2017 motorcycles for missionaries

Praise the Lord Brethren,

Azusa StreetRiders is pleased to announce that it is teaming up with UPCI Global Missions and Missionary to Belize, Dwayne Abernathy, to help purchase motorcycles for use by local ministers who are under his direction. This is a UPCI 2016 Special Project Appeal (Code GMGP.158845.2405) and we, as the World’s Only Oneness Motorcycle Ministry, believe strongly that motorcycles on foreign fields are tremendously helpful in reaching the lost and want to help in any way we are able. To date, independently, we have provided funds to purchase 38 motorcycles for use around the world. If you are able to help us in this endeavor, please send whatever you are able to the address on the bottom of this page. 100% of the funds will go to this cause.

Thank you and God Bless,

Rev. Anthony Storey

President, Azusa StreetRiders International


A Note from Bro. Abernathy

Esteemed Brethren; Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am happy to inform you that the work in Belize is in a time of unprecedented growth and revival! At our recent General Assembly of ministers we had four new candidates receive ministers’ licenses and nine upgrade to the next level. In just a few short years we have increased from mid-twenties to 49 licensed ministers in Belize.

We receive reports on a regular basis of pastors baptizing people in Jesus’ name and new ones receiving the Holy Ghost! This is great news but with growth, unique problems arise; we cannot effectively minister to our new Saints due to transportation problems. We need motorcycles for our Supervisors and Presbyters. Some travel considerable distances for work and to visit their churches. Presently, they use unreliable public transportation and this takes too much time from ministry. Bus schedules greatly extend travel time and reduce ministry time. If our Supervisors and Presbyters had motorcycles, they could be much more efficient.

We have received an excellent quote of $2,650 US each from the local Honda dealer (one of our brethren) for 9 Honda XR150 motorcycles. This includes license and insurance for one year.

I am writing to solicit your help: If we could have 22 churches give $1,000 US each then the motorcycles can be purchased and delivered to our men. If you are unable to help at this level, any financial support and prayer is appreciated.

Thank you for taking time to read this letter. I ask you to please prayerfully consider helping us with the purchase of these motorcycles

Lord bless you and your church,

Dwayne Abernathy

Missionary to Belize



Rev. Anthony Storey

Motorcycles for Missionaries

835 main st

pleasureville KY 40057



2016 National Rally

2016 National Rally

Praise the Lord Azusa StreetRiders

It’s July 1st  2016, that puts us 34 days from the 2016 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally in Cameron Mo.

God has impressed apon me the importance of us all coming expecting great things this year!!  so we all need to prepare ourselves, by getting back to the basics.. prayer and fasting are key to preparation. We must be ready to receive what the Lord has for us!!

Vicky and I are looking forward to seeing ya’ll again this year, we love our ASR family.

I am excited about this year,along with all the fellowship and awesome preaching this year, we will be announcing our very first ASR ” chapter of the year” and Our first “Coordinator of the year.”

we have two National offices to fill this year. first we have the National Vice President then the National Secretary.

all of the nominations are in and counted, so here are the candidates for the positions .a few nominees respectfully declined their nomination, so we will bring these four men before you. each one will stand and address the membership prior to voting. each is qualified and meet all requirements


Ed Sears from Louisiana

Jim Curley from Ohio



Michael Luttrell from Kentucky

Robert Thompson from Tennessee


God Bless you all

I am counting the days till we fellowship and worship together.

Rev. Anthony Storey

Azusa StreetRiders

International President



2016 Back to the Basics

Praise the Lord Azusa StreetRiders,
We are in the 5th month of 2016 already, we are seeing awesome growth already this year.  In the last week of April we added three new chapters,  one in New Philadelphia Ohio with 8 new members , one in Evansville Indiana, with 5 new members and one in Ball Louisiana with 8 members.  God is Blessing us!!

I’m trusting that the Lord is not done with the revival He has sent us this year, but we must do our part. Lets bind together in prayer and keep on sharing the Gospel.  2016 can be our greatest year to date!!

