Looking forward to this first biker Sunday and a mighty move of God. Looking forward to the ASR fellowship. Pastor David Showalter from Omaha Nebraska is the guest speaker. Looking forward to what God has for southern Ohio. Hope to see you in New Straitsville, Ohio. Southern Ohio has some great motorcycle roads to ride.
2016 AZUSA StreetRiders National Rally
The board of Azusa StreetRiders is now accepting nominations for the upcoming elections for National Vice-President and Secretary.
Please see below for the links for the nominations. In addition, the board is asking that you read the article about the rally and board member responsibilities.
Click here for Nominating Ballot for ASR Vice-President
Click here for Nominating Ballot for ASR Secretary
2016 AZUSA StreetRiders National Rally, Cameron, MO
Well, this year’s National Rally is just around the corner. August 3 is quickly approaching, and I know everyone is excited about heading to Cameron, MO for fellowship, food, and fun — and does the hosting Azusa StreetRiders chapter there have a treat for all those attending! Did I mention food? We’re starting with the traditional meet-and-greet at the church on Wednesday, so we all can get to know each other. Then Thursday, after breakfast, heading into Kansas City and touring the Harley-Davidson manufacturing plant, and for those Non-Harley folks, Sis Lydia will be hosting her world renowned “Safety Riding Seminar” at the church. A fine dinner has been planned for late afternoon, and after feeding our physical bodies we will be feasting again with Bro Peter Grey, missionary to Haiti, as he ministers the Word of God at our “Motorcycles for Missionaries” service.
After a good night’s sleep, Friday starts with breakfast (I know we keep mentioning food), and then we’re in for a real treat. We will be touring Amish country roads and farms along with some Missouri backroads. We plan to stop for lunch at an authentic Amish restaurant, then continue our adventure across the planes of the Midwest. We will return for another fine dinner (I won’t say a word), then gear up for a night of revival with Bro. Doug White. Now, if you haven’t heard Bro. Doug White preach, you need to hang onto your helmets and buckle your boots, because things are about to happen. We all need to be praying for lost souls all along, but especially for Friday night’s service.
Saturday morning will be started with coffee and donuts at the church for our annual membership meeting and elections. The board wanted to express something before the nominations started coming in. The board encourages everyone interested in the upcoming positions to be nominated; however a word is in order that no one is caught unawares. Be certain any board position is much more than just wearing the badge, slapping backs and handing out ministry cards.
To be a board member is an honor to be able to serve the people of this ministry. However, it’s hard work and involves personal sacrifice. Now before you discard this statement, please understand any position on the board requires a lot of effort on your part. Much time is spent in meetings, planning sessions, events, rides, and then there are the national conferences. You should be prepared, if you are still employed elsewhere, to be able to take off some work to be involved in these different events. Not only is there time away from your work and family, but sometimes the travel distances can be long. As a board member, it’s part of your job description to be involved, and that sounds easier than you think, especially if you have children.
In addition there are personal expenses involved. Perhaps you’re retired and might have little or no time restrictions; that’s great. However, board members are not reimbursed for any travel expenses, even those involving board business. No board member receives any compensation for the duties they perform. In addition, out-of-pocket expenses are the responsibility of each individual board member. The problem is at these different events, as a board member, you will or should find yourself involved in many more events than you currently do. In addition, at national conferences, which involve several days, the cost can be considerable.
In conclusion, please understand this is not an attempt to discourage anyone. If you have prayed and feel led of the Lord, then please throw your name into the hat. The only measure here is that we want, as a board, to give insight into what these positions entail. We don’t want for someone who is elected to then feel misinformed about of the requirements of the position, which benefits no one and will only frustrate the situation. However, if you feel confident this is not a burden, then please have someone nominate you for an open position currently up for election, and may God bless and keep you always.
The Way Wherein I Should Walk – Part II
In this video we continue looking at what scripture says about the way we should walk.
The Way Wherein I Should Walk – Part I
Have you questioned what God’s will is for your life? Let’s take a look at what scripture says about the way we should walk.
2016 Back to the Basics
Praise the Lord Azusa StreetRiders,
We are in the 5th month of 2016 already, we are seeing awesome growth already this year. In the last week of April we added three new chapters, one in New Philadelphia Ohio with 8 new members , one in Evansville Indiana, with 5 new members and one in Ball Louisiana with 8 members. God is Blessing us!!
