A word from our Chaplain

There is an urgency!
One of our ASR families is in need of immediate prayer. They have a 14-year-old girl that is struggling with spirits that are causing her to cut herself & to express herself in very dark ways. This young lady received the Holy Ghost when she was six (6) years old & has a heart that is very sensitive to spiritual things. She lives her Apostolic faith in a difficult public school environment where she is bullied for her faith & because of how she dresses. Although she continues to love God & invite friends to church, she is involved in a strong supernatural battle that threatens her very spiritual existence. She is very talented in art but as she struggles her sketches becomes more & more dark. 
There is an urgency…& on the heels of our first Spiritual Warfare Conference held last week in Louisiana, we are “Armed & Engaged!” 
While this wonderful family enters this time of spiritual warfare for this child, I am calling for all of our members & their families to bind together in prayer & fasting, as if this were our very own young person, & not let them face it alone. Let’s stand in the gap for this young lady. Her eternity may just hinge on our response. 
There are so many other needs and/or similar situations within our organization. So, if your heart is stirred by this family’s plight OR if you know of another pressing need in our ASR family, please join with me on a 3-day prayer & fasting chain next week (Wednesday, November 4th – Friday, November 6th) for deliverance, victory & healing. I have also posted in this month’s publication of Rumblings our current list of prayer requests that we can fast & pray over as well. Also, if you would desire one, we have prayer cloths available that can be anointed, prayed over & sent to you. So, during this unified 3-day venture of prayer & fasting, you can fast one, two or all three days; your choice. But, together, let’s see what the Lord will do!
Please text, call or e-Mail if you intend to be involved.
Be blessed!
Pastor Robert E. Eades
ASR National Chaplain
(502) 750-2174 (mobile – call or text)

Prayer Requests

Here is a list of known prayer requests. While I may not have a lot of details on some of these, the Lord knows all of the needs. Let’s mention their names before the throne.


John Thurik
Robert Thompson
Joyce Knight
Everly May (Joey May’s daughter)
Pastor Joe Jarvis
J. C. Panska
Pete Olson (Kansas City Chapter VP)
Ron & Monica Condon
Cheryl Culver
Victor Diaz (Bro. Diaz’s brother)
Maria & Kayla Diaz (the Diaz’s daughter & granddaughter)
John Oliver (Bro. Cobb’s father-in-law)
&, of course, the Beall family
Thank-you for being faithful in praying for the needs of our members, their families & loved ones.

Please feel free to contact me directly with any prayer needs you may have. Also, if you desire one, we have prayer cloths available that can be anointed, prayed over & sent to you (Acts 19:12).

Be blessed!!

Rev. Robert E. Eades
ASR National Chaplain
(502) 750-2174 (mobile – call or text)


Greetings From The National Vice President

Just a Quick reminder that I am always here if anyone needs anything. I’m just a phone call or message away. I am exited about everything going on with The Azusa Streetriders these days. I am looking forward to watching this ministry continue to grow.

With that said I want to take the time to remind all of you that just because the riding season is near over or at least slowing down, our ministry is not. This is an excellent time of the year for making connections, developing relationships and helping those in need during all of the upcoming holidays. Licensed or not every member of ASR is a minister of the gospel. Let’s show the world what it truly means to be apostolic.

Let’s take this time off from riding that is coming near, and find a place to get involved. Whether it be teaching home Bible studies working in a food pantry or food kitchen or just flat out every day witnessing. Remember this Thanksgiving and Christmas there are many who will go without unless we show them the love of Christ. It’s simply starts by inviting them to church and loving them.

Hope to see you all soon.
Rev. Jim Curley
National Vice President
Azusa StreetRiders

A Word From Our Chapter Presidents

Greetings from the Sikeston, MO chapter of Azusa StreetRiders:

Just wanted to update everyone about the August 29th event we co-hosted with Pure Freedom Motorcycle Ministries. It was a awesome day! We had approximately 45 bikes and 100 guests attend. We had a ride in the morning, a “blessing of the bikes,” games in the afternoon and a band from Cape Rock-N-Roll Church played music. Lots of venders, free food and tons of prizes were given out. Thanks to the many local business for sponsorship and donating prizes.