Jesus is coming soon, lets not give up on reaching souls till He calls us home. God placed each of us in this ministry for a reason and that is to reach the lost! It’s not about bikes, riding or what organization we belong too, the Azusa StreetRiders is about JESUS!

Back to the basics in 2016 should be our mind set: Prayer, fasting, reading His Word and apostolic worship should be included in our activities.

In three months, we will be gathering for our 2016 National Rally and the excitement is building!  The Lord has blessed us greatly each year, with a great time of fellowship, new friends and most of all ,His presents. You will not want to miss this years Rally!
At our National business meeting we will be having some elections, so please try to attend. The two offices will be Secretary,  currently held by Bro. Robert Thompson and Vice President,  currently held by Bro. Jim Curley

Each of these positions are National Board positions and need to be considered carefully and with prayer. These positions are very important and take  dedication of personal time and sometimes personal funds, due to travel. All qualifying members are eligible to nominate someone or hold office. We will be posting qualifications on the website for each position.

The Cameron Missouri Chapter has put together some nice rides for us this year and on Thursday Aug. 4th 2016 during our ride we will be visiting the Harley Davidson Factory in KC. for a tour of the plant.

Vicky and I will be visiting the Cameron chapter in May and we are looking forward to seeing y’all at the rally August 4 – 7 2016

I appreciate all you do for the Lord

Rev. Anthony Storey

Azusa StreetRiders National President

4th Annual Bind The Strongman March 2016

On March 4th and 5th 2016 the Azusa StreetRiders held their 4th Annual Bind The  Strongman all night prayer service., in Cincinnati  Ohio.

Bind The Strongman is the Azusa StreetRiders kick off event for the year and God Blesses us each year.

We had approximately 50 in attendance,  as we prayed and worshiped through the night. The Holy Ghost was in the house, many were touched by God this year.

We were treated to an awesome service in the morning when Bro.  Joel Urshan  preached a message from the Lord. I have attached a recording for the message for your enjoyment.

I look forward to next years Bind the Strongman prayer service.

God Bless

Rev. Anthony Storey

Azusa StreetRiders

National President

Guess what? It’s finally here.

You guessed it. Riding season it’s finally here. While working last night I could not stop thinking about how excited I am about riding season finally being here. What does this mean? It means lots of opportunities for all of us that ride. I’m talking about opportunities to tell people about Jesus. I hear people saying that they find it hard to talk to people about Jesus. It really is simple. Here are a few ideas to get us started for the year.

Always wear your back patch. I have a simple rule that I have set for myself. If I get on my bike I put on my back patch. Its that easy.
Here is the way that this works. If I’m wearing my back patch,people can see it. If I’m not they can’t. Make yourself visible.

Have a flyer for an upcoming ASR event or a ASR business card with you at all times. Something to help break the ice and open up a conversation. Starting a conversation is not hard. Here is how I usually start the conversation.

When I pull into a gas station and see a motorcycle I always start a conversation with that person. I do not walk up to them and start immediately pushing Jesus, church or religion on them, I simply say something like this:

What an awesome day for a ride. Or I love your bike, that is one sweet ride. I tell them my name and shake their hand and then never leave without giving them an invite of some kind. I usually just hand them a flyer or a business card and tell them I am part of Azusa streetRiders and we have a ride this weekend and that we would love to have them join us. If there is no ride coming up I simply hand them my card or info and say we have rides all the time if you ever want to join us give us a call.
I usually like to throw into the conversation that I belong to a biker friendly church and we would love to have them visit us sometime. You will be surprised how many will take you up on this offer.

It really is that simple. The last days are here. We cannot miss an opportunity.

Hope this helps. We have work to do this riding season and that time of year is finally here.

Jesus is coming back soon, so let’s get busy.

Rev. Jim Curley
National Vice President
Azusa StreetRiders

Azusa StreetRiders Chaplains

Praise the Lord, Azusa StreetRiders!
I am excited to share with you a new addition .

