Tips for Low-Speed Riding
Keep The Contact Patch Between The Lines
Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ ~ Official Site
Tips for Low-Speed Riding
All-terrain vehicles and other four wheel utility vehicles can now legally operate on gravel roads in Des Moines County, Iowa. The county began considering the move after receiving petitions containing more than 1,000 signatures. ATV’S and UTV’S also will be allowed on paved roads to get from one gravel road to the another. Among the restrictions reported by Tri-States Public Radio: ATV use is prohibited between 10 pm and 4 am. Vehicle operators must be 18 or older and have a valid drivers license; vehicles can not be three-wheelers; vehicles may not be driven in ditches; maximum speed is 35mph; passengers are prohibited. Those wishing to operate an ATV on a county road must buy an annual $25 permit.
Waymo, the self-driving vehicle unit of Alphabet, has obtained permission to test fully automated cars on California’s public roads. The company, the first to receive a driverless permit in the state,plans to keep it’s vehicles in the neighborhoods of Mountain View, Sunnyvale. Los Altos, Los Altos Hills and Palo Alto, according to a report by Waymo’s permit includes day and night testing on city streets, rural roads, and highways with posted speed limits of up to 65 mph. Arizona also allows Waymo to operate driverless cars.
Lets hope that they have high tech sensors to see motorcycles.
March 1 Bind The Strong Man Myrtle Beach, SC
5th Annual Azusa StreetRiders Daytona Beach Bike Week Outreach
March 14-17
I want to invite as many that can possible make the 5th Annual Azusa StreetRiders Daytona Beach Bike Week Home Missionary
Outreach Event.
This event is to be held Saturday March 16th at
The Pentecostals of Daytona Beach
1011 W. International Speedway Blvd
Daytona Beach, FL
Pastor Luis Rodriguez
We will host a BBQ, Free Bike Wash, Singing & Worship, Evangelistic Service and Great Fellowship. The main event will be held March 16th located right on International Speedway Blvd 1 mile from the Daytona Speedway race track.
Allow me to state for the record; There are a lot of things at Daytona Bike Week that we will not involve ourselves in. I have to believe that jesus Christ can reach a lost soul even under these circumstances. I know this this atmosphere may not be what some may consider conducive for reaching the lost I disagree. This is one of our mission fields so and I again encourage all those that possible can come be apart of this great event to please do so, in addition we can show support for a Home Missionary in the midst of it all.
We have accommodations of sorts so do not be discouraged by the high prices of hotels.
Central Louisiana Chapter Bike & Car Show
March 30 at 8:AM Ball, Louisiana
March 31 at 10 AM
Host Church The Pentecostals of Bossier City, Louisiana
National Road Captain
Life seems to be so difficult to understand at times! It seems like all is going along so great and then WHAM! all hell breaks loose and you are in the fight of your life! I don’t know about you or your lives but mine has always seemed like a roller coaster and not the kiddie kind if you know what I mean!?! How do we get through the trials and disasters that come our way? How do we keep our chins up? How do we get to Heaven if is seems like all we live in is hell??
Well suffice it to say……I have no idea!! lol I do however have an idea on the mindset required to get through the issues and get to our promise!! A long time ago, when my bones weren’t as brittle and my brain wasn’t as developed, I broke, trained, and rode a few horses both on our ranch and rodeo. I had a wise old cowboy (Pawpaw) tell me after a little go round and mix up on a frisky critter that called itself a horse that sometimes you ride the horse and sometimes the horse rides you! Wonderful words to hear while dusting your seat off on the ground! (and almost hard to hear them though the laughter!)
I took a ride the other day with another ASR member and a mutual friend. I tried to tell them that they should pick the route. They did not listen and I punched in a route app that asked me if I wanted to avoid highways. I obviously checked YES!! Well, a few miles down the road, we found ourselves on a clay freshly graded road in Mississippi with mud about a foot deep. With a total of 5 falls between us and motorcycles that looked like dirt bikes after a weekend of fun, we finally spotted pavement ahead and went to find a car wash! AS I passed a Jeep going the other way laughing at such a odd sight, I told him through the window that a Jeep was cheating! What a day! Bikes seemed to be riding us more than we rode them. Thankfully no one was hurt and bikes lived to ride again.
How many times have we found ourselves on life muddy road and cant seem to get where we are going since we keep falling off our bikes? People laughing at our calamity and wondering why we are doing what we are doing? I can tell you that during these times, we may be in the dirt more than we are on the bikes, but the pavement is coming!! The road will get better and there will be a car wash around the corner to get cleaned back up!
I wish we didn’t have to go through some things but life is still life. We still have to get up every day and get to work in the kingdom. He didn’t promise us every day would be wonderful but he did promise us he would never leave us or forsake us! He would never put more on us than we can bear! We may sometimes choose the wrong road but he even keeps us safe and will provide a way out if necessary. Jesus love us enough to even overlook our zealous attitudes and let us avoid the highway at times.
I may not know how to avoid the muddy roads of our lives but I do know who helps go down them! If you are in the midst of a disaster, keep your chin up. You may be under the bike now, but there’s pavement coming! Jesus helps us to look back and maybe even find some humor. You should have seen us pitiful looking bikers!
Keep the wheels down and your spirits flying high!
God Bless!!
Feb 21 – 23, 2019
First Cathedral Church
Bloomfield, CT
We will be setting up a ASR Booth at this event.
