Situational Awareness Riding

Situational Awareness can be described as Noticing, Understanding & Forecasting.

Situational Awareness Riding methodology is many different tools / behaviors that interconnect to empower the rider to prevent collisions by noticing (what is going on around us), understand (Assess the scene, what could it mean?), forecast (What could happen next?) These actions assist the rider in seeing, thinking, and acting their way through constantly changing conditions wherever the rider is going.
The most important habit we can learn in the concept of looking up is the habit we call 15 second view. The 15 second view is defined as the distance, measured in seconds, that a driver’s eyes lead the vehicle. In other words, you see ahead to where you will be in a given number of seconds.
The average rider looks only 3 to 6 seconds ahead of the vehicle. This is referred to as low aim steering. It denies the rider the time necessary to acquire information, forecast and act safely in response to hazards.

Look Up Techniques for Seeing Into The Future
Set your sights high. Look ahead to where your motorcycle will be at least 15 seconds into the future. At 30 miles per hour, a rider should see at least a block and a half ahead of their vehicle. Fifty miles per hour requires a driver to see nearly a quarter mile ahead Meters).
When possible, double your eye lead time to 30 seconds, looking three blocks ahead on surface streets, and a half mile ahead on highways.

Identify potential road hazards while there is still ample time to take evasive action if necessary.

Stay alert to the status of distant traffic lights. Pace yourself to avoid unnecessary stops and starts.

Let drivers ahead telegraph information to you. Sometimes their actions or brake lights can be warnings of a problem ahead which may not yet be visible to you.

At night, look well beyond your headlight spray.

Looking up while steering using a 15 second eye lead time is a habit that is only formed with constant practice. These techniques allow you increased time for forecasting and to make decisions.

Where Are We Heading ?

One of the main goals of this current board and myself personally as president has always been to keep the vision of Bro & Sis Beall for the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry alive and well. In continual discussions with the Beall’s I feel we have met and exceeded their heart’s desire in the direction and where this ministry is today. In order to continue with that thread this past week the board, Bro Markham & Bro Earp met in Price, TX for our annual planning session in order to seek the Lord’s direction for this ministry. Also Thank You Bro Hardin for your unselfish service to our ministry, this man is a great asset to this ministry and I for one am glad he is on our team. We spent many hours discussing a variety of issues in order to bring us, what we hope is to the next level in our ministry for the remainder of this year and going into 2022.

First allow me to say to me it is an honor and a privilege to be a member of the Azusa StreetRiders. This is a ministry and we must hold ourselves to a higher standard because were at the front lines in God’s work. This is NO time to deviate from the mandate God has given us, both as a child of God and as a member of the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry of which both mandates are the same:

“And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 16:15

 Thankfully I feel we do just that, I have seen this ministry in action and were anointed and effective in the things we put our hands to. Unfortunately I am not satisfied where were at. Don’t take me wrong I am highly pleased in what we have achieved as a ministry and in the direction were heading but it’s weighing on my mind knowing there is so much more we need to do. The fact is the Lord is coming soon and I want to see as many as the Lord would call to make it into heaven. Folks our time is short.

Therefor going forward the board will be presenting to the membership additional suggestions to the bylaws to help streamline the goals we have set forth. In addition we are developing the means to provide better flow of information for area coordinators, Chaplain’s and local chapters, thanks to Bro Joseph. We also are going to tweak the way in which Azusa StreetRiders Ministry promote events. Starting now Azusa StreetRiders chapters have available to them the full extent of our social media presence on what were calling “Sanctioned Events”

To have an “Sanctioned Event” regardless of the agenda were asking for the following:

  1. Coordinate the event details with Bro Theodore who is the Azusa StreetRiders Event Coordinator so he can be attuned to the details and therefor promote the event to it’s full extent and to assure that the information presented is accurate and current.
  2. The most important new aspect to our events is going to be the newly appointed Event Outreach Coordinator, Bro Clarence Earp. Bro Earp will contact each individual hosting a ride to see what he or she has built into the event for outreach. He is there as a tool to be used to assist with any questions or suggestions you might have.
  3. Contact Bro Markham the Azusa StreetRiders Safety Officer to assure that each event has the correct safety protocols, procures & documentation in order to minimum our exposure in the event something ever happens. I think we all can see the reasoning behind this precaution. I know this only becomes important after someone gets hurt, so let’s not be a victim here OK. (If applicable)

Note: If you’re doing a local chapter ride, just some of the guy’s getting together and do not feel this is pertinent to your particular ride or event there is no need to go to this extent. Its there is you need it.

