2017 National Rally – Are You Ready?

2017 National Rally – Are You Ready?

Believe it or not the 2017 National Rally is only 6 months away. It’s time to start getting ready, marking you calendars,making hotel reservations, putting aside a few dollars and inviting people along for the ride. I personally cannot wait to meet up The first week in August in Denison Texas with all of my ASR family.

It is not to early to start praying and fasting for this rally. I am asking all ASR members to add this rally to your regular prayer schedule and to please fast one day a month in preparation for this rally.

Let’s make this rally the biggest and the best National Rally to date.
Remember to use every opportunity to witness to people. On the way to the rally we will be stopping at gas stations, restaurants etc. let’s use every opportunity that we have to share Jesus with people along the way. I personally do not want to leave a gas station with at least telling one person about Jesus. This much travel gives us great opportunities. We can waste it or use it for His kingdom. The national rally is not just a gathering of friends, it is a gathering of apostolic bikers. So I keep it simple by saying – let’s be apostolic and look for opportunities for the kingdom along the way.

The 2017 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally will be held in Denison Tx

Wednesday Aug 2, 7pm meet and greet

Thursday Aug 3 all day ride and church at 7pm. Bro.Bruce Howell from the UPCI will be preaching the Motorcycles for Missionaries service.

Friday Aug. 4 all day ride and church at 7pm Bro. Samual Smith from the AWCF will be preaching.

Saturday Aug. 5th ASR National business meeting and election for National President and National Treasuerer will be held.

8am coffee and donuts

8:30 annual business meeting starts.

more details coming soon!!!!!!

Sherman, TX (Hwy 75/Hwy 82)
Quality Suites – $69.00 (all suites)
Hampton Inn – $79.00 standard
Denison, TX (Hwy 75/FM120)
Holiday Inn Express – $75.00 standard/$85.00 suite
All rates are available 3-days prior and 3-days post event dates
All rates are per room, per night and for single or double occupancy
$10.00 per additional adult per room, per night up to room capacity
All hotels feature complimentary hot breakfast buffet daily
All hotels feature rooms with 1-king or 2-queen beds (Quality Suites is an “all suite” hotel)
All hotels feature in-room refrigerators and coffee makers
Hampton Inn and Quality Suites also feature in-room microwaves
All hotels feature swimming pools
All hotels feature complimentary WiFi

Can’t wait to see you all in Denison Texas

Challenge – I am challanging all ASR members to invite at least 1 person to this rally.

Rev. Jim Curley
National Vice President
Azusa Street Riders

Azusa StreetRiders: “The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ”

I am extremely thankful for this ministry; and equally thankful to be a part of it. There is no doubt that we are taking the one and only true message of salvation to a culture and world that seems to have possibly been avoided throughout history. We carry the true Apostolic message. However, I have a question that I hope will drive each of us to intentional and genuine soul searching. Is it possible that we can be a member of an Apostolic ministry without being a genuine Apostolic Christian? Is it possible that we can be a member of Apostolic churches without actually living an Apostolic lifestyle? The early Apostolic church was driven with a passion to win the lost. Is it possible that we can become personally content residing under an Apostolic label only to slip away from our desperation to fulfill the great commission? Is our personal greatest endeavor still to find another hungry soul that we can point to Calvary? Are we content with a personal Apostolic experience that included an initial repentance, being “buried with Him by baptism”, and experiencing our personal Pentecost only to slip into complacency? Or on the contrary, are we still driven by the heartbeat of God? Souls. We must work while it is day. I desire to move beyond the contentment of simply residing under the umbrella of an Apostolic church, Apostolic ministry, and Apostolic label. Please don’t misunderstand me; I need each of these in my life. However, my desire is to be an Apostolic Christian. To have an Apostolic heartbeat. I pray that our vision and our focus is to passionately fulfill The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ; leading souls to Him.

Michael Luttrell
Azusa StreetRiders International.

Membership Renewal 2017

It’s time for membership renewal again. Just a reminder that at the National Rally 2016 the membership voted to change the Chapter membership dues to $30.00. When you receive your invoice it will reflect this change. Individual membership dues will remain at $60.00.

Your chapter dues can be paid through paypal or by mail. If you are not part of a chapter you can pay your dues through the online store.

We want to thank all of our members for your continued support of the ASR ministry. We pray that God will continue to bring the increase of souls to your church through this outreach.

