | Hotel website | Ph: (330) 856-1900 ]
ASR Android App is now available in the Google Play store (free download)
Good news! The ASR Android App is now available in the Google Play store! This is a free download, of course. You can get it here:
Those of you with Android devices (requires Android 2.2 or higher), please install it, tool around a bit, and let us know if you see anything broken. Send bug reports to Pastor Doug Joseph at admin@azusastreetriders.com.
God Magnifies His Word – Part II
Membership Dues for 2014
Praise the Lord everyone,
Just a reminder that there is 30 days left to pay your dues. Dues paid after March 31st will be overdue. If you need more time please call me at 609-742-6539 to make arrangements.
Thank you for supporting ASR with your purchases and membership dues.
In God’s Service,
Lydia Diaz
ASR Treasurer