The Glue

Everyone has “that friend”…you know, the one that when they call, you know they need something! When the cell phone goes off and you glance at who it is, you see a family member that never calls unless they need money or need you to pick them up with a broke down vehicle. I know…we all have had those instances when we have said “Why did I answer the phone?!”

We live in a fast paced society, which has been an excuse for an “easy out” when it comes to only calling when we need something from others. I’m guilty…and so are you! So, my goal today is to remind us of the brotherly (sisters included) love that we need for one another.

Will we always see eye to eye? NO! And…not everyone within this ministry lives in my region, so I really can’t say that I “know” all of you. And, neither do you really know me. (If you did, you likely wouldn’t be reading this article… hehe). But, as with any ministry, there will be those we have drawn close to because of time we’ve spent with each other (which makes the point of getting to as many events as we can), and there will be those that we have never had the opportunity to sit down for a piece of pie with. The difference between knowing someone and not knowing someone has everything to do with developing a relationship. And…a relationship takes effort.

There was a day when I didn’t know anyone within Azusa StreetRiders, other than three members that I had met two years before I joined. I met Extor and Lydia Diaz and Clarence Brownlow at a conference in Louisville KY and we had a kindred spirit, went out to eat together that week, and stayed in contact for quiet a while before I joined this ministry. When I went to my first rally, I didn’t hardly know anyone. I sort’a slid in and slid back out by meeting a couple more people and stayed in touch with them as well. I’m sure the majority there looked at me and wondered who that nut was! Since that time, I’ve made many acquaintances and even many friends that I cherish.

As I call around the constituency of ASR I hear a common theme…one that brings me to my title about “The Glue”. The theme is the same from new members as well as some that have been around for a long time. That theme is…”I never hear from anyone.” Now, I don’t mean to be negative, and I certainly do not wish to leave a sour note, nor do I wish to bring so much focus on the subject that it causes more folks to think about the same thing…”Ya know, no one has ever called me either…’ (The power of suggestion at its worst)

A few Scriptures should be helpful with this topic…

Proverbs 18:24 “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly…”

Proverbs 17:17 “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”

John 13:34-35, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

Galatians 5:13 “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.”

The common theme is “love”, but there are things that brotherhood and the love shown will do…it will be a witness to others….it will stand with another during times of adversity (trials, temptation, failures), and it also drives to serve others.

I restored an old chair recently. All the parts were there and I could have put nails in to hold it together, but, that would have been tacky. So, I used glue. I had all the parts and was ready to stain, but without the glue it would have fallen apart within days. So, I ask, what is the glue? Its (in most cases) a hidden ingredient that holds things together. Its not the beautiful wood grains, nor the stain that shines, but when applied, it is not always seen but its of the utmost importance.

The Glue to this ministry will be our ability to show love “one to another”. We have love one for another, but when you “have love one to another”, it is expressed. Love is a hidden ingredient that holds everything together because others feel loved when love is shown “to” them.

I am calling us all to pray and ask the Lord to lay a person on our mind and heart. Jesus may only whisper “Nebraska” or “Colorado” or “California” or “Michigan” into your mind and spirit, but take that and find someone in that region and make a call. If you know someone is struggling (see the article Culture of Caring in the Rumblings for a short list), call them and encourage them. Call someone and pray with them. Text, email, send a card, go by and see them…the glue to growing this ministry is loving others more than ourselves.

Let is not be said, “The only time he/she calls is when they need something…” May we be known to have a “brotherhood” greater than anything or any other in this world.

May the God of all Peace guide your hearts…to love.
Chaplain Hardin


COVID 19! In such a short time, the phrase has been used and maybe abused to strike fear into the hearts of men and women across the country. We all have either been infected or affected by this virus pandemic. Loved ones lost, hospital stays, loss of health and well-being, distancing and in some cases isolation from loved ones along with the uncertainty of jobs and finances have been one of the most trying times in my memory. Many tears have been cried. Many hours of lost sleep. Many unhappy phone calls. Many, Many, Many!

It seems that life itself has been changed by CV19. We have had to adopt wearing a mask. We dry our hands and face out with sanitizer. We have groceries delivered like a Domino’s pizza. We take more vitamins to help our health. We take our temperature daily. We spray the inside of home and car with disinfectant on an hourly basis. We no longer just go to the mall. We no longer invite friends over for dinner. We no longer hug others. We no longer get closer than 6 feet to another person.

So many changes due to such a simple thing like a virus!!