The evening concluded with a testimony and the preached Word from Reverend Elliot of Illinois, a founding member and formerly of Satan’s Choice M/C of Canada. He is now an Apostolic minister.

We want to thank Pure Freedom Motorcycle Ministries, Bro. David Cobb (ASR Missouri coordinator), and the members of MOKAN Azusa StreetRiders for helping us represent Azusa StreetRiders and our churches well in our community. Special thanks to all members of Christian Tabernacle and Sikeston First Assembly for the countless hours that went into preparation for this event. Plans are under way to make it even bigger and better next year. God bless…

Ken Vaughn 


Sikeston Chapter of Azusa StreetRiders

Touring Tip: Five Common Sources of Motorcycle Accidents & Strategies For Avoiding Them


Defensive Riding Techniques –

  1. ONCOMING, LEFT TURNING VEHICLE: This is probably the most common cause of motorcycle accidents. The driver of an oncoming vehicle doesn’t see a motorcyclist and makes a quick left turn directly in the rider’s path, leaving little or no time to avoid hitting the car.
    -Avoidance Strategy: First, it’s always helpful for riders and their bikes to be as conspicuous as possible, which is helped by auxiliary lights ride with your high beam on and high visibility riding gear. Second, look for indications that the oncoming driver may not see you: no eye contact, hands turning the steering wheel, or movement of left front wheel or just plain out on their phone. Third, ride at a safe speed in traffic congested areas, because higher speed equals longer stopping distances. Some riders, however, slow to a crawl when they see a left turning vehicle, but this is an invitation for that driver to turn in front of you! I always move to the farthest part left in my lane makes me a little more visible and gives me more room in case I need to make a fast move. I always have eye contact on that driver. And it is also a great time to use your horn let them know you are there.
  2. ANIMALS IN THE ROAD: I’ve personally experienced running into and over some ground hogs to other rodents in the road. Besides an owl and Vulture. I have the scratch marks on my helmet from that big Vulture. And it doesn’t necessarily take a large critter to take a two-wheeler down.
    -Avoidance Strategy: Constantly scan the road and surrounding terrain ahead for animals, particularly when undergrowth and trees are close to the pavement. Also, those “deer warning signs” are usually present for a reason. Be especially alert when riding in the early morning or evening, when animals are the most active. Adjust your speed and cover clutch and brake levers in high-risk areas so emergency stopping distances are appropriate for those conditions. And, of course, it never hurts to periodically practice emergency stops and swerves in a parking lot.
  3. GRAVEL ON BLIND CURVES: Riding through gravel with the bike leaned over at speed is almost certain to result in a crash. The situation worsens if the sliding motorcycle and rider cross the yellow line into the path of an oncoming vehicle—crunch!
    -Avoidance Strategy: Gravel on roadways is more likely after heavy rains, near construction sites, and at gravel driveways in rural areas. If riders assume there will be gravel around a blind curve, they are more likely to adjust their entry speed accordingly. It’s also possible to use some light braking in a curve, even with the bike leaned over, especially if the motorcycle has anti lock brakes. But the best technique is usually to avoid the gravel, stand the bike up, and apply maximum braking. Maximizing sight lines is also an important strategy for avoiding all types of hazards on blind curves.
  4. CARS CHANGING LANES: At on ramps or while riding on crowded multi-lane urban roads, an adjacent motorist may suddenly pull directly into your path, leaving little or no time for evasive action.
    -Avoidance Strategy: Rule number one is to stay out of the blind spots of other drivers. It’s also important to maximize the space cushion between the rider and other vehicles. Rush hour traffic on multi-lane highways presents the highest risk for other vehicles changing lanes into a rider. If riding at this time can’t be avoided, I’ve found the best strategy is riding in the far left lane so traffic on only the right side must be monitored.
  5. EXCESSIVE SPEED IN A CURVE: A rider suddenly realizes mid-curve that the turn is tighter than expected ( a decreasing radius curve) and panics. Instead of increasing the bike’s lean angle, the rider stops looking through the curve, stiffens his or her arms, and goes straight off the roadway. This often results in the motorcyclist crashing into a stationary object (guardrail, tree, building, etc.) or flying off their bike or road.
    -Avoidance Strategy: Pay attention to that little voice in your head when it says, “I’m riding above my skill level.” Of course, the easiest way to avoid crashing on a curve is to do what’s taught in the basic MSF course: slow the bike before entering a curve and accelerate out of it. Even a highly skilled rider always should keep some of his bike’s lean angle in reserve in case it’s needed. Remember it is ok to scrap you pegs/running boards.