A very special welcome for our first ever chapter in Bangkok, Thailand
Bro Bonifacio & Sis Julie Kebasen
Nonthaburi, Thailand
Bangkok International United Pentecostal Church
Rev Robert Frizzell
Bro Stephen & Sis Devine Clarito
Sam Phran, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Bangkok International United Pentecostal Church
Rev Robert Frizzell
Bro Steve & Ana Kebasen
Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok International United Pentecostal Church
Rev Robert Frizzell
Rev Archie & Sister Angela Beavers
Jacksonville, IL
Harvest Temple Church
Rev Archie Beavers
Jacksonville, IL
Bro Randy & Sis Lisa Beghtol
Arenzville, IL
Harvest Temple Church
Rev Archie Beavers
Jacksonville, IL
Bro Austin Seaton
Roadhouse, IL
Harvest Temple Church
Rev Archie Beavers
Jacksonville, IL
Bro Sterling & Sis Tracey Seaton
Roadhouse, IL
Harvest Temple Church
Rev Archie Beavers
Jacksonville, IL
Bro Lee & Sis Shane
Sevierville, TN
First Apostolic Church
Rev Kenny Carpenter
Maryville, TN
It is that time to copy or print or mark in your calendars our ASR events for 2019
We will be adding to this list as new ASR events come in and are scheduled.
March 1-2: Bind The Strong Man; Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
March 14-17: Daytona Beach Bike Week; Daytona, Florida
March 30: Bike & Car Show, Host is Central Louisiana Chapter; Ball, Louisiana
March 31: Biker Sunday, Host North West Louisiana Chapter and The Pentecostals of Bossier City; Bossier City, Louisiana
May 5: 1st Annual Cortland, New York Biker Sunday and Bike Blessing; Cortland, NY
May 11: 7th Annual Sword Run; Clarksburg, WV
May 25-26: Rolling Thunder; Washington, DC (This will be the last Rolling Thunder)
June 8: Cruise In & Ride; Jacksonville, Illinois
June 9: New Straightsville, Ohio Biker Sunday, Hocking Hills Chapter; New Straightsville, OH
July 7: 10th Annual Biker Sunday in Memory of Michael T. Theodore Jr., Ashtabula Chapter; Jefferson, Ohio
July 31 – August 3: ASR National Rally; Maryville, TN
Sept 11-14: Azusa StreetRiders 2nd Annual Fall Retreat; Galveston, Texas
Sept 21-22: 2nd Annual Biker Sunday; Clendenin, WV
Sept 23-28: UPCI General Conference; Indianapolis, Indiana
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain
Sincere Christians who have studied the scriptures understand the importance of prayer and fasting. Our awareness of God can dim over time as we stuff ourselves with the cares of life. Fasting calls us to refuse our fleshly appetites and eat only on the pleasures of the Word of God.
There is a spiritual excitement and joy in God that far exceeds the pleasure of this world. Once we “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8), we are no longer slaves to our fleshly desires. When we commune with the One our soul longs for during prayer and fasting our faith in God increases as well as our desire for Him.
Fasting reveals our deepest need for God and the joy and pleasure we find in Him. It also reveals what we are slaves to and the strongholds we need to repent of and tear down. Make a list of the things that separate you emotionally, spiritually, physically, socially, intellectually, and/or occupationally. How do these 6 dimensions interfere with your fellowship with Christ? Paul said, “all things are lawful but not profitable.”
During fasting our minds quite down so that we can hear the still small voice of God above the chatter of worldly desires. Fasting creates an atmosphere of Faith in God for self-revival. Our desire for others to know of God’s goodness rises to the forefront of our minds.
What are the strongholds affecting your life? What steals your time from prayer, fasting, reading the Word, fellowship with God and outreach? By allowing a stronghold to become a part of your life, you have made an agreement with the enemy to set up his fortress under your roof. Sometimes prayer alone is not sufficient to remove a stronghold. You certainly can’t fast a stronghold for a few days, return right back to it and expect to have power with God. They are so deeply rooted that you need prayer and fasting to pluck them up and cast them off.
Fasting and Prayer prepares us to have joy through suffering. We understand that when we walk through terrible things, we don’t lose joy in Christ, for in His presence is fullness of joy. It is only when we have completely died to self that the power of Christ is fully manifested.
Through fasting and prayer we can we find the same deep confidence and contentment in Christ that carried Him to the cross. Through His strength we can face any trial or hardship.
Our church, Christian Life Center of Myrtle Beach, will begin the Daniel Fast February 3rd and end on Saturday of “Bind The Strong Man.” We ask that all join us at some point during the month in fasting and prayer for this service.
Fred and I are so excited for all who are able to attend “Bind The Strong Man.” Anyone who has ever heard Bro. Hurt speak knows how rich and life-changing this service is going to be.
I want to personally invite as many that can possible make the 3rd Annual Azusa StreetRiders Daytona Beach Bike Week Home Missionary Outreach Event. This event is to be held at
The Pentecostals of Daytona Beach
1011 W. International Speedway Blvd
Daytona Beach, FL
Pastor Luis Rodriguez
We will host a BBQ, Free Bike Wash, Singing & Worship, Evangelistic Service and Great Fellowship. The main event will be held March 16th located right on International Speedway Blvd 1 mile from the Daytona Speedway race track.
Allow me to state for the record; There are a lot of things at Daytona Bike Week that we will not involve ourselves in. I have to believe that jesus Christ can reach a lost soul even under these circumstances. I know this this atmosphere may not be what some may consider conducive for reaching the lost I disagree. This is one of our mission fields so and I again encourage all those that possible can come be apart of this great event to please do so, in addition we can show support for a Home Missionary in the midst of it all.
We have accommodations of sorts so do not be discouraged by the high prices of hotels etc
Feel free to contact Bro Thompson for more details.