Thank You Bossier City, LA Chapter

I want to take extend a hearty THANK YOU for the  Pentecostals of Bossier City, LA church, Bro Dean and the Azusa StreetRiders chapter from an excellent job in hosting the 2021 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally. Bro Thwing and his crew hosted our rally flawlessly and in the highest regard of excellence. From all of us again Thank You, a job well done.

Starting out Wednesday night with the Pastoral teaching of Bro Dean talking to us about the Heart of Worship” Than kicking off Thursday morning with a group meeting of the Coordinator’s, Chaplains & Chapter Presidents and anyone else that would like to have sat in. We discussed many topics  the main theme however is going forward the increase of responsibility on these three groups.

We than had a dinner that couldn’t be beat. I would like to thank  Bro Matt, his family and friends who provided (a better term would be “stuffed us”)  us over the next several days, no one went hungry.  the meals were some of the best ever again Bro Thwing sparing nothing in the hosting of this Rally. After lunch we than had a great ride into the Louisiana back roads.

Thursday night service was upbeat and powerful as Bro Tom Harding our new Global Missionary Coordinator presented us with the word of God from his heart and ministered  to all in regards to “purpose” in our walk with God. In addition we raised over $30,000 for Motorcycles for Missionaries” this years recipients so far are :

Bro Scotty Grimm – ALJC East Africa –  2x bikes
Bro Keith Ikerd – UPCI Namibia Africa – 2x bikes
Bro Randy Watts – ALJC India – 2x bikes
Bro Rusty Riddick – UPCI Sierra Leone – 2x bikes
Bro Sam Speer – ALJC Uganda – 2x bikes
Bro James  Waldred – India – 1x Bike

Thursday evening also brought the news of the passing of Bro Mike Powell an elderly ASR member in  Diana, TX and that his funeral was to be held Friday morning. Bro Thwing made an adjustment to our schedule and we split the members attending the Nationals in half. Half went to Apostolic church of Dania, TX to minister to the family and friends and the other half went on the scheduled ride to minister in the opposite direction.

Now I personally need to apologize to Bro Thwing and the Bossier City Azusa StreetRiders Chapter. After we all got back to the church for a fish dinner (yum yum) I called a short board meeting before Fridays night service. Unfortunately that short meeting turned into a couple of hours and the board did not attend the scheduled outreach tent service at the local Harley dealership. This is inexcusable and I apologize for doing that I can assure it was totally unintentional however that does not negate the fact that we missed the most important portion of any rally or event and I hope you accept my sincere apology.

Friday night’s service was again powerful  and Bro Dean ministered to us on God’s love language,  Winning Christ. I do believe the services have been posted on the both ASR Facebook pages.  I also wanted to thank Bro Dean and I hope he doesn’t mind me mentioning this the love offering Azusa StreetRiders presented to Bro Dean for Friday night was given back to Azusa StreetRiders Motorcycles for Missionaries fund and paid for half a motorcycle for Bro James  Waldred during a special offering taken up by Bro Heningan at the conclusion of Friday night’s service.

All in all the Rally was an outstanding success the business meeting went well,  See below for the minutes of the 2021 Azusa StreetRiders Annual meeting. Lastly everyone got home safely which I would like to thank our Lord Jesus Christ for.

2021 meeting minutes

  • Bro Cedric opened in prayer.
  • Bro Randy H & Bro Earp motion to wave reading of minutes, all in favor except Diaz’s.
  • Sis Laureen financial report.
  • Bro Earp & Cedric motion to accept.
  • Bro Randy held election for President & Treasurer
  • All in favor confidence votes.
  • Thanked Theo
  • Bro and Sis Beall given plaque full for coordinators.
  • Install Bro Tom Harding as Global missions coordinator.
  • Bro Randy went over bylaws
  • All in favor vote with permission to correct punctuation.
  • Annual waiver on dues invoice.
  • Dues now 40 per year with chapters raising money on own.
  • Ride waiver for minors needed.
  • Sis. Laureen gave run down on 2022 Rally
  • Tom T gave rundown on Zanesville Ohio biker church rally to drum up support for 2022 rally.
  • Bro Robert gave recap of meeting.
  • BTSM so far for 2022 is Price, Jonesboro. Wooster, Shelbourne.
  • Motorcycles for missions report given.
  • Bro Randy & Tom motion to adjourn

Already looking forward to our 2022 National Rally in Warren OH and stay tuned were going to be doing something completely different next year, see ya there.  God Bless and continue to Make This Ministry Effective for the Kingdom,  Keep the Faith, Stay the Course my Brothers and Sisters were almost home.

Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ


A Word From the New West Tennessee Chapter

Greetings from West Tennessee!

I personally would like to take a moment to extend a warm appreciation to Brother Thompson and the Azusa Street Riders community. We are grateful for each one of you and your guidance in this process! West TN is full of Apostolic motorcycle enthusiast. Our first ride was graced with 15 riders!

We’ve grown into 10 paid chapter members with several more planning on joining the ministry! We are wanting to keep the momentum going with rides and outreach even as the riding season is digressing.

We are blessed with great support from our pastoral staff here at FPC Lexington TN ! Last Sunday night we had our presentation of the patches. It was a great night as we celebrated this inaugural installment of this exciting ministry! If you know anyone in the West TN area looking for Christ centered Apostolic riding ministry, then send them our info! Thanks and God bless!

Ben Benfield Vice President
Azusa Street Riders West Tn Chapter

Welcome New Members

I would like to reach out to all out new members and take this opportunity to welcome you into the greatest One God motorcycle ministry anywhere.

Sis Sherry & Bro  Dupree
Shreveport, LA
POBC of Bossier City, LA
Pastor Jerry Dean

Welcome Back Bro  Eades

I especially want to Welcome our latest Chapter
The West Tennessee Chapter:
Thank you for your support Pastor Beecham

Pastor David & Sis Bonnie Beechman
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Bro Donnie & Sis Tonya Taylor
Jacks Creek, TN
Jacks Creek Apostolic
Pastor Brent Daniel

Bro Brandon & Karen Tillman
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Bro Donnavun & Sis Nichole Burnett
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Bro Andrew Burnett
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Sis Debbie Hopper
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Bro Greg Hopper
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Bro Todd & Sis Lori Rosel
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Bro Ben & Sis Angela Benfield
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham


Update From the Philippines

I am posting this on behalf of Bro Harding our Azusa StreetRiders Global Missions Coordinator (We are in the process of setting up his Rumblings Account) This will be the last time I will be posting anything regarding our interests outside the US

Greetings in the name of Jesus !

I hope all is well by the grace of our Lord Jesus.. just to update you on the ASR Phils Outreach evangelism ni Gen Nakar.

The work in Gen Nakar is continuously growing and the ASR member who assigned to handle (Bro Jowel Jaso) was invited by the Quezon-Bicol district secretary of UPC Phils to attend the upc pastors conference to be held in Bicol from there he will be recognize as license pastor of UPC Phils.

For now Phils government is now easing the restriction of travel from level 3 to level 2 but still zonal travel has restriction for complete vaccinated person only.. we pray that restriction will be remove in the coming months.

in Christ,

Bro. Rodante de Guzman
ASR Philippines area coordinator

Rally Schedule

I will keep it short and simple this month. Certainly looking forward to seeing all of you in Bossier, LA in a few weeks. I have included the schedule below and pray we all have a safe turnout and a great rally.

Azusa StreetRiders @ POBC
October 13-16, 2021

Wednesday PM – October 13th
7pm – Early Riders will be joining POBC Bible Study in Main Sanctuary. Fellowship afterwards TBA.

*CC = Current Center (250 seating cap)*

Thursday – October 14th
10 am – Safety Course-church parking lot for all attendee’s
10 am – Coordinators, Chaplains & chapter Presidents meet with ASR Board in *CC
12:00 – Lunch @ Family Life Center (FLC) Activity Center
1:30 pm – 4:00 Group Ride

Afternoon Break

6 pm – *CC Registration & Merchandise Table 6:30 pre-service prayer
7 pm – *CC Evening Motorcycle for Missionaries Service (Speaker Rev Tom Harding)

Following service – FLC Activity Center for dinner

Friday – October 15th
9 am – Group Ride – Gather on Comfort Suites Hotel parking lot
12:00 – Lunch @ FLC Activity Center
1:30 – Ride to shop @ 3-State H-D then Street Service @ 2
3:30 in their parking lot.