I just wonder what would happen if we suddenly started to view eternity and our walk with God in the same light of importance as protecting ourselves from CV19??? What would happen if we would let ourselves be affected by the fear of a soul being loss?? What about the friends and family that are just waiting on one of us to pray for them? Or visit them? Or cry for them? Or lose sleep while praying for them?? How about a phone call? How about a card or letter?

Maybe we should be changing our lives so that eternity is secure? We should wash our souls in his blood more often! We should pray more and play less! We should study more and sleep less! We should take our spiritual temp more times a day and clean our house and hands more times a day! We should go to the mall more but not to shop but to witness! We should invite friends to church! We should let Jesus hug us more and stay closer to him than a brother!!

Covid 19 will come and go.
Jesus is coming again!
I want to be ready when he returns!

Stay safe and stay saved!
Pastor H

ASR Ride Waivers & Annual Liability Letter

Greetings in the name that is above every name, Jesus!
I remember seeing a sign at a motorcyle event that read, “It’s not about the destination, it’s the journey that matters”. I’ve not forgotten that statement. It absolutely matters how we embark on this spiritual journey. A few journey checkpoints come to mind; we must keep/guard our hearts with all diligence, seek wisdom while on this journey, stay connected with others, and worship Jesus only while on this journey.

Just as imperative, is how we embark upon the physical journey of carrying out the everyday functions of our ASR ministries. We must be responsible in each or our ASR activities. ASR leadership has provided us with two tools to assist us in being responsible. We are introducing the ASR Ride Waiver and the Annual Liability Letter. These forms are intended to increase your chapter/group protection from liability in case of any accident or injury during the ride.

The ASR Ride Waiver is expected to be put into use by all ARS chapters where non ASR members are participating in the ride. Suggested use: Download from the ASR website and print it out, and have all guest riders and passengers sign it before the ride.

The ASR Annual Liability Letter is expected to be signed by ASR members on an annual basis before any riding event takes place with the local chapter. Suggested use: At the beginning of each year, download from the ASR website and print it out, have all ASR members sign the form before any event.

Each Chapter president should ensure the forms are collected and filed for safekeeping.

Please be safe this year as riding weather is fast approaching. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the ASR Board of Directors or myself. Blessings!

Mike Markham

Choose By The Wisdom of God

Reposted by permission of author Richard Lucas.

Psalms 115:16 (KJV) “The heaven, [even] the heavens, [are] the LORD’S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.”  

My Precious Brethren, every four years of US elections some of our brethren  tell us that whoever gets elected is “whoever God wanted in there.”  At times this has troubled me, and I would like for us to do a little thoughtful considering.  Some of this I have posted elsewhere as a comment on a post by a wonderful Brother.

There are numerous examples in Scripture where people did not do the will of God.  There are clear examples in Scripture where someone took the throne by subterfuge, treachery, and dishonesty when it absolutely was not the will of God and violated God’s will.

E.g Athaliah slaughtering the seed royal (her own grandchildren) and stealing the throne.  Did the High priest fight the will of God then by removing her after 7 years and having her executed?  Should he have accepted her wicked treachery as the will of God, welcomed her, and pledged to work with her in unity?

Do you not believe the wrong person can ever be voted in as pastor of a church, head of a District or as a District official, or even a national leader?  Do you believe every official and pastor in our organization voted in was God’s will?  Do you think God cares and is more watchful over political leaders than he is over His own Body, the Church?

Many times God allows us mortals to make choices, then reap the consequences of our choices.  Both in Israel, and then Israel and Judah, not everyone who came to the throne was who God wanted there.  One died after 2 days because he killed the king and stole the throne. Abimelech was not God’s will.  Gideon refused to rule as king. Abimelech wanted it and killed all of Gideon’s sons but one who God protected.  Abimelech destroyed those he ruled and in the process destroyed himself.  None of that was the will of God, and God promised them what the results of their wrong direction would be.

We all know pastors or leaders who were voted in who should not have been.  It was not God’s will, and spiritually sensitive people knew it.

If a man has been part of the most anti-Christ, anti-Israel, most pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ administration in history, and he and his running mate personally were responsible for the unjust incarceration of hundreds of thousands of minority men and women, should we welcome that and promise to work together in unity?  

When a new president vows to immediately eliminate gender distinction in restrooms and gym shower rooms in every public school, in every restroom in every government building, and every public restroom in America, not allowing any separation or distinction between male and female, that is a big problem.  When he appoints a transgender individual to oversee,  implement, and enforce  this policy, and orders the new attorney general to work together to order this, that is not an individual with a sane, rational, normal mind.  That is someone controlled and under the influence of the most vile, depraved, wicked demonic spirits.  A VP that sued nuns to force them to pay for insurance that provided abortions, and introduced legislation to try to make it illegal for any religious group or entity (including churches) to exclude LGBTQ individuals from filling any position or roll on their organizational, church, or religious school staff.  