Lydia Diaz-ASR Treasurer

prayer and fasting

Praise the Lord!!

we are 5 weeks away from Bind the Strongman all night prayer service.. This year it will be held in Clarksburg WV. March 3rd and 4th. I hope to see many of ya’ll there.

as we get into full swing with events in 2017, I want to challenge you to spend time in prayer. We must be ready to take HIS WORD to individuals that need HIM. we can not do that successfully if we have not taken care of ourselves first. Prayer, Fasting is a must! We all have struggles and when we are in those valleys we must keep on walking with HIM. I would like us all to put some time a side for prayer and fasting this month. prayer for each other, pray for the ASR, pray for the lost and pray for our country..

when we arrive  in Clarksburg for BTSM Prayer service, we will be ready for what God has in stored for us this year.. each year there is an awesome move of God and this year will be know different, so we must prepare.

If you are struggling now, just remember:

If there were 1000 steps between you and God today, I want to assure you, that God would take 999 of them. He leaves it to you to take that 1 step towards HIM.. An old Chinese proverb says that the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Will you take it today?


God Bless

Anthony Storey

Azusa StreetRiders

National President

It’s All About Him

Who is that? What is their name? These are common questions that we ask when we see an individual that we don’t know. As of recent, I have been reminded of how much people are looking to specific individuals for hope and direction. In the very recent political event, it was extremely clear that each side of the stage was pronouncing the name and power of their candidate as a large portion of their political platform. Now I am watching as sports becomes the main topic around the “watercooler” with the approaching Super Bowl and March madness right around the corner. I am hearing how that “this” team will win because this particular individual(s) is on that team or that team will win because they have that particular player. I am recognizing that people’s attention is captivated by distinct persons regardless if the topic is politics, sports teams, employers, singers / music, or even Hollywood.

With that in mind, I am reminded of the focal point of the ministry of the Azusa StreetRiders. As the only internationally recognized Oneness motorcycle ministry, it is imperative that our focus remains on Jesus Christ. We have the “One” to offer that holds all power within His hands. We have the ability and responsibility to introduce this world to Him. Regardless of who people are looking to for their help, we know the One that goes far beyond the doctors, counselors, and advisors of this world. Not to mention, that He is the ONLY savior!! He still forgives sin, delivers from addictions, heals the sick, mends broken hearts, and gives hope to the hopeless in 2017!! And that doesn’t even scratch the surface of what our God can do.

So as plans are underway for rides, events, and outreach for this year, please remember to make God the CENTER of everything that we do. The ASR is really all about Him. It is His ministry. Any and all “success” is attributed to Him. Let’s work together and each one do our part to make 2017 a great year by “building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost”, “consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works”, and, ultimately, talking about and showing this world Jesus. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” We must remind this world (and sometimes ourselves) that everything we are needing and looking for is found in Him!! It’s all about him!!

Michael Luttrell
Azusa StreetRiders
International Secretary

New Life Resolution

New Life Resolution

I’ve been thinking about how at this time of the year, every single one of us makes a New Year’s resolution. Not only do we make a New Year’s resolution but we put thought and planning into it.

Many of us pray that we make the right decision, a decision that will effect our entire year or perhaps even our entire lIfe.

Most years I make New Year’s resolutions and stick to maybe 10% of the original plan. Sometimes only get about 10% of the things on my list accomplished and sometimes I have everything on my list accomplished but after the year is only about 10% over, I usually give up and go back to the way that I did things the year before.

With lots of thought and prayer I have made up my mind that this year I absolutely refuse to make a New Year’s resolution. Why?
You may be thinking that is a little extreme, But trust me I have put a lot of thought and prayer into this decision.

I do not want to focus on something that will change me for a temporary time. I do not want to focus on a New Year’s resolution, I want to focus on my New Life Resolution..

When I say my New Life Resolution I am not talking about my life here on earth I’m talking about life eternal in the presence of my creator.
I want to concentrate on my new life in the presence of the L-rd.

I looked up what a New Year’s resolution was on the Internet and here is what I found:

Wikipedia makes this statement.
A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but is also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year’s Day.

Wow. Are they actually serious? A tradition in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning each year on New Year’s Day.

Something slightly nice. Wow, how impressive is this?

People actually make New Year’s resolutions to be slightly nice to other people.

We should be more than slightly nice to people, we should treat them with love, care and compassion and this is not something that we should do as a New Year’s resolution, this is something that we should do automatically because we are Christians.

