Welcome New Members & New Chapter in Tallmadge, OH

Let’s take a moment and WELCOME all our newest members to the Azusa StreetRiders Motorcycle Ministry. Also let’s greet our newest chapter –  The First Apostolic Church of Tallmadge,
Pastor Kenneth Bulgrin.

Bro Joe Friend
South Whitley, IN
Victory Life Church
Pastor Greg Fries

Bro Tim & Sis Pauletta Preston
Defiance. OH
Victory Life Church
Pastor Greg Fries

Bro Mario Roguski
Lowell, IN
Victory Life Church
Pastor Greg Fries

Bro Joshua & Sis Kristen Gunter
Hobart, IN
The Rock Church
Pastor David Stovall

Bro Gary & Sis Christina Fullen
Ravenna, OH
First Apostolic Church of Tallmadge
Pastor Kenneth Bulgrin

Bro Darin & Sis Shandenara Miller
Akron, OH
First Apostolic Church of Tallmadge
Pastor Kenneth Bulgrin

Bro David & Sis Carrie Johnson
Rootstown, OH
First Apostolic Church of Tallmadge
Pastor Kenneth Bulgrin

Sis Margaret Underwood
Lorain, OH
First Apostolic Church of Tallmadge
Pastor Kenneth Bulgrin

Bro Isaac Barnett
Akron, OH
First Apostolic Church of Tallmadge
Pastor Kenneth Bulgrin


Welcome a Brand New Chapter & New Members

Let’s all take a moment and welcome our newest chapter in Danville, IN Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Jermey & Sis Michelle VanLue (Pastor)
Danville, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church

Bro Mitch & Sis Angel Cooper
Danville, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Bruce & Sis Tammy Rutledge
Indianpolis, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Lee Trevor
Indianpolis, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Spencer Coffey
Lebanon, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Shane & Sis Sonja Coffey
Lebanon, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Kirk & Andrea Coffey
Mooresville, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Matthew & Sis Jennie Adame
Danville, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Justin Cline
Plainfield, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Justin & Sis Nicole Landon
Warsaw, IN
Community Life Center
Pastor Phil Chandler

Bro Austin & Sis Lucky
Chillicothe, MO
New Life Church
Paster Jeff Keck

Bro Bobby Beechman
Lexington, TN
FPC Lexington
Pastor David Beechman

Bro Brad Burke
Henderson , TX
New Life United Pentecostal Church
Pastor Micah Jones

Bro Lance Nishiyama
Tacoma, WA
Apostolic Revival Center
Pastor Abraham Monterrsa

New State Coordinators for Alabama, Georgia, Florida & Mississippi

It is with great pleasure that the Board of the Azusa StreetRiders would like to announce the assignment of two new posts within the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry.

We wish to Welcome Bro Mike & Sis Krysta Markham as the new State Coordinator’s for Georgia & Florida. In addition let’s all welcome Bro “BigMike” Dailey as the new State Coordinator for Alabama & Mississippi.

Let us keep them in prayer and thank them for stepping upto the plate for the the work for the Lord and the Azusa StreetRiders. God Bless all of you. Keep the Faith, Stay the Course were almost home!

Bro Robert Thompson President Azusa StreetRiders International The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Chris


Congratulations to:

Travaras Mallory Secretary elect

Jeremiah Hayes Vice President elect

These 2 great men of God are running unopposed.

Let’s all get behind them and support them.

Thank you

Tom Thompson

Welcome New Members !

Welcome to the Greatest Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry anywhere.

Bro Curtis & Sis Lisa Lester
Orange Park, FL
Tabernacle of Joy
Pastor Ronald Strong

Bro Jeffrey Spradlin
Morgan Town, IN
Liberty Tabernacle
Pastor Brian Lame

Pastor Jeff & Sis Rhonda Hurt
Hamilton, MO
Apostolic Lighthouse Church
Pastor Jeff Hurt

Bro David Brown
Baytown, TX
Peace Tabernacle
Paster Kenneth Grant

Bro Randall & Sis Marilyn Leath
Henderson, TX
New Life Tabernacle
Pastor Randy Hennigan , ASR Vice President

Maryville Chapter Motorcycle for Missionary’s Ride

We had a good turn out for our event this past weekend. Friday night a meet and greet at FAC Maryville pavilion, dinner was served and some great fellowship

Getting our coms ready for Saturdays Ride
Pastor Carpenter hanging out with ASR

Unfortunately as we all know Bro Jon Weber went down and had to taken to UT Hospital. Several ASR members went over Sunday between services and had a time of fellowship and prayer for both Bro & Sis Weber. Please keep him in prayer were hoping he gets released by this weekend.

