Welcome New Members

Newest Chapter – Kirbyville, TX

New Members:
Pastor Malcolm Hennigan
Brother James Odom III
Sister Charlotte Dawes
– Kirbyville, TX

Brother Christopher Gilbert
Brother Brian Murphy
– Oxford, CT

Pastor Tim Downs
– La Porte, IN

New International Member:
Peter John Lujan
– Yigo, Guam

Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ
email: robert.thompson@AzusaStreetRiders.com
Cell: 305-525-4877


Welcome These New Chapters to Azusa StreetRiders Ministry

  • Southwest Ohio Chapter
    • Brother Scott Culver – President
    • Todd Brown – Vise President
    • Mike McGhghy – Sec / Trea.
    • Julie McGhghy – Member (National Ladies Chaplin)
  • Larry Walker – Member – Road Captain

Azusa StreetRiders are very please to announce the establishment of the Azusa StreetRiders Philippines International Chapter to be known as from this day forth

  • ASR Philippines

Azusa StreetRiders Ministry would first like to Welcome the ASR Advisors and Pastors of the newly established ASR Philippines Chapter and Thank them for their support:

  • ASR Advisers
    • Bishop Celedonio C. Ompad
    • Rev. Gadiel C. Ompad
    • Rev Lorenzo Reyes
  • Members – Pastors
    • Pastor Romy Villanueva
    • Pastor Medel Zarsuelo
    • Pastor Brentson Bago
    • Pastor Marcos Prieto
  • Azusa Street Riders Philippines Officers
    • Rodante D. de Guzman
      • Chapter President
      • Philippeans Area Coordimator
    • Bernelito C. Gavero – Chapter Vice President
    • Eleazar Villaraza – Secretary
    • Dan Carlo M. Coloma – Treasurer
  • Philippines Chapter Road Crew
    • Danilo L. de Guzman – New Rider Mentor
    • Billie Joel C. Gavero – Sweeper/Marshal
    • Jacob Paniza – Sweeper/Marshal
  • Members
    • Virgilio Escobia
    • Federico L. Padawang
    • Jose G. Labong
    • Jose A. Padernos
    • Emmanuel A. Piedad
    • Erwin C. Bernardo
    • Alvin M. Godito
    • Danmark Joseph C. Labong
    • El John C. Labong
    • Julius C. Labong
    • Aldrin M. Arellano
    • Moises Alcontin
    • Harris Manzo
    • Joel Ampan
    • James Alvin R. Masilang
    • JirahRuire  M. Teja
    • Estaniel C. Soriano
Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ

Assemblies of The Lord Jesus Christ National Men’s Conference

2017 Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ Menistry National Men’s Conference Maryville, TN September 15th & 16th.

The Maryville Azusa Streets Ministry will be sponsoring a motorcycle ride Friday the 15th This should prove to be a very beautiful ride through the mountains and valleys of east tennessee, getting back to Maryville mid afternoon with plenty of time to prepare for the evening service. We will be meeting at Shoney’s 1021 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville TN at 9:00 am kickstands up at 10:00 am. If you ride please come and be a part of this day of fellowship we look forward to seeing you there. For more information contact Bro Donnie Grider @ 936-648-1143 or email donnie.grider@gmail.com

Thank You for all Your Support

I wanted to take just a moment and thank everyone that participated in the 2017 Azusa StreetRiders National Conference in Denison, TX. In addition, I extend appreciation to Pastor and Sister Gilbert for their gracious hospitality in allowing Azusa StreetRiders to host this year’s conference at Truth Tabernacle Church. Also very special thanks to Sister Urissa Goodin, Brother Clarence Earp, and all of those who supported their efforts. Job well done! It was a great conference.

As many of you already know, this year’s elections yielded three new board members for the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry. The new board consists of:

Robert Thompson, President
Randy Hennigan, Vice President
Laureen Theodore, Treasurer
Michel Luttrell, Secretary

We are all being diligent during this transition period to continue the good work that Brother Anthony Storey, Brother James Curley and Sister Lydia Diaz have done over the last several years, and I take my hat off to them. Moving forward, we’re getting ready for the annual ALJC (Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ) Men’s Conference, to be held in Maryville, Tennessee, September 15 and 16. We have been asked to sponsor a day ride, and I have been asked to speak at that conference about the ASR ministry. Everyone is invited, of course. Next on the agenda is the UPCI (United Pentecostal Church International) General Conference, in Kansas City, Missouri, September 26-29. We will have a booth set up there, so if you plan to attend, please stop by.

