A Fun day out at a State Penitentiary

I posted this up on our two Facebook group pages. This is for anyone who is not on Facebook.

For the last two months I have been trying to work on having a fun ASR day outing at a state penitentiary. Not just to show up and take in a tour. But really thought about how neat it would be to have a big group inside the walls with our bikes on a cell block floor for one really great photo shoot. So here is where I am at with this so far. Of course my first pick was the
Ohio State Reformatory.
This is where they filmed the movie Shawshank Redemption. This is really a great place to tour.  So much history here. Well after reaching out to the director of operations of the reformatory. They loved the idea but I was told sorry that this would be a safety issue and well basically it was a no. But then they said we can have the front main entrance to use as a background photo shoot. This is not what I wanted to hear. But this very doable of course with a nice tour.
Alright I did not stop here. On to #2 which I then called
Moundsville West Virginia Penitentiary.
They told me that no group has ever asked about something like this and they loved the idea. But again was I was told no. That this is a safety issue. They also said we can set up out front of course for a great group photo shoot. They also told me about that they have group games that they play inside the penitentiary. I was told that they have a cool game where they take a group and they lock them into a cell. And then you and your group has to work as a team to figure out the clues on how to get out of the cell and the find your way back out to the starting point. Now this could be a really fun day for ASR with a tour also.
OK on to #3. I was told that this next penitentiary would work. It is
Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary in Tennessee. I was told that this place  actually let’s motorcycles and cars into the penitentiary. At this time I can’t confirm this.  The reason for this is that they are closed for the season. And no one has returned my phone calls or emails at this time. They open back up in March.  So if this is true and this place allows a big group inside a cell block. How many would be Interested in having a fun day at a penitentiary in Tennessee. And doing a big cell block group photo. If it is a go most likely I would be trying to schedule this for sometime in fall.
If most are just Interested in The Ohio Reformatory or the penitentiary in West Virginia. I can then plan on something in the spring for either one Ohio or WV. I just would need to know who is all in on a fun ASR day outing at a penitentiary.

Michael Theodore (Theo)

International President




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Michael Theodore is married to Laureen, and both are devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Michael serves the Azusa StreetRiders Motorcycle Ministry as both National Road Captain and as Ohio District Coordinator. He is passionate not only about riding, but also using motorcycles as a witnessing tool to affect souls for the Lord Jesus.

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