From The Desk Of Clarence Earp

A Letter from the heart of Clarence Earp

I would like to thank all of my brothers and sisters in ASR. Who have stood behind me and with us. As we walk through the darkness of this trail of cancer. There have been times when I have been overwhelmed. Both with trail and heartache. And with the love and blessings of God. And my brothers and sisters in ASR. It is with excitement and joy. That I tell you today that my wife sister Earp is cancer free praise God.God has healed her. Once again our great God has heard your prayers.Thank you all my ASR family from the bottom of my heart. And my God richly bless those who have helped out financial assistance in this time of trial.                                                                                                                                                     We love you all,                                                                                                                                                            Brother and Sister Earp


Being Apostolic in a Motorcycle World

Greetings to All Azusa StreetRiders and friends, in the Name of Jesus!

It’s no secret that Azusa StreetRiders has been under attack for a while. This article is to address that “elephant in our midst” and to assure everyone that we have now turned the corner and are moving forward with God’s help!

As most people know, Azusa StreetRiders was formed to be a “Oneness Apostolic” motorcycle ministry. Prior to its formation, Diane and I searched hard to find a such ministry to join and use for Apostolic outreach. We couldn’t find any semblance of a motorcycle ministry that embraced those two words, the cornerstone of our beliefs in Jesus—“Oneness” and “Apostolic.” Although many so-called motorcycle ministries professed to be Apostolic, all revealed themselves to be Trinitarian. And, as has been said time and again, of over 700 motorcycle ministries and Christian motorcycle clubs we identified, none were Oneness. Thus, the God-inspired passion to start Azusa StreetRiders consumed us and The Oneness Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ was born,

After much prayer and with encouragement from others, we started ASR in 1999. It was very difficult in the beginning because many pastors saw motorcycle riders through the lens of the ‘60s movie Easy Rider. But much had changed since that time and motorcycling was becoming more mainstream. In fact, many churches had members and even pastors who rode both regularly and recreationally. Over the years and through ASR, we’ve been blessed to visit hundreds of Apostolic churches and conferences simply trying to change pastors’ perceptions about motorcycles and about using them as simply another tool for Apostolic outreach. It’s been an uphill and often complicated battle, but through it all God has given us favor! With members now in over 30 US states and around the world, and with over 100 motorcycles we’ve provided to foreign Oneness Apostolic missionaries, ASR’s Oneness Apostolic presence is now known. But more importantly, our “mission” in now known.

Almost anyone can ride a motorcycle, put on a backpatch, and attend riding events, but what about outreach? Any ASR Member who wears his backpatch regularly when riding can tell you that it being emblazoned with “Acts 2:38” is a door opener. People actually stop and ask questions about our faith or our ministry. Opened doors lead to conversations, to friendships and relationships. It’s then that our lives are scrutinized and if they see Jesus in us, we might then win a soul. Remember, “he that winneth souls is wise” (Proverbs 11:30).

ASR is somewhat like a church in that there will always be disgruntled individuals that want to run things their own way. As with churches, people will come and go in our ministry. It’s sad, but it happens and we must keep the faith and move in the direction that God leads us. In the past, there have been two efforts (of which I am aware) by former members of ASR to breakaway and start their own ministries. First, in Louisiana, there was a member who visited Myrtle Beach on two occasions with his wife during Bike Weeks when we were feeding literally thousands of bikers free lunches and dinners. They were a tremendous help but he didn’t like the fact that we taught against entering bars where the 1%ers were hanging out. There were other issues, but this was his main one. He formed another “Apostolic” motorcycle ministry but it fizzled. Likewise, a few years ago, in south Florida, another member didn’t like our “direction” and left us to start another “Apostolic” ministry. Despite his hard work to get it going, it, too, collapsed. In addition to these two, what I call, “serious efforts” to form motorcycle ministries, there have been a number of ASR members leave us for a variety of reasons—we were either too liberal or too conservative. Just as with churches, unfortunately you can’t please everyone! We must strive to please God!

Whatever we in ASR do, we must be humble and let Jesus be our example. We’ve lost people that we love dearly, and it hurts! We’ve been falsely accused of not wanting to do outreach to 1%ers, which is absurd, as this ministry is totally based on outreach to all. At no point has anyone been asked not to reach out to anyone, including 1%ers. Pray for all members, present or past, that God leads and that we/they follow that leading.

We must be Apostolic to gain Apostolic followers and to help others become truly Apostolic. To do so, we should use whatever tools are available and lawful (see 1 Corinthians 10:23) to reach new souls. This does not mean, as some would have you believe, that we have to “join them to win them.” Don’t get me wrong, we believe in getting involved with rides, toy runs, and charity events, etc. sponsored by Trinitarian motorcycle ministries, local churches, and even 1% clubs. Our presence at such events is essential in getting them to know us. But we still need to be “separate” (see 2 Corinthians 6:17). We do this by attending events, participating in rides, and witnessing to those present, but not by embracing the world. Don’t let anyone take Paul’s statement in 1 Corinthians 9:22, “I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some,” out of context. Paul did not become a drunkard or visit their bars to win a drunkard!

