Gift Of Healings

1 Corinthians 12:28-31, “And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles? Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.”

I feel led to focus us on the portion of “gifts of healings” this month.

Several years ago, I ask one of my Bible College brothers the question of “Why didn’t our Bible College faculty discuss with us more about our gifting?” This question stemmed from my own heart searching that led to asking what is my gifting. I was almost 50yrs old and was re-considering what my gifting was.

I’ve heard verse 31 quoted many times, implying that we are to “covet earnestly the best gifts…” but we seem to stop there and do not quote “yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.” As I pondered this gifting situation, I was challenged with Paul writing to the church in Corinth about the coveting of certain gifts. In his letter to the Corinthians he transitions from speaking about a gifting being from the selfsame Spirit (1 Cor 12:7-13) and all working for the church body as a whole. We have a chapter break from chapter 12 and moving into chapter 13, but in his letter there were no breaks. So, his statement in chapter 12, and verse 31, simply leads into chapter 13 which is the “love chapter”. Without Charity all is for naught! No matter what our gifting, if it doesn’t stand firm on the foundation of love, then all ministry through our gifting is lost.

Gifts of Healings. The word translated as “healings” also can mean, cure or make whole. A gifting to bring wholeness to the body of Christ. James 5:14-15 tells us that if there are any sick among you, call for the elders of the church and they will pray the pray of faith and save the sick. If the gift of healings is listed behind “miracles”, as stated in our subject text, it quite possibly is more than just laying hands on the sick and seeing them healed of physical sickness.

Jesus healed ten lepers and one came back and worshipped him and in doing so, that one was not only healed of leprosy but he was made whole. He was made complete. That one was restored. There was an outward and inward healing that was complete! The other nine still held onto scars that told the horrifying story that they were lepers. But, this one fell at the feet of Jesus and worshipped him and was made as though he never were a leper.

With that said, I’m compelled to reach for my fellow ASR members, and especially to those called as Chaplains and Pastors…those that have stepped into the realm of ministry to people. Not everyone has the gift of healings. Not everyone has a gift to cure and make whole. But, may I challenge us today to accept the gifting from the same Spirit that called us into various administrations of ministry, that we accept and strive to heal. To heal the broken hearted, and to set at liberty the captive. To go beyond the superficial or cosmetic changes of mankind…but for those who come back and worship…those that fall at the feet of Jesus, then we, through the power of the Holy Ghost, can make whole.

This gift of healings goes far beyond the laying on of hands, but it is “hands on”. Its seeking to restore a fallen brother or sister. Its a heart (gifting) that says, I’m not just settling for the miracle of salvation alone, but to press in the spirit realm until we have brought emotional, mental, and spiritual healing to all.

Oh how the church needs more of those who will go beyond the doors of religious pious where we make the outside clean, but, where we go into the hidden rooms of the heart and make a soul complete. To have a burden to heal to the uttermost. To cure, healing all aspects of a believer’s life, to seek to make them complete in Christ Jesus our Lord. To make them Whole.

It is a gifting that few will strive for….the Gift of Healings is for those that love.

Mark A Hardin
ASR International Chaplain


As the holiday season is upon us we want to be a blessing to others as the Lord has blessed us. I know we collect our motorcycles for missionaries offering at the National Rally but what if we gave a little bit extra to our missionaries during this time of giving? Think about the blessing it would be to have enough funds to purchase a motorcycle before the National Rally? If every member would donate 10.00 (that’s about the cost of 1 lunch or a couple cups of coffee) we would have a portion of the goal amount of 20,000 for 2020. Here are some pictures of past recipients of our motorcycles.  We are a part of spreading the gospel around the world when we give to support our missionaries as they ride into the back roads and villages that can only be reached by foot or by the motorcycles we donate. Donations can be given by card at or by sending a check to Azusa StreetRiders P.O. Box 188 Warren, OH 44482.
Thank you and may the Lord bless you,
Sis Laureen Theodore
ASR International Treasurer

Newest & Returning Members

Let’s Welcome all our newest and returning members to the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry

Bro James Frierson
Covington, GA
Pastor Talmadge French, Dr
Apostolic Tabernacle, Jonesboro, GA