Yes we are to pray for leaders and those in authority.  We are also to battle in Spiritual warfare against “principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

I believe I will not be here, but for my Brethren that plan to be here to greet the antichrist, do you plan to write him letters of welcome? Should we promise to pray for his success and pledge to support him and work with him in unity in all areas where we can?  Scripture does not say he will be “put in there by God”, but rather that he will gain the kingdom by flatteries and his power will come from the dragon.

I love you Brethren intensely, and am so grateful that God has allowed me to be in the Body and work together.  Especially for the privilege of serving in ministry in the UPCI.  I write this in love with absolutely no animus toward anyone, but from my heart I feel these are some things we need to think about.

2021 Upcoming Events


March  5-6  Bind The Strong Man  It is in three Regions this year. Whiteland,Indiana  Price, Texas And Jonesboro, Georgia

March 11-14 Daytona Beach Bike Week fellowship and ride

May 8 Sword Run Clarksburg, WV

May 22-23 Heaven Bound Hoosiers Biker Sunday Bloomington, Indiana

May 29-30 Central Missouri Biker Weekend

June 4-6 Shelburn, Indiana Biker Sunday

June 11-13 Omaha, Nebraska Biker Sunday

June 14-16 Black Hills Rapid City, SD Fellowship ride. Leaving from Omaha, Nebraska

June 15-16 ALJC General Ministry Conference Chattanooga, TN

June 26-27 Hocking Hills, Ohio Biker Sunday

July 16-18 Indiana Northern Chapter Biker Sunday

July 30- August 1st Wooster, Ohio Biker Sunday

August 13-15 Michigan Biker Sunday

August 27-29 Warren, Ohio Biker Sunday

September 18-19 Appalachian Chapter Biker Sunday West Virginia

October 5-8 UPCI General Conference Indianapolis,Indiana


Remember if your planing to host a event for 2021 please get your information to myself or the board. So we can get the information post. Looking forward to 2021.

Michael Theodore

National Public Relations Coordinator


Bind The Strong Man 2021

March 5-8 2021  Is our Kick off event. Bind The Strong Man. This year as you can see we are having it in 3 location’s this year. Plan to attend one of the location’s.

Michael Theodore

Public Relations Coordinator

Goodbye 2020 Goodbye

Goodbye 2020 Goodbye

Can I get an Amen ! I would venture to say there are several who would offer up a resounding cheer to see this year go. Covid-19 confided to our homes with family concerned for our safety to say the least and even fearful to venture outside at times. The introduction to an entire society for the first time the forced wearing of masks in order not to spread or be spread upon a virus that might kill you or perhaps someone you know, Church’s for the first time being forced to close by government mandates yet auto parts stores are allowed to be opened. Go figure huh ….

An election that is still reeling with rumors of wide base fraud. A government that seems to be out of control on so many fronts that for the first time red blooded Americans question their own resolve about being American. Riots in the streets of many major city’s in America. Our very history of America in question and benchmarks we grew up with torn, down for what seems to be little or no provocation.

Are you discouraged yet ? I would be if this is all the future I had to hold on to. Our lives today, right now and our future are not determined by CNN, ABC or Fox news. Not by Democrats, Republicans or independent’s. Not by Congress, the Senate or the Surgeon General. The Word of God clearly states:

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5, 6).

Now either we believe everything the “Word of God” States or we should believe nothing. We have never been given the option to pick and choose want to wish to hold as divine truth and dismiss what we feel as non applicable to our lives.

We have a future and it’s not here. Were living in the last days, more accurately the last of the last days. For the first time since I can remember being in church more and more of this mind set is being expressed not by radicals standing on a wood box on a street corner but by trusted and respected men of God.

2020 has been a tough year no doubt. Love ones have gone on, but God is in Control! Some are battling Covid-19 right now; fearful of their future but God is in Control! Some have walked away from church unable to handle the challenges 2020 has brought but God is in Control! However on the other hand, Bible studies are still being taught, maybe via Skype or face time but the Bible is being taught, souls are getting the Holy Ghost and the sick are being healed. Yes God is still in Control.

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. (Psalms 121: 1,2)

I am sanctified proud of the Azusa StreetRiders ministry. We have taken everything this world could throw and yet held our resolve, praying, fasting, teaching, anointing in prayer, supporting each other as best we could and gathering our selves together when we could to minister to souls and to this ministry.

