An Apostolic Resume

According to statistics posted on the US Chamber of commerce website, in 2023, employers ended up adding 3.1 million jobs. A strong jobs market is good news, but many of those job openings are going unfilled because the U.S. does not have enough workers to fill them. Even though we have more Americans participating in the workforce today than before the pandemic, the overall share of the population participating in the labor force has dropped. If our labor force participation rate today was the same as it was in February of 2020, we would have more than two million more Americans in our workforce to help fill those open jobs.

In fact, the decline of Americans’ labor force participation is nothing new—fewer and fewer Americans have been participating in the labor force for decades, resulting in a smaller workforce that is expected to continue shrinking for years to come.

Right now, the labor force participation rate is 62.7%, down from 63.3% in February 2020 and 67.2% in January 2001.  Additionally, in May 2022, the U.S. Chamber surveyed unemployed workers who lost their jobs during the pandemic to gain more insight into what is keeping them from returning to work. Here are a few of the key findings.

Two-thirds (66%) of Americans who lost their full-time job during the pandemic say they are only somewhat active or not very active at all in searching for a new job.

About half (49%) are not willing to take jobs that do not offer the opportunity for remote work.

More than a quarter (26%) say it will never again be essential for them to return to work.

Nearly one in five have altered their livelihood, 17% have retired, 19% have transitioned to homemaker, and 14% are now working part-time.

Almost a quarter (24%) say government aid packages during the pandemic have incentivized them to not actively look for work.

Younger respondents, aged 25-34, are prioritizing personal growth over searching for a job right now; 36% say they’re more focused on acquiring new skills, education, or training before re-entering the job market.

I wonder, if God sometimes looks down on the people who are claiming to follow Him, who are attending church, maybe even calling themselves Christians. And says, no one wants to work anymore.

No doubt it is still on His mind. He said it to his disciples in Matthew chapter 9, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few. If the statistics in the work force of the United States are any indication of the mindset and the willingness of people to get out and get a job, then I can’t imagine the decline in the modern day church.

Do you get excited when you see someone come in and get a blessing from the Lord that was headed down the road to a place called hell? Do you rejoice over someone being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and filled with His Spirit? I know I do, I rejoice with them that rejoice. I love seeing a life made new, and sins washed away. I love seeing the joy of the Lord get all over somebody, and they shout and dance across the front of the church.

There are countless people across this country and world that are relying on a strong labor force in the Apostolic Movement. The fields are white unto harvest. Everywhere you look, there is someone ready to receive what God has for them.

Can you imagine what would happen to the food industry in the country, if half of the farmers suddenly stopped planting and harvesting. There would be a lot of hunger across this land. We take it for granted in this great country of ours, because we have plenty of everything we need.

But, if we could look out over this country through the eyes of the Savior, and see that the population is starving to death spiritually. Because, it’s not enough to attend church, or call ourselves a Christian.. There is a desperate need for people in the fields.

There are more than 25,000 web sites that list job openings. There are a few well-known sites like LinkedInIndeed and Monster.. All of these sites offer a place to upload a resume. Indeed describes what a resume is on their site.

A resume is a formal document that displays an individual’s professional background and relevant skills. Those interested in finding a new job write a resume. Hiring managers or recruiters usually collect resumes through an organization’s career website, a job search engine, a professional social media page or in person. Most resumes consist of work history, education, a professional summary and a list of skills.

Far too often, we discount ourselves, and the ability we have to be used by God, when all He is looking for is someone to be willing to be used by Him. He doesn’t need references or a list of accomplishments. He is just waiting on the words………..

Here am I, send me.