I want my resolution to be more than a year resolution of treating people slightly nice here on earth. I want my new life resolution to be one that is focused on helping people get to heaven. One that is focused on them being prepared to spending eternity in Heaven.

I am pretty sure that my New Life Resolution does not include being slightly nice to someone.

But It does include killing them with kindness.

It does include being compassionate about the way I treat people.

It does include loving the lovable and the unlovable.

It does include focusing on helping people secure their eternity in the presence of the L-rd.

It does include feeding the homeless.

It does include visiting the jails.

It does include inviting people to church.

But it will never, let me repeat, never include being slightly nice to someone.

Instead of being slightly nice, as Christians, we need to go above and beyond when it comes to how we treat others.

Mark 12:29-31 says:
“And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.”
Ephesians 4:32
“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”

Romans 12:10
“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;”

We need to treat others with respect and kindness. You notice I did not say slight respect and slight kindness.

The best gift you can give anyone, is telling them about Jesus.

Sunday night at work I was working side-by-side with one of my partners that I work with. We started talking about or weekends and how we spend them. I told him that my weekends usually consist of going to the jail to minister to people, outreach,fellowship and Church.

We had a good long talk about church and G-d. He shared a story with me that absolutely touched my heart.

A story about a man, two young boys and a fishing trip.

He told me this story that he had heard about a Christian father that had taken his young son and his friend from school on a fishing trip over the weekend.

The friend of his son had a hard home life and they thought that this may be an opportunity to bond with this young man, witness to him and maybe even invite him to church.

While there were on this fishing trip the three of them were out fishing in their boat and the two boys fell overboard.

I don’t know all the details of the story but both boys were drowning in the water.

The father only had the time and the strength to rescue one of the boys.

Which one of the two boys do you think that the father saved?

His own son or his sons friend from school ?

The answer is his sons friend from school.

You may think how could this father not save his own son?

But this father knew that his son was saved and would make it to heaven and he also knew that his sons friend from school did not know Jesus as his savior and he wanted to save him so he could give him an opportunity to be saved.

And opportunity to make a New Life Resolution.

We have to start putting soul winning as our top priority.

My New Life Resolution is to share the love of Christ with every single person that I meet.

I am not personally satisfied with telling people about Jesus when it is convenient, sometimes you have to go out of your way and make it happen.

Going out of the way to tell people about Jesus is my New Life Resolution .

Most of us in ASR are faithful in our attendance to church, but when is the last time we actually invited someone to church.

I’m not talking about inviting somebody to that special service two or three times a year.

I am challenging each and every single one of us to make it our New Life Resolution that we invite somebody new to each and every single service of 2017.

I absolutely love fellowship with other Christians, but I f I truly want to follow my New Life Resolution, we need to take this message that we believe in to all the world.

ASR does this as a church but what about us as individuals?

If it comes to fellowship with the saints or witnessing to the sinners, which will we choose. I will choose the sinner.

The year 2017 will have no New Years resolutions for me. Instead I am choosing a New Life Resolution.

A decision that will start now and will not end every year on New Year’s Eve.

Let us, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭16:15‬ ‭KJV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

This is my New Life Resolution.

Re. Jim Curley
National Vice President
Azusa StreetRiders

We Are God’s Roadblock To Depression

It has been promoted & has pretty much become common knowledge that during the latter holidays of a year on towards the first few days a new calendar year, basically from Thanksgiving to New Year, more people suffer from the mood disorder known as depression than any other segment of the year. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 350 million people around the world suffer from this dreaded disease. It is also because of this very real disorder that attempted & successful suicides soar during this time of year. Most who encounter it feel like it is a passing season in their life & that they can outrun or handle it on their own. However, it is a very complex psychological state that imposes many physiological effects on the sufferer & prevents them from being able to function properly and/or routinely.