Let me say this and I hope I ruffle a few feathers here to the point we all go down in prayer to seek the face of the Lord as to what he wants out of us. Folk’s it’s not about the ride, the beautiful scenery or the fellowship. It’s about souls and I feel we need to get into the habit to ride less and minister more. To build into each event the intent to set aside time for one purpose reaching souls. Therefor the board asked Bro Earp to work with Bro Theodore and Bro Markham in order to develop this part of our ministry into a driving force.

There are other goals that were working towards and over the next few months with your permission I would like to share them with you. This ministry for me and I know for many, many of y’all is our heartthrob. This ministry keeps many of us tethered to the church, to each other for the opportunity to minister. For me it has made me a better man of God and I pray it has done the same for my brother’s and sisters of the Azusa StreetRiders.

There is no loss of vision here and when this board was entrusted with this responsibility all of us committed ourselves to keep the faith and stay the course, we are unified to the end. The Buck stops at our desk. In completing two days of prayer and intense leadership planning the result is a clear and decisive direction which again is right in line with the goals and aspirations laid down by our founders, Bro & Sis Beall. We all feel the membership expects the best and that is what we have given.

We appreciate your prayers in our endeavor and that has helped us in the decisions we needed to make. At this point we as a ministry are reaching for the next rung in the ladder before us. We are climbing onto higher uncharted ground here. I feel the membership with be pleased in our direction, some of which will be put into effect immediately, some we’ll be discussing over the next couple of months and some presented at our National Rally.

Fear not my brothers and sisters our primary goal as “The Apostolic” motorcycle ministry of Jesus Christ has not changed were here to reach the lost and do our part that the Lord has entrusted to us, to save lost souls, to minister to the sick, to pray for the discouraged and position ourselves so our pastor’s can count on us. Anything other than that, well we’ll become just a “riding club”.

Sorry not on our watch.

Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ

Welcome New Members – April 2021

The membership of the Azusa StreetRiders would like to take a moment and welcome each  of you into this exciting One God Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry.
Let’s Make a Difference !

Bro Rick & Sis Haney
Charleston, IL
Apostolic Center Church
Pastor Shine Doughty

Bro Donald & Sis Wallace
Zanesville, OH
The Pentecostals of Zanesville
Pastor Israel Garza

Bro Derick & Sis Crews
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church
Pastor Pete Alldredge

Bro Timothy & Sis Kendra Browers
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church
Pastor Pete Alldredge

Bro Kyle & Sis Mandy Stephens
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church
Pastor Pete Alldredge

The Culture of Caring

Greetings to everyone!  I pray that April has been a very blessed month for you!
It was a month for celebrating the ultimate sacrifice given so we might be saved. The Crucifixion, Burial and the RESURRECTION!  I am so thankful with all my heart that God sent his only son to die for us-to wash our sins away.  I am so unworthy and sure don’t deserve his love and forgiveness.  I strive to show my love, appreciation and to be a witness and a soul winner.  I fall short on so many aspects.  Thank the Lord he is still working on me and is patient.

There are so many people that I know that have testimonies of where they were brought from, addictions they were delivered from and their testimonies are phenomenal in showing how Jesus reached his mighty hand down and picked them up.  Some at the end of their rope, contemplating taking their lives and in an instance, someone or something,  spoke to them and it changed them completely.
I am 4th generation Apostolic born and raised in the truth.  I don’t have stories of being so low I was ready to die, or in so much trouble with the law- God made a way to save me from time, or being addicted to drugs and alcohol with no possible way out. But, I do know that I needed to repent, be baptized in Jesus name and to receive the gift of the holy ghost to make it to heaven just the same as the “worst” sinner or I would be lost just the same.  Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for my heritage setting the example and setting the path for me.  At the same time tho, sometimes while being raised in the truth, with the majority of my family and most of my friends, serving the lord, I was “sheltered” from really being in contact with brokenness, addictions, loneliness and people so desperate for something, anything to change their lives.  I wasn’t around many to experience true desperation I guess you could say.