Safe riding practices help motorcyclists avoid accidents and bodily injury, and they also build rider confidence and enjoyment.

Michael Theodore

National Road Captain


Adjusting Your Riding Style


Dragon slaying 1


Adjusting Your Riding Style

When changing the style of motorcycle you are riding, what is the most important adjustment to make? Should your riding style change?
A rider needs to make adjustments anytime he or she straddles an unfamiliar motorcycle, even for one in the same category.
The adjustments relate to such factors as the bike’s riding position (seat height and relationship between seat, footrests, and handlebars),dimensional characteristics (weight,wheelbase,steering head angle, center of gravity, tire size and tire profile), responsiveness of controls (throttle,clutch friction zone and brake pressure), and power – to – weight ratio.
Sport bikes are at one end of the spectrum, with lighter weight, shorter wheelbases, steering head angles closer to vertical, and quicker – revving engines, and they generally provide higher levels of responsiveness to throttle, brake, and handlebar input. This means you may need to be softer with your inputs until you have accumulated some miles manipulating the controls.
Safety tip: While in neutral, get a feel for how much throttle twist is needed to raise engine speed.
Comfort tip: Avoid supporting all your weight on your wrists and engage your core abdominal and back muscles instead. Keep your head and eyes up to help fight fatigue and improve visual assessment of the riding environment.
Larger cruiser models are at the other end of the spectrum, due to their heavier weight, longer wheelbases, steering head angles farther from vertical, and slower revving engines. They typically provide greater straight – line stability with more steering effort required for directional changes.
Safety tip: Consider the turning radius for slow. tight turns and U – turns.
Giving you an extra free tip here. Learning how to feather your clutch on any bike you will then be able to do any slow tight turn with ease.
Comfort tip: You might need time to get accustomed to the leaned – back, feet forward, arms – raised position.
Adventure – type bikes are fairly close to their standard/naked cousins in terms of riding style, but with your knees more forward and your mid – section closer to the fuel tank. This position brings your elbows up for quicker control and helps when transferring weight to the footrests in counter – weighted turns in the dirt or on tight roads.
Bottom line: Take your time to become familiar with a different bike. You want your control operation to be solid so you and your bike can bond for a safe, comfortable time together.
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain



A Word From Our Chapter Presidents

The North Jersey Chapter of ASR just ended “Roar to the Shore” in Wildwood, N.J. The dates were September 11, 12 and 13. We set up a booth and witnessed to bikers all day Friday and Saturday and on Sunday church was held at 10am. The following people made this happen: From South Jersey we had Vice President Jimmy Boyle; International Vice President Jim Curley and his wonderful wife Sister Liz Curley; International Secretary Lydia Diaz and her husband Brother Extor Diaz. Our goal is to have a food truck next year and sell food along with our booth. We have been doing this outreach for about six years and would like to continue for many more years. Please pray for this outreach as we had good responses this year. This was the first year that a church service was held at the booth. Pray for an even better turnout next year.
Thank You
Robert Klages (Pres. North Jersey ASR)