Fortunately Bro Jon is tough as nails all he was concern about right after the accident what shape his bike was in, hardly a scratch.

The Azusa StreetRiders Ministry


By Rick Egan April 23, 2022

I am an ASR member from Bloomington, IN, Heaven Bound Hoosiers Chapter.  Recently I was blessed to have another ASR member be an angel to my family.  As a parent/grandparent we can’t always be near to help a family member when they are in trouble.  Such was the case when my granddaughter, who is backslidden, got herself in a mess.  She had gone to Alabama with a friend and became stranded there.  She found someone to take her to Mobile to the Greyhound bus station so she could come home.  Of course she did not have enough money for a ticket and called papa for help.  I got her a ticket and she called me later that night to tell me she was on the bus.  Then I didn’t hear from her until two days later.  She had lost her ticket and was now stranded in Atlanta, Georgia at a homeless camp near the bus station.  I had been to a meet and greet just the week before and the speaker, Bro. Tony Sell, was talking about how we have a network of ASR members all across the country.  While praying on what I should do the Lord brought his comments to my mind.  Immediately I called my chapter president, Bro. Mark Wever, and ask him if he knew anyone from that area in Georgia.  He did.  He called Bro. Greg Pray, and gave him my number.  When Bro. Pray called he said “What can I do for you?”  I told him the situation and he said “I’m a papa too.  I’m on my way”.  To make a long story short, the bus station asked for her confirmation number and issued her a new ticket.  Since she was not in a safe environment in that part of the city, and her bus would not leave out until the next evening, Bro. Pray and his wife took her home, cared for her, then took her back and made sure she got on the bus.  She made it home safe.  I can’t thank the Lord enough for Bro. and Sis Pray!  They were angels standing ready in this time of need.  Please pray for granddaughter Julia’s salvation.

I am always amazed how wearing our patch opens the door to witness and pray for those who are in need of the Lord.  The following is a testimony from a man I met at Rural King in March.

My name is Mark “Grizzly” Gerwig.  I have been in perpetual motion for the last 42 years of my adult life.  I served in the US Navy, survived a dangerous career, and retired.  I continued working overseas as an US government contractor on many different continents.  God has always been with me.  I have not always listened to God.  Unlike Jonah, I never ran away from God.  I did have an issue with what I wanted versus what God’s direction was for me.  Anytime I tried to do what I wanted, God would break me down just enough that my desired goal was out of reach.  I ended up going the direction God had intended for me anyway, although it took me a very long time to recognize this.  A recent series of incidents created two surgeries and 14 months of rehabilitation and recovery.  In the isolation of time, I wrestled with where God wanted my life to go next.  I prayed and read my Bible, and the fires on confirmation were still silent.

One day I was going into the local bank.  I saw an older gentleman with an US Navy hat.  We struck up a conversation that led to God, Jesus, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  He invited me to come to church with him.  I hesitated as I do not like large tightly packed crowds from my time in the service.  The gentleman said that he could see in my eyes that I really needed to go to church.  I did not go to church.  I failed to recognize God’s First Angel.  That labored hard on my mind for weeks.

On March 18, 2022 I went to Rural King to check out the firearms and ammunition stocks.  As I headed that direction I saw a mountain of a man sporting biker gang colors.  I was not only astounded by his size but his age to still be flying biker gang colors.  My fearless curiosity got the best of me as it often does.  I approached the gentleman and politely asked him whose biker colors he was flying.  I also complimented him on being the oldest biker I had ever encountered.  He smiled and said that the colors were not of a biker gang but from a Christian Motorcycle Ministry called the Azusa StreetRiders.  I have been all over the world and had never in my life encountered a Christian biker.  We talked for the better part of an hour about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in relation to witnessing to people as the motorcycle ministry traveled on road trips. 