Pastor Mike & Sis Vickie Powell
Pastors the Sanctuary Apostolic Fellowship For Everyone,
Diana, TX

Bro Gerald Varnell & Sis Donna Vanell (Evangelist)
Minden, LA
Pastor Mike Powell
Sanctuary Apostolic Fellowship For Everyone,
Diana, TX

Pastor David Bethel
Mineola, TX
Pastors the New Life Church,
Mineola, TX

Bro David  & Sis Anga Bayer
Evansville, IN
Pastor James Maroney
Abundant Faith UPC Church
Evansville, IN

Returning Members:
It’s good to see Pastor Mark & Sis Jane Cottrill  back with the Azusa Street Ministry. They had taken a leave of absence for awhile but are now reactivated and doing a work in Bourbon, IN

Pastor Mrk & Sis Jane Cottrill
Bourbon, IN
Pastros the United Pentecostal Church of Bourbon
Bourbon, IN

Ten Simple Steps to Winterize Your Motorcycle

I have posted this article on winterizing a bike the last few years here. Hope it still helps someone.

1) Surface Prep

Washing your bike when nobody will see it for a few months anyway can be a drag, but giving your bike a thorough cleaning before storage is important When you let bug guts or water spots or dirt spots sit on your paint over the winter can corrode the finish permanently. Wash your bike and dry it completely to get all the moisture off the surfaces. You can use an electric or gas leaf blower  to get all the nooks and crannies completely dry.
Add a coat of wax, which will act as a barrier against moisture and rust. Finally, spray exposed metal surface with WD-40 to displace all moisture (fun fact: the WD in “WD-40” stands for water displacement) and to give them a protective coating against corrosion.

2) Change Oil and Filter

Change your oil and filter. It’s better for your lubrication system to have fresh oil sitting in it for several months than to have used, broken down oil in it, not to mention the last thing you’ll want to do when riding season begins is change the oil before you can go ride. Using a winter weight oil like 5W30 can help it start up easier come spring time as well.
If you’re going to be storing your bike for a long time (4-6 months or more) you will want to protect your engine’s internals against moisture by coating them lightly with oil. You may not be able to see it with your naked eye, but the cold winter air is perfect for moisture to gather in your engine and cause rust to form on your pistons and cylinder walls.
In order to do this, remove the spark plugs and put a little squirt (about a tablespoon) of engine oil into the holes, then turn your engine over a few times to coat the cylinder walls by spinning the rear wheel with the bike in gear. Once everything is coated, replace the spark plugs.

3) Lube Moving Parts

Keeping moving parts lubed up during the winter. This will help keep moisture from building up on them and causing any rusting or binding. Any part of your motorcycle that needs to be lubed at any point should be lubed again before storage. Some parts to check are: chain drive, cables, controls, fork surfaces, and any other pivot points.

4) Prep Fuel System

Gas tanks have a tendency to rust when not in use, and untreated pump gas breaks down and becomes gummy over time. To prevent rusting and make sure your fuel is ready to run after a few months in storage you will want to fill your tank completely with fuel treated with a product like Sta-Bil or Sea Foam both are great Fuel Stabilizers.
On your last ride of the season before you plan on storing your bike. Stop at the gas station nearest to where you live and add the proper amount of fuel stabilizer then top off the tank with a full tank of fuel. This will keep moisture from building up on the tank walls and adding the stabilizer before the short ride home will help mix the gas and stabilizer together and run it through your fuel system before storage.

5) Safeguard Battery

Batteries have a tendency to self-discharge when sitting over time, especially when they remain hooked up to the bike. The easiest way to combat this is to hook up a battery tender like the ones that uses smart technology to monitor the charge and keep the battery topped off without overcharging. Normally you should pull the battery from the bike for storage, but with a smart tender you can also connect the tender with the battery left in the bike. Before doing this, make sure the electrodes are clean and corrosion free if necessary clean them off and give them a light coating of grease.

6) Protect Tires

If your tires are left to sit in the same position all winter long, they could develop flat spots. Keeping the tires off of the ground will prevent this, so if you have a motorcycle stand/Jack you can put the bike up on them for storage. If you don’t have stands try to get at least the rear tire off the ground, or you can rotate your tires by rolling your motorcycle slightly every few weeks. If you need to leave your tires down on concrete put a piece of carpet or plywood under them to keep any moisture from seeping into them.