Busy Summer

Ashtabula ASR LOGO

It has been a real busy summer for me with our chapter and with out with outreach.
We have been busy riding to many different places and events here in NE Ohio to ASR events and non ASR events.  I didn’t post last month in the newsletter ok I am hearing those cheers LOL. So glad many more members took the time to write last month. So please keep it up so I don’t bore everyone with my newsletter  post. Because you all know I could fill up a full magazine with my on and on articles hint hint LOL.
Ok all start with back in July we held our 6th Annual Biker Sunday in Memory of Michael T Theodore JR. What a huge success we started of the weekend  with our meet & greet on Friday. Then on Saturday was our outreach ride. Once again it was all worth it because we had someone show up on Sunday do to Saturdays outreach. On Sunday was our Biker Sunday with the  Michael T Theodore JR. pavilion dedecation service and food followed by a ride. We had one person get baptized praise God. Thank you to all ASR members who joined us on our special day. We were able to raise our funds for motorcycles for missionaries. I am working on something different for next year.
The ASR National Rally what can I say. It is always a wonderful time of fellowship,riding and great church service. Just an awesome time I am glad I got to meet a lot of new members. 
On to Rally On the River in Ironton, Ohio. I love riding to this event to help out Bro Curley and the Ashland, KY chapter with outreach. I tired to get as many Ohio members to ride down but seemed  that weekend everyone had something going on. So I got a hold of some members from a church that I had went there to try to recruit members. Thought what better way for them to find out what ASR is about. I was happy when two of them said yes they would like to ride down with me. They got a first hand view of seeing what we do hopefully in time they will send in their ASR applications.
I have to share this with all of you because it made my day and shows you that outreach works and makes a huge impact. A few days after the Ironton rally I rode over to my Harley shop to spend one of my gift cards. As I was walking around I noticed a guy with this years Ironton event shirt on. No way so me being well me. I had to walk over to him and talk to him. I asked him if he went to the rally or if someone bought the shirt for him. He said he rode down on Saturday. I said no way so did I. I then turned around and said did you see us showing him my ASR patch on my vest. He said yes I saw you guys praying in a group. I then asked him did he come over to us. He then pulls out of his wallet a card and he gave it to me to look at. Thank you bro Curley it was your card he had in his wallet. In the course of the day Bro Curley stopped to talk to this man. He goes on to tell me That this nice gentleman pointing to the card asked him to a church service but he told bro Curley he was heading back home. Praise God the man did take that card though. This made my day as I talked to him in the HD shop for about 45 minutes. We exchanged numbers I invited him to church which he has not come yet. But will keep following up with that. I asked him to join our chapter on a lunch ride coming up in October.
September I rode down to Pikeville, KY for their Biker Sunday what an amazing time in service we had I might have the numbers wrong but I think there was 3 people receive the holy ghost and 3 people baptized and one person got renewed praise God. Bro Curley was the guest speaker and he gave us a wonderful word form the Lord. Thank you Bro West and your church what a wonderful time. Looking forward to next years event.
No sooner I get home we have to get ready for the huge bike event here up on Lake Erie. Thunder on the Strip at Geneva on the lake. This is a huge biker town right on the shores of lake Erie. This year the city of Geneva wanted to try something new and add another event to the huge bike event to get even more people to come to Geneva and Geneva on the lake instead of just bikers. The City and organizers for another festival called my pastor and asked if we would be a sponsor a silent sponsor. The Festival which is called Bacon & Beer Festival. Yes I know what your thinking and saying. But outreach is outreach correct. The plan was to set up an ASR Booth and church booth at this festival. But the city  decided to wait till next year in 2016 to add this. My guess is they proboly didn’t have enough vendors in such a short time. When time gets closer I will ask all Ohio members to help join us at this event.
Since that festival was a no we headed up to Thunder On the Strip for the weekend. This year the weather was not nice to us up on the lake. It was cold windy and off and on rain all weekend. We stopped by the Bikers for Christ booth and hung out with them for a while. Really just to stay dry LOL Did I say that out loud. Their group just stayed in the tent at the booth and never walked around. I’m sorry but If your waiting for people to come to you your going have a long wait. Get up and go to them. But I give them credit they were there with a booth.
With the weather not nice the attendance was way down usually the event sees well over 3,000 bikers this year about 1,000. Looking forward to next years Thunder on the strip with the bacon & beer festival.
October is here and our chapter has two more dinner/lunch rides and there are two events that I just added that I would like to go to. Guess its good to be busy.
Hope everyone had a great summer and are still enjoying getting on your bikes and getting a chance to ride somewhere.
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain
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