Near the end of the conversation, Mr. Rick Egan, ask if I went to church anywhere and invited me to come to his church.  Again, I was hesitant.  He reassured me that it was a small church full of a loving group of people from all walks of life.  I said I would think about it.  This encounter was God’s Second Angel.  I had learned from my life’s travels that when God is reaching out to you not to ignore Him.  I labored and prayed over Rick’s offer for salvation from the chains of my past.  I feared that I may scare the church members or say something from my past that would be hurtful to them. God had my attention.  I got up Sunday morning found the church, went in and waited in the back for Rick.  He was not there when I arrived but showed up just as service was about to start.  He was very surprised to see me.   

I, being a hard well-traveled sailor do not cry, but that day I had a steady river of saltwater flowing from my eyes as my heart and soul were set free from all the pain, death, pestilence, famine, and human suffering that I had endured in my travels in service to God and my country.   The Greatest Weight that I was set free from was the concept of “Winning the War”.  My job was never to “Win the War’, but to hold the line against all the evil entireties that would destroy God’s country.  Our United States of Americas One Nation under God.

As my heart healed and the holes in my soul disappeared by God’s Grace, a sign flashed up on the church wall, “You Belong here!”  I was home and set free!!  All this happened because God’s biker was flying his colors that opened the door for me to come home to God’s house.  I am no longer wandering through life, but now to the foot of the cross for healing and salvation at the (Apostolic) Church of Jesus Christ.  God Bless America!!!

Mark came to church that Sunday morning on 3/20 and repented, on Wednesday 3/23 he took part in Communion and Foot Washing, he was there on Sunday 3/27, on Wednesday 3/30 he was baptized in Jesus Name, and on Sunday 4/3 he received the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues!!!  PRAISE THE LORD!!!  When we wear our patch we never know what opportunities God will put in our path.  Let us always strife to be angels standing ready to do His work.  I am thankful I could be an angel for Bro. Mark Gerwig!



I have been tasked with trying to bring as much valid and verifiable info to the membership of ASR on the subject of the COC&I as there is available to us. This info is from the websites of several COC&I’s and other hiker related pages. It also contains info from personal discussions with MC members and leaders of the COC’s.

Let me be as clear here as I can. There has been a lot of information both correct and also incorrect about the current situation with a chapter in N La and the approach of the local COC&I to their membership and also the local Pastor.. I personally have not made a statement concerning the politics and maneuvering that has occurred from either the board nor other individuals involved. I do not plan to do so as well. I will say that if a member wants to find out any info about any of the parties involved or their intents my phone is always on. I do not play a keyboard warrior nor will do so on social media just to fuss. As of yet not a single person involved in this argument have had the common courtesy to call me directly but have some very clear ideas of my intentions that they have been ok with discussing with others? This article will not be discussed until the rally if it is needed then.

This info is as accurate as the sources and is only presented to help with keeping the discussion as honest and as accurate as the info we have.

ASR has had some issues over who we are with COC@I in several different regions in the past. To this point we have never seen a benefit to joining due to these issues. One of the biggest issues was over one of our patches getting drunk and causing trouble with a 1% club. Folks ASR was in the wrong. This is the driving reason we try and only have members who are living a Holy and Godly lifestyle.
This episode led to some hard word between a sitting ASR Pres and an MC Pres. If you need any other info on this subject please call Robert Thompson directly.

There are many different COC&I around the country just as we have many different chapters. Most of them meet in places where as Christians cannot go. This does seem to be changing but not in every club. The COC&I in La happens to hold their meetings at a church in Alexandra. The video is available for all to view if you want.

The board has ask several members to call the President of the COC&I in La and hold a conversation directly. Some have done so and some have refused. Call Robert Thompson and get the number. We have not as some have said tried to hide this fact. If you want knowledge the board will always help you to find it.

The above info is from my observance and personal knowledge.
The below is copied from several different online sources.