Moving into 2018 we’re already looking forward to the “Bind the Strong Man” event sponsored by Christian Faith Outreach Church in Ashland, Kentucky, March 2-3. Please plan to be there.

I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming support for the new board. The response is welcomed, and I for one am humbled by it all. I appreciate the confidence you have for us, but I covet your prayers more. In closing, I wish to make myself available to anyone that needs me. Therefore I have included my contact information below. Please feel free to contact me at any time.

God bless you all, and God bless America.

2016 AZUSA StreetRiders National Rally

The board of Azusa StreetRiders is now accepting nominations for the upcoming elections for National Vice-President and Secretary.

Please see below for the links for the nominations. In addition, the board is asking that you read the article about the rally and board member responsibilities.

Click here for Nominating Ballot for ASR Vice-President

Click here for Nominating Ballot for ASR Secretary

2016 AZUSA StreetRiders National Rally, Cameron, MO

Well, this year’s National Rally is just around the corner. August 3 is quickly approaching, and I know everyone is excited about heading to Cameron, MO for fellowship, food, and fun — and does the hosting Azusa StreetRiders chapter there have a treat for all those attending! Did I mention food? We’re starting with the traditional meet-and-greet at the church on Wednesday, so we all can get to know each other. Then Thursday, after breakfast, heading into Kansas City and touring the Harley-Davidson manufacturing plant, and for those Non-Harley folks, Sis Lydia will be hosting her world renowned “Safety Riding Seminar” at the church. A fine dinner has been planned for late afternoon, and after feeding our physical bodies we will be feasting again with Bro Peter Grey, missionary to Haiti, as he ministers the Word of God at our “Motorcycles for Missionaries” service.

After a good night’s sleep, Friday starts with breakfast (I know we keep mentioning food), and then we’re in for a real treat. We will be touring Amish country roads and farms along with some Missouri backroads. We plan to stop for lunch at an authentic Amish restaurant, then continue our adventure across the planes of the Midwest. We will return for another fine dinner (I won’t say a word), then gear up for a night of revival with Bro. Doug White. Now, if you haven’t heard Bro. Doug White preach, you need to hang onto your helmets and buckle your boots, because things are about to happen. We all need to be praying for lost souls all along, but especially for Friday night’s service.

Saturday morning will be started with coffee and donuts at the church for our annual membership meeting and elections. The board wanted to express something before the nominations started coming in. The board encourages everyone interested in the upcoming positions to be nominated; however a word is in order that no one is caught unawares. Be certain any board position is much more than just wearing the badge, slapping backs and handing out ministry cards.

To be a board member is an honor to be able to serve the people of this ministry. However, it’s hard work and involves personal sacrifice. Now before you discard this statement, please understand any position on the board requires a lot of effort on your part. Much time is spent in meetings, planning sessions, events, rides, and then there are the national conferences. You should be prepared, if you are still employed elsewhere, to be able to take off some work to be involved in these different events. Not only is there time away from your work and family, but sometimes the travel distances can be long. As a board member, it’s part of your job description to be involved, and that sounds easier than you think, especially if you have children.

In addition there are personal expenses involved. Perhaps you’re retired and might have little or no time restrictions; that’s great. However, board members are not reimbursed for any travel expenses, even those involving board business. No board member receives any compensation for the duties they perform. In addition, out-of-pocket expenses are the responsibility of each individual board member. The problem is at these different events, as a board member, you will or should find yourself involved in many more events than you currently do. In addition, at national conferences, which involve several days, the cost can be considerable.

In conclusion, please understand this is not an attempt to discourage anyone. If you have prayed and feel led of the Lord, then please throw your name into the hat. The only measure here is that we want, as a board, to give insight into what these positions entail. We don’t want for someone who is elected to then feel misinformed about of the requirements of the position, which benefits no one and will only frustrate the situation. However, if you feel confident this is not a burden, then please have someone nominate you for an open position currently up for election, and may God bless and keep you always.