Stayin’ Safe Overcoming the fear of Tar Snakes

Stayin’ Safe
Overcoming the fear of  Tar Snakes
Who knew the incidence of ophidiophobia would be so high among motorcyclist? Yet nearly every rider I have known through all my years of riding has expressed a distinct and sometimes paralyzing fear of snakes. Especially black snakes; aka Tar snakes. These species are commonly found stretched across the pavement. Of course almost always on a nice twisty road as you approach  the corner or exit it. They are on the back roads and also the supper slab highways. But are these tar snakes in fact a serious threat to riders? The straight answer to that question is….it depends. For the most part, tar snakes on the road is relatively harmless, especially those that are thin,and few in numbers and surrounded by traction-rich pavement. Although you the rider may feel momentary uneasiness as the bike’s tires squirm slightly on the tar strip surface,traction and a more direct feel will quickly return once rubber finds clean pavement. This unfamiliar movement of the motorcycle is generally more disconcerting to you the rider then it is dangerous, provided you remain calm, Granted, tar snakes can become threats in certain conditions. If you see more black tar than tarmac, there will certainly be way less traction avalible. When tar is cold and damp such as in the early morning in spring and fall, it can become hard and slick. In a rain storm it can be very slick. In the hot summer sun can make tar snakes squishy, although they still provide moderate traction. In each of these scenarios, I will say that it is best to stay loose, keep a light touch on the handlebars and look up the road to where you want to go (looking ahead adds a sense of stability). Make subtle steering and throttle inputs, avoid extreme lean angles and just glide though the tar snake. With a little caution and smoothness you can avoid being bitten…and maybe even become an expert snake handler 
Michael Theodore
Azusa StreetRiders National Road Captain


Disappointing God

Do you often feel like you have disappointed God?  Let’s look into His Word to see if that is possible.


Praise the Lord Brother and Sisters,
This year is moving right along. The Azusa StreetRiders have had many events already this year. God has added many new members and chapters to this ministry. I believe there is still more to come for 2015! We are 59 days from our 5th Annual Azusa StreetRiders International Rally and it’s going to be awesome!! I’m looking forward to Bro. David Bernard’s preaching and all the great time of fellowship with my ASR family.
This event should be a priority on your event calendar. We are always blessed greatly at the Rally and this year will be no different. We will have an awesome time of worship and fellowship and the rides are always a fun time. Invite someone to come this year. Although this event is a great time of refreshing for us, it’s still all about JESUS!! We must be in soul winning mode. We have seen God do great things already this year, but it is not over yet!!
2015 next level!!!!!!!
Love and appreciate each and every one of you.
God Bless,

Rev. Anthony Storey
Azusa StreetRiders
National Vice President

A Word From Our Chapter Presidents

Hello fellow Azusa StreetRiders:

I’d like to first say it’s an honor and privilege to tell you about the new Ashland, KY chapter of ASR. We are excited to be wearing the patch and bringing Acts 2:38 to everyone’s attention. All members—so far—are from the same church and do a lot of outreach to the community. We’re hoping to use this as another tool to reach the lost in our area.

We have planned to let our presence be known at an event called “Rally On The River” where we will have all our members and ASR members from some other chapters joining us. It’s the best time to get our name out and introduce ourselves to the clubs around the area and also the general public. This event draws hundreds of bikers and others out as it has music, bike shows etc…. This is one of the biggest events in the area so a strong showing of ASR members would be great! If you’d like to join with us we would like to get together on Saturday, August 15th. We will be fellowshipping throughout the day and will be having a lunch and dinner together.

We also plan to hit some rides that other ASR chapters are sponsoring. One in particular we know we’ll be attending is the “Cruz’n for Christ” ride our Northern KY ASR chapter friends host.

For more information on attending “Rally On The River” you can contact me or Bro. Jim Curley (

On behalf of the Ashland KY Chapter of ASR, God bless you all and stay safe this riding season. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Ashland KY ASR Chapter

President Robert Fletcher


A Word From Our Chapter Presidents


It’s a great day to give thanks to God and for all that He has accomplished in our lives. If you have lived for God any period of time, you know that it’s better to live for Him than to be without His presence in your life. For that I give Him all of the glory and honor.

