I want to take extend a hearty THANK YOU for the Pentecostals of Bossier City, LA church, Bro Dean and the Azusa StreetRiders chapter from an excellent job in hosting the 2021 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally. Bro Thwing and his crew hosted our rally flawlessly and in the highest regard of excellence. From all of us again Thank You, a job well done.
Starting out Wednesday night with the Pastoral teaching of Bro Dean talking to us about the Heart of Worship” Than kicking off Thursday morning with a group meeting of the Coordinator’s, Chaplains & Chapter Presidents and anyone else that would like to have sat in. We discussed many topics the main theme however is going forward the increase of responsibility on these three groups.
We than had a dinner that couldn’t be beat. I would like to thank Bro Matt, his family and friends who provided (a better term would be “stuffed us”) us over the next several days, no one went hungry. the meals were some of the best ever again Bro Thwing sparing nothing in the hosting of this Rally. After lunch we than had a great ride into the Louisiana back roads.
Thursday night service was upbeat and powerful as Bro Tom Harding our new Global Missionary Coordinator presented us with the word of God from his heart and ministered to all in regards to “purpose” in our walk with God. In addition we raised over $30,000 for Motorcycles for Missionaries” this years recipients so far are :
Bro Scotty Grimm – ALJC East Africa – 2x bikes
Bro Keith Ikerd – UPCI Namibia Africa – 2x bikes
Bro Randy Watts – ALJC India – 2x bikes
Bro Rusty Riddick – UPCI Sierra Leone – 2x bikes
Bro Sam Speer – ALJC Uganda – 2x bikes
Bro James Waldred – India – 1x Bike
Thursday evening also brought the news of the passing of Bro Mike Powell an elderly ASR member in Diana, TX and that his funeral was to be held Friday morning. Bro Thwing made an adjustment to our schedule and we split the members attending the Nationals in half. Half went to Apostolic church of Dania, TX to minister to the family and friends and the other half went on the scheduled ride to minister in the opposite direction.
Now I personally need to apologize to Bro Thwing and the Bossier City Azusa StreetRiders Chapter. After we all got back to the church for a fish dinner (yum yum) I called a short board meeting before Fridays night service. Unfortunately that short meeting turned into a couple of hours and the board did not attend the scheduled outreach tent service at the local Harley dealership. This is inexcusable and I apologize for doing that I can assure it was totally unintentional however that does not negate the fact that we missed the most important portion of any rally or event and I hope you accept my sincere apology.
Friday night’s service was again powerful and Bro Dean ministered to us on God’s love language, Winning Christ. I do believe the services have been posted on the both ASR Facebook pages. I also wanted to thank Bro Dean and I hope he doesn’t mind me mentioning this the love offering Azusa StreetRiders presented to Bro Dean for Friday night was given back to Azusa StreetRiders Motorcycles for Missionaries fund and paid for half a motorcycle for Bro James Waldred during a special offering taken up by Bro Heningan at the conclusion of Friday night’s service.
All in all the Rally was an outstanding success the business meeting went well, See below for the minutes of the 2021 Azusa StreetRiders Annual meeting. Lastly everyone got home safely which I would like to thank our Lord Jesus Christ for.
2021 meeting minutes
- Bro Cedric opened in prayer.
- Bro Randy H & Bro Earp motion to wave reading of minutes, all in favor except Diaz’s.
- Sis Laureen financial report.
- Bro Earp & Cedric motion to accept.
- Bro Randy held election for President & Treasurer
- All in favor confidence votes.
- Thanked Theo
- Bro and Sis Beall given plaque full for coordinators.
- Install Bro Tom Harding as Global missions coordinator.
- Bro Randy went over bylaws
- All in favor vote with permission to correct punctuation.
- Annual waiver on dues invoice.
- Dues now 40 per year with chapters raising money on own.
- Ride waiver for minors needed.
- Sis. Laureen gave run down on 2022 Rally
- Tom T gave rundown on Zanesville Ohio biker church rally to drum up support for 2022 rally.
- Bro Robert gave recap of meeting.
- BTSM so far for 2022 is Price, Jonesboro. Wooster, Shelbourne.
- Motorcycles for missions report given.
- Bro Randy & Tom motion to adjourn
Already looking forward to our 2022 National Rally in Warren OH and stay tuned were going to be doing something completely different next year, see ya there. God Bless and continue to Make This Ministry Effective for the Kingdom, Keep the Faith, Stay the Course my Brothers and Sisters were almost home.
Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