Bro Ross & Sis Sharon Hughes
Bristol, VA
Solid Rock Apostolic Church,
Bristol, TN
Pastor Bonny Reed
International Chaplain
The Azusa StreetRiders National Board would like to take a moment and thank Bro Mark Hardin, and commend him for his many years of service to the ASR ministry. Bro Hardin has served this ministry for many years as our International Chaplain, and has done so with a passion and desire to see true growth in this ministry, and in the chaplaincy. Chaplain Hardin has resigned his position as International Chaplain to grow other areas of his ministry. He will be greatly missed as a great asset to that position. We now have a vacancy in the role of International Chaplain. Starting today, in alignment with our decision last year to accept applications for board appointed positions, we will be accepting applications for the position of International Chaplain for 30 days. Anyone who is interested in applying for this position, please send an email to, or to I would ask, before you send an application, please spend time in prayer, and discuss this decision with your pastor. God bless you all.
Jeremiah Hayes
Vice President
Azusa Streetriders International
National Rally Registration is now open
The rally will be here before we know it! Here are the instructions for registration. Your registration includes, 2023 rally pin, name tag, coffee/donuts before the business meeting and a catered lunch after the business meeting for 40.00. The meal plan lunches and dinners for both Thursday and Friday will be 20.00 each for adults, 12.00 each children ages 6-12 and children 5 and under free.
Please register ASAP so we have a count of how many to prepare for.
Go to the website, click on menu then click on events, click on 2023 national rally Maryville, TN then click on view details. You can put the number of how many you are registering in the drop down boxes, proceed to “register now” then finish payment information. That’s where you can register for the rally and whatever meals you want. Check your email for a confirmation that the transaction was completed. Please Contact sister Laureen Theodore if you have any problems or questions.
The Pilgrimage Myrtle Beach, SC
Don’t forget to make your plans to join New and old members at the Pilgrimage in Myrtle Beach, SC where it all started.
Events Coming Up in 2023
Events Coming Up For 2023
April 14-16
“The Pilgrimage”
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
April 15
Gulf Coast Texas Chapter Prayer Ride
Mount Belvieu,Texas
May 13
Sword Run
Clarksburg, West Virginia
May 20
Blessing of the Bikes
Toledo, Ohio
May 27-28
Central Missouri Biker Weekend
Rolla, Missouri
June 9-10
Bikerfest at Rushing Wind Biker Church
Zanesville, Ohio
June 11
Muskingum Chapter Biker Sunday
Zanesville, Ohio
July 14-16
NE Indiana Biker Weekend
New Haven, Indiana
August 3-5
National Rally
Maryville, Tennessee
August 17-20
5th Annual Biker Weekend
Jacksonville, IL
August 19
“Cruzin’ for Christ”
St John,New Brunswick Canada
August 25-27 Wooster Chapter Biker Weekend Wooster, Ohio
Sept 9-10
3rd Annual Biker Weekend
Sparta, Tn
Sept 15-17
Michigan Biker Weekend
Cedar Springs, Michigan
Sept 29-Oct 1
6th Annual Biker Weekend
Sept 29-Oct 1
Toledo Biker Weekend
Toledo, Ohio
All events will be listed in the monthly Rumblings Newsletter. And also on the National Website.
When you have selected your date’s for your event. Please create them on both of our facebook group pages . The members page and also on the friends page in the event section please.
Prayer and Fasting Day for Bind the Strongman Prayer Service
March 3rd the day our Azusa StreetRiders “Bind the Strongman Prayer Service” is to be held and I know there has been much prayer brought before the Lord by so many for this event already however I would like to Call to Arms to all prayer warriors with a corporate day of Prayer & Fasting BEFORE Friday March 3rd.
Therefore I propose that on Thursday, March 2nd that any and all members, friends and associates of this ministry take this day to be in focused prayer and fasting before our big event. I ask if your a seasoned fasting machine than let’s give it all we got and if your not ask the Lord what you might give up that day in order to prepare ourselves before the Lord after all this is what the “Bind the Strongman is all about touching the hem of His garment for not only ourselves but for others in need. God hears all prayers and honors all forms of fasting so there is no act of fasting to small that goes unnoticed.
What better way of preparing this flesh than bring it under subjection. What better way of bringing it under subjection than a day of prayer and denying it something it craves.
God Bless all of you looking forward to miracles, signs, and wonders.
ATTENTION…If you have not yet paid your 2023 membership dues please pay them asap to avoid being dropped down to associate member status. If you have any questions or need help paying dues please contact me at
Welcome New Members
Sis Charlotte Shopher
Marianna, FL
Apostolic Church of Prase
Pastor Charles Shopher
Note: January 2023
Bro Kendall (Rex) & Sis Heather Andis
Montgomery, IN
Victory Community Church
Pastor Derrick Crews
Bro Stephen Smith
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church
Bishop Pete Aldrich
Sis Taylor Bunner – Smith
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church
Bishop Pete Aldrich
Bro Joshua & Sis Tai Cotiller
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church
Pastor Derrick Crews
Bro Ryan Parsons
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church
Pastor Derrick Crews
Bro Larry & Sis Nichole Thompson
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church
Pastor Derrick Crews
Sis Paula Romanowski (Upgraded to Full Member)
Rolla, MO
Tabernacle of praise
Pastor Tim Blackwell
West Virginia
Bro Jeff Jarrett
Mount Carbon, WV
Glen Ferris Apostolic
Pastor Chad Smales
2023 Up Coming Events
Events Coming Up For 2023
The line up so far.
March 3rd
Bind The Strong Man Location’s
March 25
Gulf Coast Texas Chapter Prayer Ride
April 14-16
“The Pilgrimage”
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
April 15
Gulf Coast Texas Chapter Prayer Ride
Mount Belvieu,Texas
May 13
Sword Run
Clarksburg, West Virginia
May 20
Blessing of the Bikes
Toledo, Ohio
May 27-28
Central Missouri Biker Weekend
Rolla, Missouri
June 9-10
Bikerfest at Rushing Wind Biker Church
Zanesville, Ohio
June 11
Muskingum Chapter Biker Sunday
Zanesville, Ohio
July 14-16
NE Indiana Biker Weekend
New Haven, Indiana
August 3-5
National Rally
Maryville, Tennessee
August 17-20
5th Annual Biker Weekend
Jacksonville, IL
August 19 Cruzin for Christ St John, New Brunswick Canada
Sept 9-10
3rd Annual Biker Weekend
Sparta, Tn
Sept 15-17
Michigan Biker Weekend
Cedar Springs, Michigan
Sept 29-Oct 1
6th Annual Biker Weekend
Sept 29-Oct 1
Toledo Biker Weekend
Toledo, Ohio
All events will be listed in the monthly rumblings newsletter. And also the National website.
When you have selected your date’s for your event. Please create them on our facebook members group page and also on the friends page in the event section please.
2023 Invoices for dues have been sent out. Please contact me if you have not received an invoice or if you have any questions.
God Bless, Sis Laureen Theodore ASR International Treasurer