7) Check Coolant/Anti-freeze

If you are storing your bike somewhere that gets below freezing, make sure you have adequate levels of anti freeze in your coolant system. This is very important; if you run straight water in your coolant system and it freezes, you could come back to a cracked head in the spring!

8) Plug Out Pests

Mice and other rodents are notorious for hiding from the cold inside exhaust pipes and making homes out of air filters. In order to avoid any furry surprises when it’s time to ride again plug up your pipes with an exhaust plug. Or you can also simply stuff your air intake and the ends of your exhaust with some plastic bags – but do use bright colored bags or tie something to them so you don’t forget to take them off when you fire up the bike!

9) Keep it Covered

With your motorcycle fully prepped for winter, invest in a proper quality motorcycle cover. It will not only keep dust off the bike, but will keep the moisture out so it doesn’t get trapped underneath it, and create corrosion or rust. If you’re storing it outside, be sure to get a cover with tie downs to prevent it from blowing loose in wind. If you’re storing it inside you’re in much better shape, but you should still use a cover to prevent dust from building up on it.

10) Theft Protection

If you’re storing your bike outside, bear in mind that being parked unattended for months at a time makes it an easy target for theft. In addition to protecting your bike from weather, using a cover will conceal it from view, and securing it with a heavy lock and chain can give you some peace of mind. If you are going to  be storing your bike anywhere it can be accessed by others consider investing in some security measures.
Michael Theodore                                                                                                                  National Road Captain

State Watch

Information for State Watch is from the AMA

Senate Resolution 63, introduced by state Sen. Anna Caballero promotes increased public awareness on the issue of motorcycle profiling. The resolution also encourages collaboration and communication between the motorcycle community and local and state law enforcement agencies to engage in efforts to end motorcyclist profiling. It also urges state law enforcement officials to include statements condemning motorcyclist profiling in policies training materials.

ABATE of Wisconsin reports that two state senators are circulating a draft bill that would allow retailers to dispense all blends of fuel through one pump nozzle. The bill (LRB2170/P1) would apply to fuel blends up to 15 percent ethanol (E15). The AMA joins ABATE of Wisconsin in opposing this bill, which would dramatically increase the likelihood of inadvertent misfueling by motorcyclists. No motorcycles or ATV’s sold in the United States are certified by the EPA to operate on fuel containing more than 10 percent ethanol (E10).

The Department of Driver Services Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program received a $83,464 grant from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety to help reduce motorcycle fatalities, increase driver awareness of motorcycles and educate motorcycle riders about safety initiatives. The grant allows the safety program to continue promoting state and national safety initiatives. The GMSP promotes driver awareness of motorcycles on the highways, rider education at 40 locations across the state and motorcycle safety initiatives. The GSMP operates motorcycle training for new and experienced riders. Classes focus on riding a motorcycle legally and safely.”We want to ensure everyone has access to proper rider education,” said Holly Hegyesi, GSMP Program Manager. “Motorcycle safety classes are essential for new and experienced riders, alike. Almost one third of motorcycle fatalities involve a rider without a valid license.”

Motorcyclist in Missouri will be required to wear helmets while riding, at least for another year, after the states legislature declined to overrule Gov. Mike Parson’s veto of a bill that would have repealed the current motorcycle helmet law. Parson cited safety concerns raised by the state Department of Transportation in issuing the veto. Freedom of the Road Riders supported the bill, which would have provided riders and passengers 18 or older the option of going without a helmet,if they carried health insurance.

The Program is Set To Revive
President Donald Trump signed H.R. 831,the Reviving America’s Scenic Byways Act, on Sept 22,2019.
The bill requires the Secretary of Transportation to request nominations for, and make determinations regarding, roads to be designated under the national scenic byways program, which has been closed for six years. The AMA was part of the coalition that helped create this program in 1991 and played an active role in the efforts to revive the program. The program provides resources that help communities along designated byways benefit from the tourism they generate, while preserving the characteristics of the roads that made them great destinations in the first place. Even before the bill passed, officials said they were prepared to seek National Scenic Byway designation for 44 roads in 24 states.                                                                        Michael Theodore                                                                                                                National Road Captain



Few words of wisdom

Bro Gusto our Chaplin is Cooper City, FL sent me a text this morning I thought it had a lot to say.