Samson Did As Before, Daniel Did As Before

Shared from Pastor Wylie Rhinehart Jr.
An annual January Post. Thank you for reading.
I distinctly heard these words:
Samson did as before, Daniel did as before.
God, you have my attention!
I had never heard these words uttered by anyone, and I certainly wasn’t thinking of anything at that moment. I instantly knew it was God speaking to me, which to be sure has only happened a couple of times in my life in that manner. Instantly, being tired was the last thing on my mind.
I immediately went to the Bible and looked up these two men and the moments when each did as before.
I found the incident where Samson did as before….
Judges 16:20 And she (Delilah) said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out … at other times before……., and shake myself. And he wist not that the Lord was departed from him.” Just as God had spoken to me, Samson shook himself as before. ‭
This is the only place where the Bible reveals what Samson had done when trouble came. When he needed the supernatural strength to defeat the Philistines he shook himself. However, this last time (It) didn’t work.
I had found the first one, now to look up Daniel. I had never been more determined and focused to look up bible verses in my entire life.
Just as God had spoken, In Daniel 6:10 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, …… he did aforetime.
I had found in short order the two incidents: Samson did as before, Daniel did as before. God what are you wanting me to learn from this?
I believe God wanted to show me the contrast of their yesterday’s. He wanted me to see the results of their investments. There was a great contrast in the results of the yesterday’s, or their “befores.”
I searched and read as much as I could and determined that Samson’s investment was an investment in himself. Again, while this shaking of himself is only mentioned this one time, the Bible lets us know this is what “he’d done before.” How can I summon supernatural strength? I’ll shake myself. Paul said in me dwelleth no good thing. No Samson, it’s not in you or about you.
Early in Samson’s feats of strength he made a false connection between shaking himself and summoning superhuman strength. Listen Samson, listen Wylie, you might shake, and we might shake because of the Spirit of God, but our shaking could never and will never bring the power of God.
This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. Zechariah‬ ‭4:6‬ ‭
It’s not anything that we do in and of ourselves. Like the superstitious baseball player who hits two home-runs and thinks it’s the new pair of socks that did it, and wears them every game after, Samson thought his shaking brought on the power of God. The only record of Samson praying is at the end of his life after his eyes are removed from his head and he is bound and made sport of. I will add here, if the only time you pray is at the end of your life, you are certainly doing the best thing you can do at that moment. Shaking yourself is a poor investment.
Contrast Samson and Jesus if you will.
The man Samson: He said to his parents Bring her to me for she pleases ME.
The man Christ Jesus:
And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please HIM.
Samson is the only man in the Bible who says those words: Please me.
When we do what pleases us God won’t be pleased. That’s backwards. That’s shaking to bring the Spirit of God, instead of shaking because of the Power of God.
I am convinced that the way to be pleased with your life is to please God. If your pleased, but God isn’t, trouble isn’t too far away. Samson was self centered whereas we must be God centered. Paul said I have suffered the loss of all things that I may win Christ. Paul was God centered.
Suffice it to say, Samson’s go to wasn’t worth going to. His shallow, powerless solution was to shake himself.
Enter Daniel.
The decree was made, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, save of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions. Daniel‬ ‭6:7‬ ‭
In spite of the decree, Daniel kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime…. as he did before.
Daniel didn’t pray in response to the kings decree. He didn’t pray so he wouldn’t be thrown in the den of lions. Daniel prayed because that’s what Daniel did. Daniel did what he had done before. As God said, Daniel did as before.
We need to have a “what we did before” in our lives thats worth repeating. What did you do yesterday that’s worth doing today? What did you say yesterday that’s worth saying today?
You took drugs yesterday? That won’t help you today. Alcohol? Cursed God, cursed life? Cursed others? That won’t help. Indulged in addictions? That won’t help. Smoked cigarettes, marijuana or crack? That won’t help. None of those things will help you. None of those things are worth repeating. None of those things will save you.
We need to do and say things today that are worth repeating tomorrow and every day after.
Daniel did as before. Daniel didn’t pray in response, he prayed because that’s what he did. Daniel prayed as before. It wasn’t new. It was a pattern. It was a lifestyle. It was an investment.
Samson shook himself like he did before. Daniel prayed like he did before. One is powerful, the other is powerless. One is trust in God; the other is trust in self.
Samson lost his vision, Daniel started seeing visions. We must strive to live out a day worth repeating tomorrow.
Daniel didn’t have to change anything. He did the same thing he did yesterday. Is what you did yesterday worth repeating today? If not, change your yesterday by changing your right now.
We exist simultaneously in three dimensions of time. Our current moment, this current second even, cannot be separated from our past as this moment is our past. It is also our arrived at future. Seamlessly our past, present, and future exist with nothing differing, even down to the smallest element. You are living your yesterday now. If you want to change your past, there is only one way to do it: change your present moment.
Even though it’s been over a year, even though I know it was God that spoke those words, I find myself acting like Samson at times instead of Daniel.
Wherewithal shall a young man/woman cleanse his ways? By taking heed to the Word of God. You can defeat everything that’s wrong in your life by hearing and obeying the Word of God.
Don’t try and fix yourself by yourself. You can’t defeat the smallest foe that way. Shaking yourself won’t do. Praying today, and praying tomorrow and praying the next day, that’s a day worth repeating. Dying to self today tomorrow and the next day? That’s worth repeating. Praising God today tomorrow and the next day? That’s worth repeating.
May we say, yesterday I prayed, yesterday I worshipped. I will do the same today. Samson did as before, Daniel did as before. Those words left an indelible mark on me that morning, but I have failed to allow them to change me in a way that is satisfying to me. But today I have a chance to live out a day worth repeating, and worth sharing.
What you did yesterday matters. What you’re doing right now is your yesterday.
Let the Samson in you die. Be a Daniel. Start living a day that’s worth repeating tomorrow.