Please don’t think I’m not thankful- it’s really hard to explain.  Being in the church and surrounded by church family and friends, I didn’t see much until in my adult life.
I always sang on the platform and I can’t even count of  hundreds of times I would see someone get buried in the name, come up praising and we would bust in to singing, “ I’ve already been to the water, I’ve already been baptized” and me…………singing as I had done so many times before and NEVER really feeling or grasping just what this meant to someone.  It was a new start for them, being given a new life, a BRAND new start!  I  was in the routine of seeing this and just didn’t get it in my heart.
I had been backslidden for a couple of years when I met and began dating Donald.  He had never been around “crazy church people”. Haha. Even tho I wasn’t in church— I still was the spittin image of a costal as he says. I would talk to him about church, and he would laugh at me.  He would go with me to hear my son sing or play the drums or my daughter playing.  My two kids were still being raised apostolic and I still taught them the church life even tho I didn’t attend regularly.  He would tell me I was brainwashed, I was raising my kids like soldiers and brainwashing them.
He wasn’t a bad guy at all-  he dipped, ( which absolutely drove me insane) since he was 12 years old. He cussed horribly and I would explain to him how every time he cussed, it felt like pins pricking my skin.  He liked the rough country music which would make my skin crawl. haha. One Sunday, we went to church to hear Devin sing and before I knew it he was down at the alter!  He repented and the next week got baptized.
I said all that to say this-  Y’all——- for the first time ever— when he went down in that water and came up with the biggest smile on his face and tears of joy flow…. I saw a new man!  It clicked in my heart and mind and my heart literally exploded from years of seeing lost souls be born again. I FINALLY FELT IT! I KNEW!!
Ever since that day-when someone gets baptized, I feel their feelings, their heart.

It was along road trying to explain to him about the joy of serving the lord, but I benefited in the long run. And oh how God moved on us both and in our family!  I will never forget after he was baptized and he was seeking the holy ghost, he went to work and on his break he called and was crying.  He said, “  I get it, When these guys started cussing, it felt like needles poking me.”
He sought the holy ghost for about 4 years thinking he was doing something wrong because he wasn’t receiving it after seeking so hard.  An evangelist preaching at a revival preached one night about not begging the lord for the holy ghost but to worship and praise him with everything in you and to pray for so one else to receive it.   Donald was in his way to work on his motorcycle one day and he was later than normal calling to tell me he made it.  He called and was crying so hard , I thought he had been an accident.  He started telling me he was praying for our youngest daughter who was seeking the holy ghost also, and he began speaking in tongues on his bike.  He said when his mind cleared and he came to hisself- he was way passed his exit for work and had to backtrack. Haha. while he was telling me he began to speak in youngest!  Talk about a praise break over the phone!  That night at revival our daughter received the holy ghost!

You see the man he is today and I am truly blessed. He has told me more times than once how he truly understands now what I was saying.  He came up out of that water a new creature!  God has been so good to me and my family  he has brought unity in our lives and continues to bless us daily!
I am beyond thankful for the AZUSA STREETRIDERS!  I have heard testimonies from members that I will never forget and I look forward to every opportunity we have to be a light and witness.  We never know when we will come in contact with that one person that is at the end of their rope and we could be that lifeline to them.

Please join in prayer and fasting for the following:


Rev. Mike and Julie McGhghy, Aimers to Costa Rica





  • Bro. Fred Beall healing in his body
  • Bro. Jeremiah Hayes mother, Tina-complete healing
  • Bro. Theodores sister & brother-in-law, loss of their daughter
  • Bro. Perley Epps,  tri-cities chapter, passed away. Prayer for family
  • Bro. Ron Condin healing in body
  • Bro. Womack’s cousin Gale complete healing in body
  • Bro. Warps brother, Wyatt and his family

Chaplain Carman Hamby




With Sad News

Brother Perley Epps from the Tri-Cities, TN chapter has passed away. Please keep his family and friends in prayer.


I will be accepting nominations for President and Treasurer from May 1 through June 30th. You can email me, text me, Facebook messenger me. 

God bless you all!

Remember it’s all about outreach for Jesus! “Feed my sheep”

Thank you

Tom Thompson


The 2021 Event season is starting.

May 8th Kicks off the Sword Run in Clarksburg,WV

These are the dates that follow please mark them down.
Heaven Bound Hoosiers Bloomington, Indiana
May 22-23 Biker Sunday.
Central Missouri Biker weekend May 29-30
ALJC General Ministry Conference Chattanooga, Tn June 15-18
Indiana Northern chapter Biker Sunday July 16-18
Wooster, Ohio Biker Sunday July 30-Aug 1st.
West Virginia Biker Sunday September 18-19
UPCI General Conference October 5-8 Indianapolis, Indiana
ASR National Rally October 14-16 Bossier City,Louisiana
Michael Theodore
National Public Relations Coordinator

Room Reminder for 2021 National Rally

It’s time to start making plans and booking your rooms for the 2021 National Rally in Louisiana. Make sure you tell them you are staying with the Azusa StreetRiders Group. The rate is $82.00 a night & will still hold for the block. But, it does expire soon.  (I understand every room is a Suite).