The depth of your struggle will determine the height of your success! Two thing define you: Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.


By Mike and Julie McGhghy

In this third article regarding holiness, we will present the outward of holiness, including our actions, appearance, and physical stewardship. These are all readily observable by others and impact how others receive the message of the Gospel that we share. If you have not read the first two articles regarding holiness, we encourage you to access the archives of the Rumblings and do so. We do not want you to take this article out of the context set in the other two. Much of the material shared in these articles are taken from Dr. David K. Bernard’s books In Search of Holiness and Practical Holiness:  A Second Look. We encourage you to read these books for more in-depth study about holiness.

Holiness involves both the inner man and the outer man. We must perfect holiness by cleansing ourselves of filthiness both of the flesh and of the spirit. 2 Corinthians 7:1. Inward holiness (attitudes, thoughts, and spiritual stewardship) will produce outward holiness, but outward appearance of holiness is worthless without inward holiness! In the second article of this series we discussed inward holiness, we will now consider the biblical principles of outward holiness, which are modesty, vanity, and moderation of cost.

Modesty involves being decent or chaste, especially in outward dress. Peter teaches that chaste conversation can lead to the conversion of the unsaved (in this context, unsaved husbands).  1 Peter 3:1-2. Dr. Bernard and the Amplified Version of the Bible translate the original Greek of “chaste conversation” to mean chaste conduct. What is chaste conduct? Avoiding actions or apparel that flaunt the body and that demonstrate a lustful spirit by striving to attract the opposite sex by lust. This is not only applicable to women, but to men as well.

Vanity involves dressing and acting pretentiously or ostentatiously in order to attract the opposite sex or to make others envious. Our dress and actions should demonstrate the hidden man (the heart), being ornamented by a meek and quiet spirit. 1 Peter 3:4.

Closely associated with vanity is the principle of moderation of cost. Our moderation should be evident to all men. Philippians 4:5. We are to avoid costly array. 1 Timothy 2:9. The definition of costly array may vary somewhat depending on the culture, society, and income of the individual.  When making purchases, we should ask ourselves the following questions:  1) Is this an ostentatious display of wealth in the sight of acquaintances and fellow believers? 2) Will this arouse envy? 3) Does this represent a good stewardship of the money God has entrusted to my care? When God blesses us with prosperity, he does so not to feed our own lusts, but to invest in winning souls.

Although many scriptures regarding adornment and modesty specifically address women, because we are all striving to reach others with the Gospel of Christ to lead them to salvation, we all (men and women) need to develop a personal sense of modesty, avoid vanity, and consider moderation of cost in order to present ourselves holy and act accordingly.

As we are boldly presenting the Acts 2:38 message to others, our inward and outward holiness should be evident in our speech, our actions, and our appearance.  Because we are called to be holy as God is holy (1 Peter 1:16), we want to live dedicated to God and His will and separated from sin and worldliness. 2 Corinthians 6:17 – 7:1. In that way, when we share the Acts 2:38 message the light of Christ will shine through us.

New Azusa StreetRiders Chapter – Central Georgia

I would like to extend a hearty Thank You to Pastor (Dr.) Talmadge French,  Pastor of The Apostolic Tabernacle Church in Jonesboro, GA  who has welcomed the Azusa StreetRiders as one of the newest chapters of this ministry.  We had a great time of  worship and the word.

So please welcome the Central Georgia Chapter

Bro Greg Pray – President
Michael Rhindress – Vice President
Brian Wilkinson – Secretary
Sheryl Pray – Treasure
James Frierson – Road Captain
Randall Wild – Sergeant at Arms

In addition I want to personally thank Bro & Sis Diaz who has agreed to couple with this new chapter. Bro & Sis Diaz are Azusa StreetRiders Evangelists that represent Azusa StreetRiders across this great nation of ours. They recently moved to GA and will be a great asset to the Central Georgia Chapter of the Azusa StreetRiders.

Thank you again Bro French for allowing us the opportunity to present this ministry to The Apostolic Tabernacle Church