Resolution #1
WHEREAS; it is common practice that resolutions submitted to the floor are voted on and passed with a simple majority vote,
BE IT RESOLVED; that Article 21, the first and second paragraph be changed to read
These By-Laws may be amended by resolution, which must be approved by a majority of the dues paying members present at the annual business meeting of Azusa StreetRiders to become effective. 
The resolution(s) for amendment(s) shall be written and forwarded via email to all dues paying of ASR at the last known email address by the Board Secretary 30 days prior to the annual business meeting.
Resolution #2
WHERE AS; there is no provision for emergency resolutions that may require immediate action prior to, the annual business meeting, it is in the best interest of ASR that the following resolution be added to Article 21,
BE IT RESOLVED; The ASR board can bring an emergency resolution to the floor of the annual business meeting without having to go through the resolution committee.
Resolution #3
WHEREAS; There is no clear procedure for submitting resolutions for our annual business meeting, AND
WHEREAS; if the following resolution is adopted that it shall be added to Article 21
BE IT RESOLVED; A resolution committee shall be appointed by the ASR board by January of each year, and that all resolutions are to be submitted to this committee for review.  Furthermore:
a. Each resolution must be signed by the author.
b This committee will review each resolution, make any corrections necessary, and submit a final draft to the ASR Secretary.  The Secretary will forward the resolutions via email to all dues paying members of Azusa StreetRiders at the last known email address. 
c. If a resolution does not pass the resolutions committee, that resolution will not be brought to the floor unless the author calls for the reading of the resolution and a majority vote brings it to the floor for discussion and a vote.
Proposed by: David Showalter