I encourage those thinking of coming to the National’s to go ahead and book reservations. If members have to change plans, a 24 hour notice before arrival date is all that is required. So, book while the rates are low!
This rate is also good for extra days stay before or beyond the block. But the members must ask for the block rate to apply to that extra day or days. Please email Ronald Thwing at if anyone has any concerns with bookings. We are planning a great meet and look forward to everyone coming!
Ronald Thwing
President: Northwest La. chapter (host)
Azusa StreetRiders

May 8,2021 Sword Run Clarksburg, WV

Saturday, May 8, 2021 at Veteran’s Memorial Park (Freedom Shelter), Clarksburg, WV ~ Great ride, BBQ, fellowship, for a great cause.

Event and ride starts at the Veterans Park

1 Med Center Dr Clarksburg, WV 26301

$500 Prize!

Registration: 10am~Noon. Ride at Noon. BBQ available throughout the day. (This is a rain-or-shine event ~ no rain date.) Enjoy mouthwatering, slow-smoked BBQ, as well as door prizes & raffles. Proceeds go to “Motorcycles For Missionaries,” church planters in North America, and to strengthen the host church in Clarksburg, WV.


The 2020 “Cruzin’ for Christ” Motorcycles for Missions Biker Rally Report

The 2020 “Cruzin’ for Christ” Motorcycles for Missions Biker Rally Report
As with so many individuals and chapters, COVID-19 restrictions resulted in “Plan “A” becoming Plan “B” which got adjusted to Plan “C” but with some extra modifications that became Plan “D.”
As I tried to keep up on all the ASR 2020 activities that various chapters organized, I realized that I was starting to get a bit jealous.
The Canadian Government’s reaction in attempting to eradicate the COVID-19 outbreak went from a one week shut-down to “flatten the curve” of infections to a quantity of emergency measures mandated by the various Provincial Governments – (think State Governments if you’re in the USA) – to attempt to control the virus.
For months on end in our area, churches were limited to ten people in the building. That resulted in respective audio/visual staffs doing internet / facebook / U-tube, broadcasting of various Pastors preaching to an empty church sanctuary. But “The Word” still got out there.
And,,,,,, guess what,,,,,,,, adversity has led to a lot of new ways to accomplish the goals of maintaining a sense of community and reaching the lost.
As a result of our 2020 “Cruzin’ for Christ” Motorcycles for Missions Biker Rally (finally) being run on September21st, we were blessed to the extent that we were able to send funds to Africa to purchase another motorcycle for use in Burkina Faso plus two units that will be given to local pastors in The Republic of Congo. Two motorcycles were purchased earlier for National Pastors in Mozambique.
We’re also working on a more rugged “Enduro” type unit to fill a request from a man that goes far into the countryside to reach remote villages.
All of these Pastors are literally on the front lines of the battle to get our Oneness Message out to as many un-churched people as possible.
Not only do these biker-pastors face the COVID-19 challenges, there’s the economic uncertainty and political upheaval within their own countries and even the very neighbourhoods where they are called to minister.
Five more motorcycles might seem to be a small number. Yet…
Please let me share one story with you.
I won’t divulge either the Missionary’s name or the country where the National Pastor resides.
One of the motorcycles that we purchased a few years ago is in daily use by a young man who’s a Oneness bible school graduate. (We’re all cogs in the Great Picture) The young man met and then witnessed to a man who turned out to be a Trinitarian minister. The revelation of the truth of the Oneness message was given to the minister. He then re-baptized his own family and about 90 members of his congregation.
Fellow StreetRiders, that’s but one report that we receive from the regional supervisors where our motorcycles are employed on a daily basis.
Since its inception, the “Cruzin’ for Christ” Motorcycles for Missions Rally has supplied the funds to purchase fifty seven bikes.
Our 2021 Ride will occur on August 21st.
May I take this opportunity to encourage each chapter to look at and then organize a “Motorcycles for Missionaries” activity this year?
Every single dollar counts on the Mission Field.
Dave McLeod
Regional Director for Canada