The Azusa StreetRiders now have a team of Chaplains.
I have noticed over the past few months an increase in prayer request and to meet the needs of fast growing membership,I have added Regional Chaplains to assisted our National Chaplain, Rev. Robert Eades and our National Ladies Chaplain, Rev. Julie McGhghy. Please call upon these Men and Women with your prayer needs.   I would like to thank each of our new Chaplains for their willingness to service.

God Bless

Rev. Anthony Storey

Azusa StreetRiders

National President

I’ve included a map of the five regions:


us map


National Chaplain
 Rev. Robert Eades

National Ladies Chaplain
Rev. Julie McGhghy

Eastern  Region: 15

Regional Chaplains,
Rev. Rick Perry, 203-404-0339, rperry@havenofhope.us

Sis. Laureen Theodore, 330-720-4382, delrio1703@aol.com

•New Hampshire
•Rhode Island
•New Jersey
•New York
• Delaware
• District of Columbia
• Virginia
• West Virginia
• Maryland

South Region: 7

Regional Chaplains,
Rev. Justo Saavedra, 954-235-2442, justosaavedra@me.com   

 Rev. Ed Sears,  985-285-5966, cmrider@gmail.com

• Florida
• Georgia
• North Carolina
• South Carolina
• Alabama

Central Region: 10

Regional Chaplain,  Rev. Henry Cherry 504-2328103 hacherry1953@yahoo.com
•New Mexico
•South Dakota
•North Dakota

Midwestern Region: 11

Regional Chaplain,  Rev. Joe Jarvis
309-287-7764 hope.ministries@comcast.net

• Illinois

West Region: 9

Regional Chaplain,  Rev. Michael Moore

209-483-3381  mdmoore209@att.net




A Word From Your Vice President – My Vision For 2016

Well 2015 is over. Hello new year hello new opportunities.

I went out yesterday for a short and very cold ride and spent some time thinking about my vision for ASR in 2016. Well this may not seem like any big brainstorm but this is truly one area that both ASR and me as an individual need to focus on for 2016. It is simply. Connect. Connect with other ASR members. This will help us in so many ways.

Over Thanksgiving my wife and I traveled to Kansas City to visit family. We use this opportunity to visit the Mo/Kan Chapter of ASR and also had members of the Cameron Missouri Chapter join us. We had a wonderful time of worship, food and fellowship.

In December my wife and I traveled to the Louisville Kentucky area. You guessed it. We took this opportunity to meet with the Northern Kentucky Chapter. We attended their Christmas party and then went on and had fellowship with a few members by going shopping at the local Cycle Gear Store and going to see Christmas lights.

Where am I going with all this? There are many members of ASR who are totally independent and live a distance from a chapter. The point I’m trying to get across is we all travel. Simple travel in our daily or business life gives us the opportunity to connect with other ASR members and chapters. It doesn’t have to be a scheduled event or even a church service. It can be a simple lunch or cup of coffee with a member. This is both how we can plug in with ASR members that we know and do not know. This can be a way for us to meet new Friends as well as old.

If we could catch this vision think of all the new members that we could meet in 2016. Think of all the members that live to far away from a chapter or events to get involved in that would would now have connections with other members. How about old members that are no longer involved in ASR.

I already know what some of you are going to say. I don’t travel. Simple solution. Once a month pick up the phone and call someone that you don’t know from ASR and introduce yourself. After all we are family so how about in 2016 we get to know our family. Let’s catch the vision. Let’s Connect in 2016.

Rev. Jim Curley
National Vice President
Azusa Street Riders

An Interesting Question…

This evening, we had the privilege to sing at a local event here in Eminence, KY. There were several performers present that represented talent from all over our entire county. One of those little ‘performers,’ was the granddaughter of a dear friend of mine who read the following short writing.

While it was being read, it introduced an interesting question & posed a sobering point-of-view that I wanted to share with you. I apologize to the writer, but I can find no author to credit. Let it provoke you to find ways to include Jesus…the Reason for the Season…in all of your Christmas festivities.