Here in Louisiana we are getting ramped up for the First Annual “Ride to the Ranch.” This fundraiser is for the Lighthouse Ranch for Boys in Loranger, LA. The facility is located just north of Hammond, LA on the outskirts of New Orleans. There is no greater ministry than a soul winning ministry that will direct and redirect lives to God. A ministry that has eternal rewards in the lives of these young men is well deserving of our support. Please, if you can’t make it to this fundraiser, go online and donate something. Any amount will be greatly appreciated. Our web site is for the Southeastern Louisiana Chapter of Azusa StreetRiders.

Just one more important fact about “The Ranch.” The Lighthouse Ranch for Boys has a 98% success rate. Out of this Ranch ministry, not only have lives been transformed, but young men have become licensed ministers for our Lord Jesus Christ. What an impact this ministry is for spreading the Gospel. Being raised from what was thought to be unchangeable situations!

What an impact it would make if we could support such a worthy cause. For those of you that will be attending, you are welcome to camp over on Friday night before the run on The Ranch’s 40 plus acres. We have men and women coming in from Georgia to donate their time for this event. They travel to different motorcycle events coordinating games and a motorcycle skills training. There will be a motorcycle contest, food, raffles and music. Please register online for this event.

Thank you for your support in our effort to bless the Lighthouse Ranch for Boys.


Ride safely,

Rev. Ed Sears

Azusa Streetriders

Louisiana District Coordinator


Packing,Eating And Staying Cool





Packing,Eating And Staying Cool

Commonsense Ways To Improve The Ride
We’re Not Backpacking
      Unless your hauling a trailer, your entire gear load is probably 40 pounds or less. Don’t get caught up what the backpackers do. When it comes to weight distribution. Instead pack very sensibly, placing items you’ll want to get to at any time during your riding day in very easy-to-access areas. Overnight items -coincidentally the heavier items are best stowed near or at the bottom of your top case or side saddlebags. Your regulars such as rain gear, sunglasses’s, sunscreen and water are best stowed on top near compartment openings.
Eat Light, Eat Whole
A rigorous 300-500 mile a day motorcycle tour is not the time to gorge. Eating lighter will keep your mind in a better place on the road and throughout the day. Eat more whole foods, such as nuts, dried fruits, meats, eggs, whole grains, veggies and fruit and fewer processed foods. I always carry with me power bars as you can eat them as you ride.
Mountain Pass Mentality
Have you ever noticed when your navigating your way up and over a mountain pass, how everything changes once you’ve ascended and start riding down the other side? No longer are you using mostly throttle to work your way up into the pass, but now you’re more focused on using your engine compression ( no throttle) and braking to work your way down the mountain. If you find it uncomfortable to make such an abrupt adjustment, consider pulling off to the side and stopping at the top of the mountain pass for a breather. This break makes it easier to reset your riding awareness and comfort level.
Evaporative Cooling-What is it?
Evaporative cooling is so essential to keeping your mind focused during hot weather riding. If you ride with just a T-shirt instead of long sleeves on a very hot afternoon ride. Sun exposure and wind evaporate perspiration too quickly, leading to dehydration and the build up of excess heat in the body. Wearing a full-coverage riding jacket with the air vents open allows you to control the wicking perspiration and heat from your body. I like to ride with moisture wicking shirts as an undershirt which keeps me completely cool while riding on very hot days. You can also soak a T-shirt in water or use one of those cooling vest or cooling head bands to keep your body cool. Remember to always Hydrate. Wear breathable riding gloves. Wear light colored clothing.
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain


Too Long, Too Short…Where is Just Right?

Too Long, Too Short…Where is Just Right?

When I am on a motorcycle tour I often get this question from other riders who may be joining me on this tour or even my wife. How many miles are we riding today? Sometimes, I say  I am just letting the road be the guide, Or I will say  I don’t really know. But usually, I’ve planned the route and know the answer, not counting my many  side trips that may strike my fancy along the way. This exchange, however, often makes me wonder what is the ideal touring mileage for a day in the saddle. In deciding that number, though, there are obviously a number of factors to consider: So when I hear that someone is asking me how long are we riding today? I just smile and say we are on a three hour tour. Which if you know me and have toured with me my three hour tours will be an all day long ride. Got to love it 🙂

My factors in considering how long to be in the saddle.

Riding Environment 

Weather: Because of the more exposed nature on a motorcycle touring (versus a car), checking the weather forecast each morning is a regimen followed by most experienced riders. I study the weather for each ride. For example, the expectation of thunderstorms may dictate altering the day’s route to avoid them. But much of the weather experienced on a tour can’t be avoided in advance. So you have the choice now to either sit out the thunderstorm in a protected place. Or put your rain gear on and ride through the storm. And even riding in a non-threatening steady rain usually means reduced visibility and a slower average speed.