Goodbye 2024, Hello 2025

Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no vision, the people perish……..

As we close out the year 2024, as in other years gone by, we often take a look back over the accomplishments in our personal lives. Perhaps we were promoted in our job, got a raise, was able to pay some things off, or simply had a great year over all.

But, when we shift our sight to what we’ve accomplished in the kingdom of God, how does it compare to the accomplishments in the natural? How did the year 2024 compare over 2023. How many people were touched by the Master because we did what we were called to do? How many people were brought into the kingdom, because we made ourselves available to the will of God?

I for one, have seen a tremendous shift in the past few years within ASR. There has been a dedicated focus for outreach in events all over the country. I am thankful to be a part of a ministry that has decided, that we are to be about the kingdom of God, and the Master’s business.

As we look forward into 2025, I believe there are greater things in store for this ministry. I believe there will be greater reports than we’ve ever seen. I believe there will be greater harvest than we’ve ever seen. I believe that miracles, signs, and wonders will become commonplace for Biker Sundays, and Biker Weekends.

So, goodbye 2024, hello 2025. Let’s hit the road, and win the lost to Jesus!


Annual Invoices

This year has gone fast. It is already the last month of the year. Invoices for the year 2025 will be sent out in January. I’m hoping I have your present email address or contact information on file.
If you have had changes, such as moved or changed email, address, or phone, please contact me. I will try my best in January to get your invoice to you. If you are a chapter and are sending me all your members’ dues in one check, let me know the name of your members with check.
Membership Dues will be due no later than April 31.  Looking Forward to 2025!
Sister Cynthie Zerbe
International Treasurer
p: 231-580-1460

January Chapter Meetings

It was discussed, and decided at the 2024 National Business Meeting, to standardize the chapter election process. With the many changes that take place on the local level throughout the year, we felt that it was important to have local chapters meet in January of every year.

At this meeting, officers will be elected, and a chapter roster will be created.

Once this information is decided, the chapter president or secretary will submit a report to the state coordinator with the following.
The current list of officers
The current roster of the chapter

If you do not have a state coordinator in your area, you may submit the report to the board at

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Bind the Strongman 2025 Locations


We finally confirmed all the Bind the Strong Man locations as we enter the New Year. We will be getting flyers and hotel information soon. Please be in prayer to attend and support the location nearest you to bind in unity as we prepare for the rising season and ministry outreach for 2025.


The theme for this year’s Bind The Strong Man will be Spiritual Warfare. This topic was chosen due to the attack on ASR at the end of the 2024 riding Seaon. We will bind together in prayer on March 7, 2025, to ensure the devil knows that ASR will continue to engage in Spiritual Warfare and spread the Gospel everywhere we ride.


Session 1: Armor of God (Riding Protected)
(7:00 PM – 8:00 PM)
• Scripture Focus: Ephesians 6:10–18
Session 2: The Battle is the Lord’s (The Basics of Spiritual
(8:00 PM – 9:00 PM)
• Scripture Focus: 2 Chronicles 20:15, Exodus 14:13–14
Session 3: Enduring (Not Holding on For Dear Life – Holding on
Until the Glory Comes)
(9:00 PM – 10:00 PM)
• Scripture Focus: Hebrews 12:1–3, Galatians 6:9
Session 4: Exercising Authority (Having a Spirit-Led Battle Plan)
(10:00 PM – 11:00 PM)
• Scripture Focus: Luke 10:19, James 4:7
Session 5: The Weapon of Worship (Leveraging the Victory of
(11:00 PM – Midnight)
• Scripture Focus: Psalm 149:6–9, Acts 16:25–26

Confirmed Locations:

The Lifeway Church  2446 Trebein Rd, Xenia, Oh 45324 Pastor Ken Dillingham.