Let me say from the outset that I believe in the miracle-working power of God & His ability to unequivocally heal any individual overwhelmed with the clouds that depression brings. However, it has been my experience that the majority of the people that I have seen endure & overcome depression most have overcome the hopelessness of depressive despair by working & drawing strength through the resources of an outside source. Some of the things that I have found to help are:

  1. Talking with your pastor, doctor or a licensed counselor
  2. Attending regular church & worship services
  3. Releasing grudges & forgiving those who have hurt you
  4. Building a consistent prayer life
  5. Maintaining a personal relationship with the Word of God
  6. Reducing the stress (& drama) in your life

For those of us who have dealt with or know the reality of what it means to suffer with the gloominess of this very real illness, we also know that those who are hurting usually never ask for help or advice. Whether it is out of pride, denial or ‘simply not wanting to bother anyone with their problems’, the seriousness of the outcome can be the same. So the purpose of this article is to help educate & remind everyone to be on the lookout for those around you who may be suffering. Here are ten common warning signs:

  1. Continual sadness
  2. An attitude of self-loathing
  3. Loss of interest in activities
  4. Irritability & isolationism
  5. Anxiety
  6. Loss of energy
  7. Disturbed sleep patterns
  8. Changes in appetite or body weight
  9. Uncommon reckless behavior
  10. Suicidal tendencies

If you’re suffering from depression, please contact any of your ASR Chaplains. We would all be happy to talk to you & help you through the effects of this issue. You are not alone.

For the rest of those reading this article, during this Christmas & holiday season, please listen & pay attention to those around you. Your intervention & gentle words of encouragement may not just save a soul. It may save a life.

Evangelist Robert E. Eades

ASR National Chaplain

(502) 750-2174 (call or text)


Is it spring yet?

With the signs of fall all around and winter quickly approaching I am reminded that, with the exceptions of a few blessed souls living in the southern states, our riding is limited to a few days between now and spring.  I am also reminded that, even during the winter months, the Azusa StreetRiders is a ministry.  The motorcycle is simply a tool that is utilized in our ministry.  Even though we must endure the winter months with limited riding, our ministry can and must still flourish.  Here are just a few quick ideas to help retain our focus until spring.

Connect / follow up with contacts, acquaintances, and friends made during this past riding season.  Use the winter months to build a friendship and relationship with those that you have been able to meet over the last few months.  This is also the perfect time to teach Bible studies to these individuals.  Prepare them for continued fellowship throughout the upcoming riding season.  Remember that even as we use our motorcycles as the tool to connect with people, God desires to use US as the tool to lead them to Him!!

This is also a time that we can prepare our chapters for continued outreach during the next riding season.  This can be a time to brainstorm ways to improve and build upon the current ideas that were utilized during this past year.  It can also be a time of preparation to implement new ideas and strategies that will spur new growth and relationships this upcoming year.

Above all, we must remember that our walk with God supersedes our ministry.  It is of upmost importance that we remember that it is all about Him.  As we grow our relationship with Him, our personal ministry will be a byproduct of our love for Him.  We must allow Him to prepare us for our ministry by spending time with Him and becoming like Him.  Although this must be our primary focus year round, the winter months are a great time to spend a little “extra” time with Him while we don’t have the distractions of summer.

Although we may have to put the kickstands down for a few days, we can ill afford to allow this to be a time of dormancy for the ASR.  The ministry must continue strong through the winter months.  I encourage you to not limit your ministry within the ASR to the time that you are on your bike or to a specific season of the year.  There is still work to be done.  “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.”

Michael Luttrell
Azusa StreetRiders International

A Big Welcome to our New Coordinators

The National Board of ASR is proud to announce the following new state coordinators.

Brother Mike Rohatch – Oklahoma

Sister Urissa Goodin – Texas

And Brother Jim Boyle – New Jersey

Please lift up these new coordinators in your prayers and if you know of any apostolic motorcycle riders or of any opportunities in these states please get a hold of these new coordinators.

Rev. Jim Curley
National Vice President
Azusa Streetriders

2016 UPCI General Conference

I had the privilege once again of attending the 2016 UPCI General Conference in Indianapolis Indiana

First of all a big thank you to Brother And Sister Diaz for all that they do. This simply could not have happened without them. Also a big thank you to everyone else who took time out of their conference to help work the booth.

The highlight for me this year was signing up six new members and also the opportunity that we had to meet some of our missionaries that we have provided motorcycles for. Meeting these ASR members from Russia and Japan and hearing about their mission work reminds me of what ASR is truly about.

General Conference is like a big family reunion. We see members that we haven’t seen in a long time. I absolutely love spending time with my ASR family.

Can’t wait until next year’s conference in Kansas City. Encouraging all members to take a little time out of their schedule and volunteer. It’s actually a lot of fun.

Rev. Jim Curley
National Vice President
Azusa Streetriders