Besides storms, very hot or cold weather may dictate more stops than originally planned for hydration or warming up in a restaurant with a hot drink. High winds can also affect travel mileage and slower speeds. Weather is always a wild card on any motorcycle trip, which can slow your ride rate of progress.

Terrain: Mountain terrain usually means more curves—and more rider smiles—than flat prairie, but lots of curves invariably results in a slower average speed (or at least it should). A two-hundred-mile ride in the mountains will take noticeably longer than a comparable distance with few curves, and it usually will be more tiring for both riders and passengers. Also, mountain terrain is often more scenic, inviting more stops to enjoy and photograph it. Love the longer scenic routes. But then there’s that situation when you want to get to the most desirable riding area as quickly as possible. To maximize the riding time best route then would be the super slab highways. The super slab would be your best bet. Because you can’t  cut time off  on the back roads. So Long story short, riding terrain is a very important consideration in planning the day’s distance.

Type/Condition of Roads: Paved versus unpaved roads will make a large difference in mileage each day. A 100-mile day ride on an adventure bike on challenging, unpaved roads takes much longer and more energy than riding several hundred miles on pavement. Also, I’ve noticed in the North East locations  where roadways are often in poor condition after severe winters, your average speed on  rough pavement is always slower than on smooth tarmac.

Traffic/Construction Delays: Although my planned tours usually avoid metropolitan areas, construction delays on rural two-lane roads and bridges during the warmer months can put a big dent in a your rate of progress. Although there are web sites that can alert travelers to construction projects, and also GPS units. On my Harley I have the traffic alert it works great as long as it is in the construction system. My experience though on back roads is that many of those construction zones appear with little warning. I remember last summer on a trip out west with Bro Showalter. That we came to a  stop on a two-lane back country road. Can’t remember though if it was in Wyoming or Montana. Where our main flag man was many miles distant, and out of sight, from the other end of the construction zone.We were stopped by a worker. And we waited quite a while for the pilot truck to arrive and guide us at low speed along the single lane of asphalt.  Never experienced that in Ohio. And  then there are vehicular accidents, which can stop all traffic (particularly on rural two-lane roads) for an extended period of time. Also, you should expect heavy traffic around resort areas, particularly on weekends. And around Metropolitan area’s.

Touring & Travel Goals

Reservations: Reserved lodging can be an advantage or also a  disadvantage. The main advantage is that you know you have a place to  stay regardless of the arrival time. This is comforting when unexpected delays cause the ride to take longer than planned at the day’s outset. Occasionally on a tour, because of unforeseen circumstances, you may not want to ride the full distance to the reserved room. This may be caused by severe weather,  traffic or what not.Or maybe you discovered off the beaten path an  interesting place you discovered that you want to spend more time exploring. Reservations may or may not be canceled, unless it’s too late to do so.

Planned and Unplanned Stops: On motorcycle tours, try to plan one or two interesting stops each day, which you can include museums, battlefields, national or state parks, historical sites, etc. A must to get some of those great photo shots. And then there are those unplanned, surprise stops, which make motorcycle touring such a spontaneous and enjoyable way to see the world.

It’s not always places or things that prolong an unplanned stop, but the interesting people you meet along the way. Riding a motorcycle cross-country frequently triggers conversations with curious strangers, which driving in an automobile does not. Best part of conversations with people you meet along your way is. Now you have the opportunity to do some outreach as you are wearing your ASR back patch.

Preferences of Other Riders and Passengers: Riding with others means that their preferences have to be considered in planning the day’s route and distance. Some riders only want to hit the curves for as long and intensely as possible each day. Other riders want a more relaxed ride, stopping to smell the roses, so to speak.  Super slab or back roads? Rather than frustrating one or both sets of folks, a good idea may be to split into two riding groups, taking different routes to the same destination. Or to agree on the route with a mix of highway and back roads in the route so everyone is happy.