The CoC is not really a MRO such as ABATE, but biker rights are often discussed and are paramount to the organization. And motorcycle club politics pertaining to legal problems with law enforcement. They also discuss harresment from certain law agencies. While Patchholders may belong to an MRO, they don’t have a united membership of patch holders. Where most MROs and COCs are made up from various clubs and independents,

The CoC may vary from region to region in makeup, size, and strength but the overall mission of the CoC is unity in the motorcycling world. The CoCexists to bring communication through clubs, and improve the motorcyclist image, support legislation for the betterment of motorcycling, and allow clubs to come to a neutral spot and meet to discuss issues. They monitor and protect our biker rights in the court system. and possibly have lawyers that help to unravel legal red tape. In some areas the organization may also be a sanctioning body for new or probate clubs in that region. Often time, the Dominant club in the area may chair the meeting.The CoC is also a good place to meet some of the people in the clubs in your area.

Please visit this website for info as well. http://www.rcvsmc.net/index.html

Last thought. The board has never nor should ever be hiding ASR actions from the membership. This board is here to advise and offer leadership to autonomous chapters that are led by the local pastor or pastors of their membership. Please read the bylaws prior to the National rally as well. They are there for a reason. I have been tasked with trying to bring as much valid and verifiable info to the membership of ASR on the subject of the COC&I as there is available to us. This info is from the websites of several COC&I’s and other hiker related pages. It also contains info from personal discussions with MC members and leaders of the COC’s.

Let me be as clear here as I can. There has been a lot of information both correct and also incorrect about the current situation with a chapter in N La and the approach of the local COC&I to their membership and also the local Pastor.. I personally have not made a statement concerning the politics and maneuvering that has occurred from either the board nor other individuals involved. I do not plan to do so as well. I will say that if a member wants to find out any info about any of the parties involved or their intents my phone is always on. I do not play a keyboard warrior nor will do so on social media just to fuss. As of yet not a single person involved in this argument have had the common courtesy to call me directly but have some very clear ideas of my intentions that they have been ok with discussing with others? This article will not be discussed until the rally if it is needed then.

This info is as accurate as the sources and is only presented to help with keeping the discussion as honest and as accurate as the info we have.

ASR has had some issues over who we are with COC@I in several different regions in the past. To this point we have never seen a benefit to joining due to these issues. One of the biggest issues was over one of our patches getting drunk and causing trouble with a 1% club. Folks ASR was in the wrong. This is the driving reason we try and only have members who are living a Holy and Godly lifestyle.
This episode led to some hard word between a sitting ASR Pres and an MC Pres. If you need any other info on this subject please call Robert Thompson directly.

There are many different COC&I around the country just as we have many different chapters. Most of them meet in places where as Christians cannot go. This does seem to be changing but not in every club. The COC&I in La happens to hold their meetings at a church in Alexandra. The video is available for all to view if you want.

The board has ask several members to call the President of the COC&I in La and hold a conversation directly. Some have done so and some have refused. Call Robert Thompson and get the number. We have not as some have said tried to hide this fact. If you want knowledge the board will always help you to find it.

The above info is from my observance and personal knowledge.
The below is copied from several different online sources.

The CoC is not really a MRO such as ABATE, but biker rights are often discussed and are paramount to the organization. And motorcycle club politics pertaining to legal problems with law enforcement. They also discuss harresment from certain law agencies. While Patchholders may belong to an MRO, they don’t have a united membership of patch holders. Where most MROs and COCs are made up from various clubs and independents,

The CoC may vary from region to region in makeup, size, and strength but the overall mission of the CoC is unity in the motorcycling world. The CoCexists to bring communication through clubs, and improve the motorcyclist image, support legislation for the betterment of motorcycling, and allow clubs to come to a neutral spot and meet to discuss issues. They monitor and protect our biker rights in the court system. and possibly have lawyers that help to unravel legal red tape. In some areas the organization may also be a sanctioning body for new or probate clubs in that region. Often time, the Dominant club in the area may chair the meeting.The CoC is also a good place to meet some of the people in the clubs in your area.

Please visit this website for info as well. http://www.rcvsmc.net/index.html

Last thought. The board has never nor should ever be hiding ASR actions from the membership. This board is here to advise and offer leadership to autonomous chapters that are led by the local pastor or pastors of their membership. Please read the bylaws prior to the National rally as well. They are there for a reason.