The Pentecostals of Baytown  5303 N. Hwy 146, Baytown, TX 77523 Pastor Bolenbaucher

Harvest Temple  530 S. Main St, Jacksonville, IL 62650 Pastor Beavers

Life United Pentecostal Church 1301 Pipkin Road, Hinesville, Ga 31313

Motorcycle for Missionary – Philippines Update

The work in the Philippines, for many years has been enhanced by the love offerings which Azusa StreetRiders Ministry has supported through Motorcycles for Missionary’s offerings  Missionary’s Brother Mark and Sister Deborah Naimy sent an updated report recently wish I would like to share so we can get a first hand look at God’s money at work to save souls.

As you can see the church in the Philippines are putting our ASR Motorcycles for Missionaries offering to good use. Many times adding a sidecar on the motorcycle and brother Naimy told me he has seen upto a dozen people on one of these motorcycles, transporting souls to and from church.

Pastor Arthur Montesino. His church is in Hinoba-an, Negros Occidental. Photos of another one of the motorcycles the most recent ASR offering provided.  Thanks again!

Pastor. Arthur Montecino. He pastors in Hinoba-an, Negros Occidental. Pastor Montecino also added a sidecar to maximize the efficiency of the offering of an ASR Motorcycles for Missionary’s.

This is a little different mode of transport than we’re use to however VERY effective in the Philippines for transporting large numbers of souls to and from church.

Let me introduce you to Pastor Alan Malunes. He is our Luzon District Superintendent. At last count, he is head pastor over 17 churches in around Manila.

About Our Missionary’s:

Mark and Debra Naimy have served as missionaries with The Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Philippines since 2008 and Hong Kong since 2017. By God’s grace and with the help of our supporters, thousands have been born again, hundreds have been trained for the ministry, 13 bible college campuses have been established and 103 new churches have been constructed.

Anyone interested in receiving a monthly newsletter keeping abreast of the work in the Philippines please feel free to contact Brother Naime:


2024 Motorcycles for Missionaries

ASR disbursed a total of $37,534 on October 21, 2024. We were able to purchase a total of 23 motorcycles this year because of the sacrificial giving of our amazing membership. Your fundraising efforts will be felt across the world, as missionaries, national pastors, and local pastors fire up those engines, and head into the mission field with the soul saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Each and every one who donated, organized, or helped in any capacity for M4M, now has a direct role in the global harvest of souls.

THANK YOU, to every member, every chapter, every church, and every event visitor, who made this offering possible!



2025 Event Planning

It’s that time of year to begin planning your events for 2025. Many chapters have already begun planning for their upcoming events. If you want to have good attendance, make sure your events are on the calendar early in the year, even before riding season begins. This will help members plan which ones they are able to attend throughout the year. Also, when you begin planning, make sure to reference the event calendar on the website, and also any events listed on the Facebook groups, to try to prevent events from happening in the same state on the same day. There are times when it is necessary, but let’s try to avoid it if at all possible.

We’ve seen exciting growth in our events nationwide, and expect to see more this coming year! As you plan your events, keep outreach as the most important element. I believe the coming year will be one of unprecedented revival, in ASR, and in all of the Apostolic Movement! God is pouring out His Spirit, and I for one, want to be a part of the greatest revival this world has ever seen!

If you need help making an event on the Facebook groups, or need your event listed on the website, please email all details to me at 


Riding the Edge

By Sis. Cynthie Zerbe

As a lot of you know, I had an accident a month ago. I’m thanking God I survived and healing well. I learned several things. You don’t want to get close to the edge of the road, and if you know the speed limit, do it. If you happen to miss your exit, go to the next one or next turn around. All 3 of these was me. A lot of things can go through your head when this happens. When I seen the exit, I had already passed the speed sign for it and didn’t even seen it almost pasting the exit I enter it which put me on the edge of the road. To add to the exit, it was one of those donut exits. Seeing the edge drop off 6-8in  from the tarmac to side of road I just knew it was over with. And that is all I can remember. Hitting the ground, rolling over and seeing 5 volunteer firemen and husband standing around me. They asked me if I needed an ambulance and I said no. The firemen said, we had to move our bikes, so Brother Zerbe stood my bike up started it and I proceeded to drive my bike to a Burger King parking lot. I ended up going to get checked out, and I had 5 broken right side ribs and right clavicle broken in 3 places. Now that I have been told I’m official biker, the funny thing about it is when I had my first ride in a rain storm I was told the same thing, I’m an official biker. So now I’m asking myself what is it you truly have to go through to become a biker? And all I can think about, this is nothing compared to what Christ went through for US. I have had several people ask me, are you going to keep riding. My answer to them from me is, if Christ before me, who can be against me. I will make mistakes, but I’m not one to quit. I will arise and ride again in time.

By Sister Cynthie Zerbe