ASR members should be sanctified, set apart for a holy work (see 1 Corinthians 6:11). For example, charity rides often start at one bar and end at another. Yes, we should go on the ride! But stay outdoors and fellowship. This is easily done before the ride starts—mingle with the crowd outside where most gather to look at the bikes. Go on the ride and when it ends at another bar, simply make additional contacts outside and say your good-bys. This gains respect, as we’ve been told by 1%ers, as they don’t want to feel “condemned” by our presence while they drink and party. No need to criticize or condemn anyone or to even tell people why you’re not staying. One of the biggest turn-offs is to appear “holier than thou,” especially in a world where most everyone considers themselves to be “Christian.” Doing so destroys your witness! Use wisdom. Go to “see and be seen” while offering friendship. Don’t let your “good be evil spoken of.” You’ll have accomplished the intended “outreach” goal and if you exchanged names and numbers of those you had a connection with, it gives you a possibility to speak again; maybe an invitation to meet up a future ride, a meal, or a special event at your church. Build relationships. (see Proverbs 18:24)

If we continue in this Apostolic direction, God will continue to give us favor. Our successes have been recognized and championed by leaders of the world’s largest Oneness Apostolic organizations. Remember, we’ve had the General Superintendents of both the UPCI and ALJC preach our ASR National Rallies! Those and other Oneness Apostolic organizations have even allowed us to have display booths at their conferences to let their attendees know what Azusa StreetRiders is about. So, we must be doing something right. We know the conservative (by the world’s standards) beliefs of international leadership in Oneness Apostolic organizations and, by extension, of most churches under their guidance. If we expect to keep their favor, which translates into new members and support, we must present ourselves accordingly.

Diane and I would like to thank you for standing with us during these tumultuous times. The final nail in ASR’s coffin would be for us to be like the world. As true Apostolics, we must be Christlike. It’s not hard being Apostolic in a motorcycle world. It just takes determination. Azusa StreetRiders around the globe have proved this time and again. Let’s be Apostolic inside and out, from head to toe, and let’s do what Jesus commissioned us to do… Go, win souls, and baptize them in His Name!

Thank you for your support and love, God bless…

Fred Beall
Myrtle Beach (SC) Chapter of ASR

Global Missions

A Letter From The Howell Family. thanking ASR in the giving and Contributions towards building a Day School in El Salvador In Memory of Sister Howell.


Welcome Now Members and a Couple of Older Ones

I need to apologize to brother and sister Zerbe from the Solid Rock Worship Center Chapter in Cedar Springs, MI They had a  couple of members  join back in September and for some reason I missed them in our welcoming New Members message so at this time I would like to welcome Bro D. Kevin Willis and Bro Chance Willis to the Azusa StreetRiders from Traverse City Michigan.
Welcome (Old) Members were glad to have you part of the greatest apostolic motorcycle ministry anywhere.

Going forward if anyone has pictures of the patch ceremony or even pictures of our new members please send them and we will do our best to get them posted on the Rumblins.


From the desk of ASR’s new RC

Greetings to my ASR family in Jesus’ name!

This is my first letter to you all as your new National Road Captain, and I’m pleased to have been appointed this position! I sincerely look forward to working with each chapters RC to help with ideas and making our riders feel safer as we travel this highway to Heaven together!

I would like to take this moment to give Jesus my praise for saving my life both physically and most importantly spiritually! I hope this hits home for someone other than myself. I know those of you that were at the National Rally this year heard my testimony but for those that wasn’t there, here it is.

I loved motorcycles and started riding at a young age. My dream was when I got old enough, I wanted to join the hells angels. Working my way up, so to speak, I join the Satan’s escorts which was the local chapter of my town and dove full blast in the club for 5 ish years, became the RC, headed up the other 1% clubs that came thru town, etc.; but GOD!!! He had other plans for me! I married my first love, Serrena, we got back into church, rode alone; but GOD! He gave us Azusa StreetRiders!! Tho we did what we felt was being faithful to church and God, things in my life were seemingly always, I! I built our business, I bought this or that, I’m doing this or that, then after 40 years of riding I have an accident. I’m questioning God why? What is this all about? The question why started including why didn’t you just take me?? Serrena and I were not going to be able to make the National Rally this year, but GOD!! He had my answers for me waiting on this trip, so He made a way for us to go! On the way, Serena and I were discussing my questions and then BOOM!! There was this billboard on the side of the road big as life with Jesus on it that says, “I DIED FOR YOU, LIVE FOR ME”; WOW!! Then there came our ASR family and all the love you all showed us and then, the services!! Man, you talk about an answer from God! Serrena and I came home with a different view on how we wanted to go forward serving God! He showed me that even in my darkest moments, when we thought we may lose our business, due to the fact that I was limited between the bed and recliner for a couple months, and not able to work. My helpers weren’t ready for the lead position and became overwhelmed with this task all of a sudden, they quit on me! But GOD!! He showed me, us that He was right by our side and that He had this!! I learned everything I do, say, feel, go, have and will have is because of Him, PRAISE GOD!!