By now, you’ve probably reached the unavoidable conclusion that, in reality, there is no one ideal number of miles to cover each day on your tour. It’s  just all  depends on your day and how you fill and your group if your touring in a group. As for me if your riding with me.  All just tell you it’s only a three hour tour 🙂

Michael Theodore

National Road Captain


Membership Dues and Pre-Registration

I want to thank everyone who has already registered for the 2015 Rally. This will definitely make my job easier and allow us to be more prepared at the Rally. The online registration will end on July 1st– cost is $23.00 per person, (includes Rally pin, Saturday snack and lunch), if you have kids that will be attending the lunch it is $7.00 for Teens 12-17 and $5.00 for Children 6-11 .  If you haven’t already registered please do so because after July 1st the registration will be $30.00. I also want to remind you that your dues must be current in order to register.                                                                                                                    Click here to register for the Rally:

This brings me to our next topic. This has been an awesome year for ASR with all the new chapters and members being added but even more spectacular are the members who are renewing their membership. Your dues help us to maintain our supply of items that we use for outreach in the US and Canada as well as other areas.

We were able to supply new converts  with the items they needed to teach and preach the truth. This is what our ministry is about, winning lost souls. We want to continue helping others by giving them the tools they need to bring in the harvest! No one is alone in this ministry! We are a body fitly joined together…..  It goes with the theory: It takes one to (win) reach one to (win) reach one to (win) reach one and so on…….

So If you haven’t paid your dues yet please go online to:                

If you have any online problems or any questions please call me at : 609-742-6539

Thank you to all who support ASR through membership dues, donations to Motorcycles for Missionaries and to the advertising fund!


Lydia Diaz—ASR Treasurer



A Word From Our Chapter Presidents


Southeastern Louisiana, Chapter


Greetings to all in the name of Jesus!

Today I am filled with optimism. I know that everything that we put our hand to accomplish that God is with us. He is well able to make straight our path, heal our bodies and take care of any situation that we are going through.

I just want to encourage you. Do not give up hope; not for those you are witnessing to, not for family members’ salvation, not for situations that seem as though they will never change.

Read John 6:17-21. The disciples were in the dark rowing across the sea. They were toiling all night long with a destination in mind. It was hard work without having land in sight. But the Bible says in verse 21, when Jesus got in the boat, immediately they were at their destination.

We all are working towards the same purpose. Sometimes it’s dark and we do not always see what God is doing in every situation. But I encourage you. Do not be discouraged. Do not stop praying. Do not give up. Continue to pray. As long as God is in control, the answer, the deliverance, the healing and the miracle is on its way.

Rev. Ed Sears

ASR Chapter President, Southeastern Louisiana


A Word From Our Chapter Presidents


Northern Kentucky Chapter

Hello Brothers and Sisters in the precious Name of Jesus Christ!

The past few weeks I have been down. Not depressed but not really full of faith. Sorta feeling alone and out. Then today something a preacher once told me came to my mind. The life of a minister is often full of despair. He cited Elijah, after he slaughtered the profits of Baal and Jezebel had sent for his life. Elijah was terrified of one woman after slaying the 450 profits. But for some reason one terrified him. Elijah struggled in himself even after such a powerful display of God’s might. Even though he felt alone, God showed him that he was in fact not alone and he began to realize that the same God that sent down fire from Heaven had not forgotten him! Even though we may feel down or defeated we are still a servant of the Most High. A child of God and joint-heirs with Christ!

Just as David encouraged himself in the Lord, we must do the same thing. We have to open the Ark of Testimonies and remember all that Jesus has done. Israel had the Ten Commandments, Manna, and the rod that sprouted. We all have our own testimonies of things God has brought us through, prayer, and His Word to encourage ourselves with.

Changing gears here; sand often starts off as rock but it’s rock that couldn’t handle the stresses of life; the wind, the storms, and the waves. Those that build there houses upon this failed rock will not only have have their houses torn down but have the foundation washed away as well. They will utterly have nothing after the storm comes by. Those that build there lives on false doctrines and beliefs find themselves here. Unable to coop with life. But those that build their houses on the Rock, the Corner Stone the builders rejected, the Christ that knows not failure, will always have the Rock to fall on to. Even if your life is torn down like Job’s, we have Christ to run to. I said all that to say this. A minister’s life is often full of despair.

Do not think it strange the fiery trials that are to try you. But remember your heritage and lineage. We are joint-heirs with Christ and we are not forgotten. The same spirit that was in Christ is in us. He may have never know failure but failure will come our way. Be quick to repentance and keep a heart after God’s. The only way the enemy can win is if we surrender and allow him to. I’ve seen the back of the Book and it’s already written that we are The Victorious!

Your fellow servant in Christ,
Bro. Andrew T. Storey
Chapter President,
Northern KY Chapter