I’m trusting that the Lord is not done with the revival He has sent us this year, but we must do our part. Lets bind together in prayer and keep on sharing the Gospel. 2016 can be our greatest year to date!!
Jesus is coming soon, lets not give up on reaching souls till He calls us home. God placed each of us in this ministry for a reason and that is to reach the lost! It’s not about bikes, riding or what organization we belong too, the Azusa StreetRiders is about JESUS!
Back to the basics in 2016 should be our mind set: Prayer, fasting, reading His Word and apostolic worship should be included in our activities.
In three months, we will be gathering for our 2016 National Rally and the excitement is building! The Lord has blessed us greatly each year, with a great time of fellowship, new friends and most of all ,His presents. You will not want to miss this years Rally!
At our National business meeting we will be having some elections, so please try to attend. The two offices will be Secretary, currently held by Bro. Robert Thompson and Vice President, currently held by Bro. Jim Curley
Each of these positions are National Board positions and need to be considered carefully and with prayer. These positions are very important and take dedication of personal time and sometimes personal funds, due to travel. All qualifying members are eligible to nominate someone or hold office. We will be posting qualifications on the website for each position.
The Cameron Missouri Chapter has put together some nice rides for us this year and on Thursday Aug. 4th 2016 during our ride we will be visiting the Harley Davidson Factory in KC. for a tour of the plant.
Vicky and I will be visiting the Cameron chapter in May and we are looking forward to seeing y’all at the rally August 4 – 7 2016
I appreciate all you do for the Lord
Rev. Anthony Storey
Azusa StreetRiders National President
The Dirt on Riding Un Paved Roads.
Sword Run (Clarksburg, WV) promos: videos, poster, sponsor form, info
4th Annual Bind The Strongman March 2016
On March 4th and 5th 2016 the Azusa StreetRiders held their 4th Annual Bind The Strongman all night prayer service., in Cincinnati Ohio.
Bind The Strongman is the Azusa StreetRiders kick off event for the year and God Blesses us each year.
We had approximately 50 in attendance, as we prayed and worshiped through the night. The Holy Ghost was in the house, many were touched by God this year.
We were treated to an awesome service in the morning when Bro. Joel Urshan preached a message from the Lord. I have attached a recording for the message for your enjoyment.
I look forward to next years Bind the Strongman prayer service.
God Bless
Rev. Anthony Storey
Azusa StreetRiders
National President
6 Riding Tips for Dealing With Tailgaters
You can not change some drivers’ attitudes, but you can protect yourself. Here’s how.
Guess what? It’s finally here.
You guessed it. Riding season it’s finally here. While working last night I could not stop thinking about how excited I am about riding season finally being here. What does this mean? It means lots of opportunities for all of us that ride. I’m talking about opportunities to tell people about Jesus. I hear people saying that they find it hard to talk to people about Jesus. It really is simple. Here are a few ideas to get us started for the year.
Always wear your back patch. I have a simple rule that I have set for myself. If I get on my bike I put on my back patch. Its that easy.
Here is the way that this works. If I’m wearing my back patch,people can see it. If I’m not they can’t. Make yourself visible.
Have a flyer for an upcoming ASR event or a ASR business card with you at all times. Something to help break the ice and open up a conversation. Starting a conversation is not hard. Here is how I usually start the conversation.
When I pull into a gas station and see a motorcycle I always start a conversation with that person. I do not walk up to them and start immediately pushing Jesus, church or religion on them, I simply say something like this:
What an awesome day for a ride. Or I love your bike, that is one sweet ride. I tell them my name and shake their hand and then never leave without giving them an invite of some kind. I usually just hand them a flyer or a business card and tell them I am part of Azusa streetRiders and we have a ride this weekend and that we would love to have them join us. If there is no ride coming up I simply hand them my card or info and say we have rides all the time if you ever want to join us give us a call.
I usually like to throw into the conversation that I belong to a biker friendly church and we would love to have them visit us sometime. You will be surprised how many will take you up on this offer.
It really is that simple. The last days are here. We cannot miss an opportunity.
Hope this helps. We have work to do this riding season and that time of year is finally here.
Jesus is coming back soon, so let’s get busy.
Rev. Jim Curley
National Vice President
Azusa StreetRiders