Afternoon Break

6 pm – *CC Merchandise Table and 6:30 pre-service prayer
7 pm – *CC Evening Evangelistic Service (Speaker POBC Senior Pastor Jerry Dean)

Following service – FLC Activity Center for dinner

Saturday – October 16th
8:00 am – Communion/Foot Washing Service led by Pastor Doug Joseph from W.V.
9:30 am – *CC Coffee & Southern Maid Donuts
10 am – Business Meeting

Following Meeting – Lunch @ FLC Activity Center

Welcome New Member for September 2021

Rev BJ & Sis Cendra Hales
Jackson, AL
FPC of Jackson
Pastor BJ Hales

Sis Kamille Staley
Fairborn, OH
The Lifeway Church
Pastor Ken Dillingham

Bro Scott & Sherry Durfee
Shreveport, LA
Pentecostals of Bossier, LA
Pastor Jerry Dean

Rev Thomas & Sis Sarah Ramsey
DeMotte, IN
Abundant Life Sanctuary
Pastor Thomas Ramsey

Update from Bro Guzman in the Philippines

Update on ASR-Gen Nakar Mission As of Sept 2021, ASR Phils is consistently sending a team of 5 riders weekly to conduct a revival service at sitio Sulok , Catablingan Gen. Nakar. With 15 souls baptize in the area, we believed that God will add more souls.. ASR will install a UPC signage with the permission of the owner where the service is being held.. they are now building a small concrete room intended for the pastor who will handle the fellowship center.. we are truly blessed by God.. By the end of the year possibly a new UPC Church will rise in that site. The Barangay Chairman of Catabligan is supporting the evangelism of ASR .. he gave the ASR team the necessary documents for free passage to all checkpoints. Please pray the for ASR Phils leadership for knowledge and wisdom. We will continue to work for the Glory of our Lord Jesus, and help to build Apostolic churches.

Thank You Bro Guzman from all of us here in the United States and Canada for the Work of the Lord your doing in that country. Keep the Faith, Stay the Course

Please Lord Grant Me A Servant’s Heart….

I feel as if the Lord had laid this heavily upon my heart for this ministry. The Lord has never audibly spoken to me and I have never seen angles that I know of so this is as close as it comes for me hering from the Lord. I have given that direction a lot of thought over the last several month’s, prayed and fasted about sitting down and putting to paper (well into a word doc) the words he has given me  asking for the anointing and the will of God to be done. Last month I had the privilege to write about presenting ourselves a living sacrifice Holy and acceptable unto God….. I ended that article with a note about a servant’s heart and with your permission I would like to continue on that thread and talk about a spirit of servitude.

I do not know if having the spirit of servitude is a learned behavior or we are just given that by the grace of God. I think it might be a combination of both, a desire in our hearts to be obedient to the Word of God and in prayer asking the Lord Jesus Christ to give us the heart of a servant just like his because it’s my desire to be more like our Lord. So what is a servant ? Bro Webster defines it as “A person who performs duties for others” and “A devoted and helpful follower or supporter”

The Bible says:
Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
(Phil 2: 3-5)

Jesus had a servant’s heart and the ultimate expression of that nature is found in John 13:1-17 when he washed the disciples feet showing them the way of a true servant. Not only a servant but also the lowest of all servants, you see washing the feet of either their master or a visitor was the lowest job of any household servant in that time. This very act shows us today what approach we should take towards ministry. Not to be high-minded in the service for the Lord but to be lowly and meek. I’ll take it a step further for those who have a burden for ministry you must possess a servant’s heart with the same humility as Jesus. Here was the King of Kings washing the feet of his disciples instead of sitting on the throne of Glory.
Who are we ?

Now of all people one would think that the disciples of Jesus Christ would be the epitome of those with a servant’s heart but they were a lot like we can be sometimes, look at what Peter had to say.

Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God; he riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded. Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet? Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter. Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all. For he knew who should betray him; therefore said he, Ye are not all clean. So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you?  Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. (John 13: 3-15)

The Lord would rebuked Peter for refusing a foot washing he must have felt it was important and did not want Peter to miss out of the learning opportunity on servitude. Peter sensing the Lord was serious not only compiled but also offered his hands and his head to be washed. Peter had the right attitude when confronted, the flesh might have been unwilling but the spirit stepped in and did the right thing.

This ordinance is as much a divine command as any other New Testament ordinance. Jesus gave us an example that we do even as He had done. He said that we ought to wash one another’s feet. And again, “If ye know these things, happy are ye if you do them” (John 13:4-17). There is scriptural evidence that this was practiced by the church in the days of the apostle Paul (I Timothy 5:10). And I pray today, at our National Rally.