There has been much discussion, speculation and perhaps even some discontent over the last few weeks regarding the Azusa StreetRiders joining the COC. I want to clear the air and put to rest these rumors. First and foremost, at no point was ASR ever going to be bring itself under the control of the COC. As a whole the direction of the COC and the ASR are at opposite side of the spectrum. I was a little surprised that a few members felt that this board along with Bro Beall would ever do anything of this nature and erode the trust of our church’s, our membership, our family and our friends. We were however presented with a very unique opportunity one of which after much prayer and seeking the face of God we did have a plan of action and were in the final process of putting it into play.

In Louisiana a member of ASR what is invited to a meeting at the C O C & I and asked of this board if it would be proper and could he attend. After several conversations with the Commodore of the Louisiana COC & I it was determined that they were doing their very best to separate themselves from what would be considered a traditional C O C state organization. The fact is they were not allowing themselves to be governed by the 1% community or support groups. A copy of their states bylaws was requested and was given to this board and every indication that their mandate was based on the original framework of how the COC should be operating at the states legislation level. Which was to fight for the rights of ALL motorcycle riders. In addition to be there as a mediator to help settle any disputes involving MC’s, RC’s or MM’s within that state.

Therefor our ASR member from Louisiana attended that meeting not as a representative of ASR but I have an individual and agreeing to the boards instructions. First, he did not represent the ASR ministry. He was representing his church with his pastor’s permission. Second, he was asked to go and oversee the lay of the land and get a feel for what was happening. Our representative was asked to use as a baseline for the spirit of this meeting if he would feel comfortable with his pastor and his pastor’s wife sitting next to him through the duration of the meeting, he reported that he did feel comfortable. Third and the most important was there an opportunity for ministry reaching lost souls. The rest is history!

Since than there has been a lot of speculation by a few that ASR is going to pot because we are allowing that chapter in Louisiana to be a part of that organization. That is simply not true what is true is that this ministry is still about souls and the work of the Lord. This board will never allow the message we preach or the standards we adhere to be water down either internally or by any outside organization. We research the bylaws thoroughly especially under Article 6 subchapter E and F and found nothing that would prohibit any chapter as long as it had its pastor’s permission to be a part of the C O C. Their pastor has agreed and this does not commit ASR to anything. However due to a few members speaking out on social media without all the information available the board, along with the newly formed Northeast Louisiana Chapter have agreed to put off moving forward until this can be discussed at the Nationals in August.

In closing, it is the boards opinion this is a good opportunity to reach out in a very direct way into other motorcycle organizations in Louisiana mostly due to the fact of the way the COC & I is managed. What is being asked of our membership now is to be prayerful let’s not enter in with preconceived ideas as to what the COC & I is all about until we’ve had an opportunity to test the waters. To me it’s like saying all Pentecostal churches are the same, we know they are not. This does not commit ASR on a national level or if the truth be known any other state other than the state of Louisiana and this is a trial only. This does not affect any other chapter within ASR regardless of what may have been said on social media. All we ask is be in prayer and we will discuss this further and in detail in OH in August.

Robert Thompson

Welcome New Members and Brand New Chapter

I would like to reach out to all our newest members  and take this opportunity to welcome you into the greatest One God Motorcycle Ministry anywhere.

Also Let’s Welcome Our Newest Chapter – Northeast Louisiana Chapter:
Pastor Steve Shane Lester
Bro Robert (Rip) Clements
Sis April Danielle Whitstine Stanley
Bro Nathan L. Stanley

Bro James & Sis Savannah Yeager
Jackson, AL
First Pentecostal Church of Jackson
Paster William Hales

Pastor Steve & Sis Candace Letser
Delhi, LA
Pentecost Tabernacle
Pastor Steve Lester

Sis April Danielle Whitstine Stanley
Rayville, LA
Pentecost Tabernacle
Pastor Steve Lester

Bro Robert “RIP” & Sis Lisa Clements
Delhi, LA
Pentecost Tabernacle
Pastor Steve Lester

Bro Zachary & Brittany Land
Rolla, MO
Tabernacle of Praise
Pastor Tim Blackwell

Bro Julio & Sis Angelica Figueroa
Brookfield, MO
New Life Church
Pastor Jeff Keck

Bro Danny Russell
New Carlisle, OH
Life Way Church
Pastor Ken Dillingham

South Carolina
Bro Kenneth & Sis Maureen Dorn
North Myrtle Beach, SC
Christen Life Center
Pastor Stacy Davis