2020 is at our doorstep, in fact writing this article we only have a few more hours. Let’s put behind us the past, I want this ministry to hit the ground running in 2021 starting with Bind the Strong Man. I hope and pray we all in our own and as best we can be a part of this event on March 6th. If you choose not to travel for whatever reason, I understand I only ask you please to set time aside and examine and prepare yourselves for what the Lord has in store for us this coming year.

Time is short folks, there are souls to be saved and it is our only mandate to spread the Word of the Lord. Let’s give Jesus the best we can in 2021 we all know he gave us his best when he hung on a tree for you and me. So stay the Course, Keep the faith; God is Still in Control!


Reminder-I will be emailing invoices for the ASR membership for 2021 dues the second and third week of January. If there are any changes to the information that I have on file please contact me with the updated information. All dues are 60.00. Individual dues the 60.00 goes to National headquarters which can be paid by paypal or credit card on the emailed invoice, paid on the website store or sending a check to Azusa StreetRiders Ministry P.O. Box 188 Warren, OH 44482. Members in a chapter pay 60.00 for the first year after membership then it is split 30.00 to National headquarters and 30.00 stays with the chapter. Please see your chapter president or treasurer for information on payment. Any office held by a member will have until March 1st to pay their dues before being put on an inactive status for the position held. I’m looking forward to what the Lord is going to do through this ministry in 2021! Have a blessed and Happy New Year! Love you all!
God bless,
Chaplain Laureen Theodore
ASR International Treasurer

Culture of Caring

I hope everyone had a merry and blessed Christmas!
As I taught my children’s group, Jesus Crew, the month of December, I spoke to them about the true meaning of Christmas. I wanted them to understand, to know the reason we celebrate.  I wanted them to be as excited about Jesus’ birth, as they were about receiving their presents.
 The last Wednesday night before Christmas at our kids church, they were so anxious and excited to sing and celebrate Jesus’ birthday. I explained to them how great it was to receive presents but our greatest present was???—— and one of my little bitty girls said, “ the whittle baby in the manger” my heart melted.
They wanted to sing happy birthday to Jesus and we did just that!
If we don’t teach our children and get God in their little hearts, the world sure will latch on to them and drag them as far away from the church as possible.
I have children that were raised in the truth, been filled with the Holy Ghost and shouted all around the church lost.  Going to hell, unless I reach the throne of God for them. I don’t want my children to spend an eternity in hell. 
I have been thinking how I want a change, a stir in my soul in this new year, like I have NEVER had before. My pastor spoke last Sunday about us longing to see lost souls saved. Do we really have a burden for lost souls?  I need to be as upset over someone I have never met, being lost and going to a devils hell as I am my family or my children!
 Do we cry and pray for the lost or are we so comfortable with just going to church, satisfied if one comes to the alter- one gets baptized—? 
We should cry for lost souls! 
I want to reach the lost. I want to be the reason that someone seeks God.
Just as Bro Hardin stated this week, how can we be an influence in 2021?   How can we build up the kingdom of God?
I want to set my goals in the new year to do more work for the kingdom than I ever have!   Will you join me?
We have a wonderful tool,  in itself,  with the ASR group. It is a testimony that starts many conversations with people we otherwise may have never came in contact with.
I challenge every rider to reach more souls in 2021 !  People are hungry, they are searching for one thing to satisfy the longing in their soul.   We know that only Jesus can satisfy!
 Let’s be instrumental in souls being won and the church being on fire in 2021!

  • Please  join in prayer and fasting for the following needs:

    Rev. Mike and Rev. Julie McGhghy
    Aimers to Costa Rica



  • Bro. Fred Bealle-complete healing
  • Bro. Doug Solomon-brain tumor
  • Bro. Eagen’s granddaughter, Julia-divine intervention
  • Bro. Oeland Hanes wife Carolyn-complete healing
  • Sis. Lydia Diaz-complete healing
  • Sis. Mandy Womack-complete healing

Also remember all the ones that have lost family members and friends to Covid-19  

Recovering/still in need of touch from Covid 

Bro.  Johnny & Sis. Esther Carr
Bro. Joe Sanders wife, Sis. Dawn                                                                               

Chaplain Carman Hamby




Bind The Strong Man 2021

March 5-8 2021  Is our Kick off event. Bind The Strong Man. This year as you can see we are having it in 3 location’s this year. Plan to attend one of the location’s.

Michael Theodore

Public Relations Coordinator