Praise the Lord Brethren,
Azusa StreetRiders is pleased to announce that it is teaming up with UPCI Global Missions and Missionary to Belize, Dwayne Abernathy, to help purchase motorcycles for use by local ministers who are under his direction. This is a UPCI 2016 Special Project Appeal (Code GMGP.158845.2405) and we, as the World’s Only Oneness Motorcycle Ministry, believe strongly that motorcycles on foreign fields are tremendously helpful in reaching the lost and want to help in any way we are able. To date, independently, we have provided funds to purchase 38 motorcycles for use around the world. If you are able to help us in this endeavor, please send whatever you are able to the address on the bottom of this page. 100% of the funds will go to this cause.
Thank you and God Bless,
Rev. Anthony Storey
President, Azusa StreetRiders International
A Note from Bro. Abernathy
Esteemed Brethren; Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
I am happy to inform you that the work in Belize is in a time of unprecedented growth and revival! At our recent General Assembly of ministers we had four new candidates receive ministers’ licenses and nine upgrade to the next level. In just a few short years we have increased from mid-twenties to 49 licensed ministers in Belize.
We receive reports on a regular basis of pastors baptizing people in Jesus’ name and new ones receiving the Holy Ghost! This is great news but with growth, unique problems arise; we cannot effectively minister to our new Saints due to transportation problems. We need motorcycles for our Supervisors and Presbyters. Some travel considerable distances for work and to visit their churches. Presently, they use unreliable public transportation and this takes too much time from ministry. Bus schedules greatly extend travel time and reduce ministry time. If our Supervisors and Presbyters had motorcycles, they could be much more efficient.
We have received an excellent quote of $2,650 US each from the local Honda dealer (one of our brethren) for 9 Honda XR150 motorcycles. This includes license and insurance for one year.
I am writing to solicit your help: If we could have 22 churches give $1,000 US each then the motorcycles can be purchased and delivered to our men. If you are unable to help at this level, any financial support and prayer is appreciated.
Thank you for taking time to read this letter. I ask you to please prayerfully consider helping us with the purchase of these motorcycles
Lord bless you and your church,
Dwayne Abernathy
Missionary to Belize
Rev. Anthony Storey
Motorcycles for Missionaries
835 main st
pleasureville KY 40057