National Rally 2022

August 4-6 National Rally.
The 2022 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally will be in Warren, Ohio August 4th and 5th business meeting the 6th. The location will be at The Packard Music Hall that will accommodate 2,500. Our speakers will be Thursday night Evangelist Charles Robinette and Friday night speaker will be Evangelist Doug Klindenst. The host church is The Pentecostals of Champion Pastor Mark Semrau. This is going to be a Holy Ghost outpouring just like the Azusa Street revival with miracles, signs and wonders.
We will be having a teaching session at the church with Evangelist Charles Robinette for anyone that can be there on Wednesday August 3rd. The Pentecostals of Champion 308 Cleveland Avenue East Warren, Ohio.
We have been blessed with a nice group rate for our Host hotel which will be the Holiday Inn Express & Suites. The group hotel link is posted on our ASR facebook pages for easy online booking. And the national website.
August 7th The Penecostals of Champion will be hosting their 2nd annual Biker Sunday. Host speaker is Evangelist Doug Klindenst. Service starts at 10:00 AM.

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Michael Theodore is married to Laureen, and both are devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Michael serves the Azusa StreetRiders Motorcycle Ministry as both National Road Captain and as Ohio District Coordinator. He is passionate not only about riding, but also using motorcycles as a witnessing tool to affect souls for the Lord Jesus.

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