I had a dream Joseph. I don’t understand it, not really, but I think it was about a birthday celebration for our son. I think that was what it was all about. The people had been preparing for it for about six weeks. They had decorated the house & bought elaborate gifts. It was peculiar, though because the presents weren’t for our son. They wrapped them in beautiful paper & tied them with lovely bows & stacked them under a tree. Yes, Joseph, a tree…right in their house. They’d decorated the tree also. The branches were full of glowing balls & sparkling ornaments. There was a figure on top of the tree. It looked like what an angel might look. Oh it was beautiful. Everyone was laughing & happy. They were all excited about the gifts. They gave the gifts to each other, Joseph, not to our son. I don’t think they even knew Him. They never mentioned His name. Doesn’t it seem odd for people to go to all that trouble to celebrate someone’s birthday if they don’t know Him? I had the strangest feeling that if our son had gone to this celebration, He would have been intruding. Everything was so beautiful, Joseph, & everyone so full of cheer, but it made me want to cry. How sad for Jesus not to be wanted at His own birthday celebration. I’m glad it was only a dream. Joseph, how terrible if it had been real?

Be blessed!

Rev. Robert E. Eades

ASR National Chaplain

(502) 750-2174 (call or text)


A Word From Our Chapter Presidents

Greetings in Jesus name from the Clarksburg, WV chapter of Azusa StreetRiders. God has been moving and blessing tremendously in our church and chapter. I want to say thanks to all our ASR brothers and sisters for your wonderful efforts in moving this ministry forward in the vision of reaching souls! Here in Clarksburg, our ASR chapter has made a great effort in reaching souls and fundraising for Motorcycles for Missionaries. First consider our Sword Run, which is held annually on the second Saturday of each May. It is a ministry opportunity that comes in the form of a motorcycle run set up like a poker run. Instead of the participants gathering poker cards, at each stop they pick up a scripture card with a different point value on each one (and each is set in a different color). Each scripture card has a salvation scripture on it that leads to the Oneness, New Birth truth of repentance, water baptism in Jesus name, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost. Also, we try to have each of our stops along the way to be at parking lots of our local Oneness churches whenever possible. This event is full of fellowship, family fun, and meeting new people as well as old friends! Thanks to all our ASR members who sacrifice their time to come join us!

Our next outreach/fundraising opportunity is parking cars at local high school football games. We do this about 6 to 7 games per season, starting in late September or early October. Basically, we direct traffic and park cars for the athletic department, helping to keep order and give needed directions while people arrive to the game. We do this while wearing our back patches. Although the people are not there to see us, they still see the message of salvation on our backs!

Finally, when we can, we have been reaching out to the community by selling smoked BBQ dinners (each containing a half-chicken with mashed potatoes, green beans, and a roll) for $10 each. So far it has been a great blessing to this ministry and we have meet many wonderful people.

I must give credit to our local ASR members and their spouses: Pastor and Sister Joseph, Brother Mark and Sister Meredith McClain, Brother David and Sister Christina Ramsey, and especially Brother Mike and Sister Katrina Sutton, for their sacrifice of time and money for these ministry opportunities. All have helped, and the Suttons have gone above and beyond. All of these ministry opportunities and fundraising efforts have been born from their love of this ministry and their love of souls. Without them none of these opportunities would exist or have survived. They have given and sacrificed their time, money, and energy to make the Sword Run, game parking, and smoked chicken dinner sales to be successful! We extend a special thanks to Brother Mike and Sister Katrina Sutton.

We also recently awarded our very first support patch and vest to a very deserving brother in our church. This precious man has been at almost every single one of our fundraising and/or ministry opportunities. He has jumped right in, helping sacrificially every time. We recently sent in the paperwork and received his support patch. At the next service we presented Brother David Todd with this honor! Thank you, Lord, for helpers!

I’ve taken enough time, but remember, as we move forward in these last days, may God move in and through us and ASR to reach our lost and dying world. In JESUS name! Amen!

God Bless you,
Nathaniel A Benedum
Clarksburg,West Virginia Chapter ASR