For this reason we as a ministry (members only) will be given the opportunity in observing both communion and foot washing on the morning of our business meeting Saturday October 16th starting at 8:00am Bro Joseph will be presiding over both the communion and the foot washing. Bro Beall oversee the foot washing for the men and Sis Beall over the ladies. I urge every member and their spouses to be involved with this act of servitude (Foot washing will be held in two separate areas within the church). This is an invitation only I know there might be those in our membership that might be uneasily about either washing another’s feet or having their feet washed (perhaps so did Peter) I understand. This is where we need to trust in each other, humble ourselves and allow the Lord to minister to the body. It’s not about our feet but about obedience and maintaining a lowly and humble spirit. I guess we should keep in mind how Jesus dealt with Peter over the subject and Peter’s reaction:

 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet? Jesus replied, You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand. No, said Peter, you shall never wash my feet. Jesus answered, Unless I wash you, you have no part with me. Then, Lord, Simon Peter replied, not just my feet but my hands and my head as well! John 13:6-9

Let’s come together for this scarit time together, minister to one another as Jesus ministered to his disciples we should minister to each other. We need to keep the faith and stay the course the Lord is coming soon. I for one want to do all I can to stay on track.

Welcome New Members for August 2021

I would like to reach out to all out new members and take this opportunity to welcome you into the greatest motorcycle ministry there is.

Sis Cordia Fluharty and Bro Fred Fluharty
Wooster, OH
Wooster Apostolic Pentecostal Church
Pastor Benjamin Robinson

Sis Stephanie Ross
Orrville, OH
Wooster Apostolic Pentecostal Church
Pastor Benjamin Robinson

Bro James Diller
Orville, OH
Wooster Apostolic Pentecostal Church
Pastor Benjamin Robinson

Bro Jacob Schiefer
Smithville, OH
Wooster Apostolic Pentecostal Church
Pastor Benjamin Robinson

Sis Savanna McKenzee Schiefer
Smithville, OH
Wooster Apostolic Pentecostal Church
Pastor Benjamin Robinson

Sis Sherry & Bro Charles Austin
Shreve, OH
Wooster Apostolic Pentecostal Church
Pastor Benjamin Robinson

Bro Michael Dailey
Cullman, AL
New Life Tabernacle
Pastor Travis Dalton

Bro Thomas & Sis Tracy Hanks
Henderson, TX
New Life Tabernacle
Pastor Randy Henningan

Bro Ralph Walker
Kingston, OK
Truth Church
Pastor Darren Gilbert

I beseech you therefore …

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:1-2).

As a member of the Azusa StreetRiders ministry I hold myself to a higher standard, not due to the position I hold as President, but like all of our members because of what I am a part of. Being part of the Azusa StreetRiders has driven me to that end. I know I am preaching to the choir, but I just wanted to share how blessed I am to be a part of the Azusa StreetRiders ministry along with the rest of y’all.

However I am not content, I need that deeper commitment to the things of God in order to climb to the next level. I want to be able to do the works of God just like the first century church. Some might smirk at this statement, but it’s happening on the mission field all over the world: blind eyes opened, the lame walk, and the dumb speak. So, why not here, and why not through the Azusa StreetRiders ministry? Jesus Christ is faithful to His Word, and His word proclaims that we need to believe and exercise our measure of faith.

Our ministry is made up of ambassadors of Jesus Christ sent to people that might not otherwise ever hear the true Gospel. We need to be aware that our conversations and relationships might be the only Jesus they know. We might be the only word they get. Therefore, in order to be the most effective we must be ready. The Bible puts it this way:

“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” (II Timothy 4:2).

In order to do, so we must also have the following:

He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully” (Psalm 24:4).

In other words, to be beyond reproach when we witness to the lost.

In II Timothy, Paul goes on to write:

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry” (II Timothy 4:3-5).

That tells me we might have only one shot at it, and I for one want my heart right. That is my “reasonable service.” We could be the only shot that poor lost soul might have to make it to heaven, so we need to always be ready. Our readiness comes by preparation of the heart through prayer and fasting, of which I know this ministry does both. One other attribute that goes hand in hand with a broken and contrite heart is to have a servant’s spirit.