Another major thing I learned, while involved with doing something for the Lord, I allowed myself to be distracted and got too close to the edge. In so doing, my accident. Thankfully, I was surrounded by my family in the Lord who picked me up, stood by my side and knew how to pray!! I see this as a great correlation with our walk with God. As we are closer to the coming of Christ, we need to remain focused on our intended purpose and not allow Satan to distract us causing us to fall! If we do see a brother or sister that falls, lets lift them up and help them get back on track so we can finish this ride to Heaven together!!

Jon Weber (TIGGER)
National Road Captain
NE Indiana chapter




Proverbs 16:9 AMP
A man’s mind plans his way as he journeys through life, but the Lord directs his steps and establishes them.

No doubt we’ve all been there at some point. That vacation trip to the beach, a trip into the mountains, or with Theo at Rolling Thunder in DC, when the navigation comes on with that timeless message,…. recalculating. One such memory in my mind is after a Saturday ride at a Biker Weekend, I was voted to lead our group back to the hotel to freshen up for the evening events. I pulled up Google Maps, plugged in the address of the hotel, and off we went. It was a beautiful afternoon, and the scenery was awesome. Slowly, the gentle, twisting roads gave way to one lane roads. The one lane roads then gave way to gravel, country roads. Soon we were passing farmers on tractors, who gave us some strange looks as the procession of motorcycles passed by. Eventually, we came to an intersection, another paved road, and finally our hotel. In that moment in time, I planned my way, but Google Maps directed my steps. In this life, we are guilty at times of planning our every step, to the point that we leave no room for guidance. We plan our every move, dot every i, cross every T, and leave no availability for God to say, no my child, it won’t be the fastest route today, but I am adding some stops along the way. Sometimes we have to come to a point, where we say, God, if you want to recalculate my life, I am Yours. If You want to make some adjustments to the way I’m walking, then have Your way in me. If You want to put me on a different path than the one I’m walking, lead me to that Rock that’s higher than I! How many times have we resisted the turning of the Spirit in our walk with God, and that still small voice in our ear, recalculating, recalculating, recalculating? If we look to the Word, we find evidence that sometimes God wants to take us somewhere, but use the scenic route to get there. The children of Israel made it out of Egypt, but they had to cross the Red Sea. Joseph made it to the palace, but there was a pit and a prison along the way. Daniel was made to prosper in the kingdom of Darius, but there was a layover in the lions den. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were promoted in the kingdom, but there was a fiery trial they had to endure first. I don’t pretend to know every detail of God’s plan, but I do know He has a plan for each and every one of you. He knows the end from the beginning. He has a purpose and a calling on your life, and just because the detour seems to be a setback, it may be just what God has ordained to get you to where you need to be. Let’s put our feet on the highway pegs, unmute the still small voice, and see where God takes this ministry.
Ephesians 4:1-4 KJV I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called. with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling.

Jeremiah Hayes
Vice President
Azusa Streetriders International

Welcome New Members for September 2022

I also want to thank all our ASR State coordinators for the great job that they’re doing in facilitating these new members we appreciate your hard work

Bro Phillip & Sis Natasha Farley
Rushville, IN
Pastor Darryl Cooper
Family Worship Center

Bro Mark Gerwig
Bloomington, IN
Pastor Mickey Smith
Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ

Bro Joshua & Brandy Mose
Hobart, IN
Pastor Jonathan Barley
First Church

Bro Colton & Sis Macy George
Valparaiso, IN
Pastor David Stovall
The Rock Church

Bro Paul & Sis Rebecca Pullen
Crown Point, IN
The Rock Church
Pastor David Stovell

Bro Joshua & Sis Dubran Stinson
Doyline, LA
Pastor Ryan Dean

Rev Sonya Lewis
Fredericktown , MO
Pastor Joseph Stevens
New Hope Apostolic Ministries

Bro Booker Ramsey
Toledo, OH
Pastor Kris Dillingham
First Apostolic Church

Welcome New Members

Let’s take a moment and WELCOME all our newest members to the Azusa StreetRiders Motorcycle Ministry.

Correction from August’s Posting

Bro Mario Roguski
Lowell, IN
Apostolics of Lowell
Pastor Lawrence Simnick

Bro William & Sis Ruth Gill
Birimfield. OH
First Apostolic Church of Tallmadge
Pastor Kenneth Bulgrin