Up Coming ASR Events

May 3-4 Arkansas District Men‘s Ministry Conference
May 5: 1st Annual Cortland, New York Biker Sunday and Bike Blessing; Cortland, NY
May 11: 7th Annual Sword Run; Clarksburg, WV
May 25-26: Rolling Thunder; Washington, DC (This will be the last Rolling Thunder)
June 8: Cruise In & Ride; Jacksonville, Illinois
June 9: New Straightsville, Ohio Biker Sunday, Hocking Hills Chapter; New Straightsville, OH
July 7: 10th Annual Biker Sunday in Memory of Michael T. Theodore Jr., Ashtabula Chapter; Jefferson, Ohio
July 31 – August 3: ASR National Rally; Maryville, TN
Sept 11-14: Azusa StreetRiders 2nd Annual Fall Retreat; Galveston, Texas
Sept 21-22: 2nd Annual Biker Sunday; Clendenin, WV
Sept 23-28: UPCI General Conference; Indianapolis, Indiana
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain


Motorcycle Awareness Month

Spring is in full swing and around the country, motorcyclists are returning to the road after a long winter. But with a sudden spike in the number of motorcycles on the road, it’s a good time to remind all motorists, whether on two wheels or four, to keep a special lookout for motorcyclists.

That’s why May is recognized as National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, a time for drivers to be reminded to share the road with motorcycles, and riders to be reminded to make themselves more visible to others.
Keep the Contact Patch between the lines
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain


Q1 Update from the Philippines

Hello Brother thompson,

Below is the ASR Phils update for Q1.. 2019

Can we acknowledge the new member here in the Philippines in ASR official website?

I will send you the names of new members this week also I only consider member once the applicant acquired the ASR official patch, but if they just acquired the reflectorized vest only (our philippines vest with orange & white stripes) they are considered provisionary member for 6 months. if they failed to acquire the ASR patch within 6 months, their membership will be void and they need to pay the membership again.

ASR update , Accomplishments & upcoming Activities

  1. Commendation of UPCI Vice President  Rev Art Martinez for the outstanding support ASR Philippines to the UPCI General Conference held in Cuneta Astrodome & Marikina Sports Center
  2. Successful turn over of the Motorcycle for the Missionary/Pioneering Pastor Recipient: Pastor Nomer Butial of QUEBIC District
  3. Newly Appointed ASR Adviser to replace the position of Bishop Celedonio Ompad
    1. Rev Arturo Martinez – UPCI Assistant Gen. Superintendent / UPCI Vice President
  4. Commendation of Gen. Roy Taguinod – Director General for Traffic Enforcement MMDA
  5. Releasing of ASR T shirt for members (exclusive for Members & spouse only)
  6. Monthly dues compliance.
    1. all monthly dues will be remitted to Pastor Marcos Prieto as he is the ASR leader in NELD
    2. all monthly dues will be remitted to Pastor Dennis Elardo as he is the ASR leader in NSLD
    3. all monthly dues will be remitted to Sis Sherry Gibas  in NCRD
  7. ASR Phils 56 members official count as of March 2019
  8. Welcoming of new members
  9. Implementation of Mandatory Health card for every riders
    1. Maxicare card Plan 600 for renewable for 1 year
      1. 15K for Emergency cases/Hospitalization
      2. 25K Death insurance

Upcoming ride activity Q2’19

  1. Leyte Ride & Promotion on AMD conference
    1. April 14  to 23, 2019
  2. QUEBIC youth camp promotion, c/o ptr Jhun Villaraza of QBD
    1. April 22, 2019
  3. Awarding of Adviser Certificate to Rev Lorenzo Reyes.
  4. SEC registration

Whats New!

  1. Launching of new Patch with caption “May I pray for you”
  2. New name patch for the new release of Rvest (embro type)
    1. Optional for the previous batch released of R vest.
  3. Standard arrangement of Patch & Flag on our ASR international Vest
  4. New member in WVD Pastor Jesreel Arcenio (Western Visayas District)
  5. New member in Central Luzon District Pastor Matt Pagcu
  6. NCRD sec 2 National Capita Region Sis Sydney Echavarai
  7. New Member in Masbate Bro. Emmanuel Verano
  8. New member in Cagayan de Oro Pastor Mark David Pestano
  9. New Member in New Southern Luzon District sec 3 Pastor Romualdo Cabarle( Filipino Missionary in Qatar/Bahrain/Saudi)


  1. A group of Apostolic Riders planning to join the ASR Phils..with 20+ membersC/o pastor Matt of CLD


Rodante de Guzman
Philippians National Coordinator

Welcome New Members

Rev Jeff Treat
Ozark, IL
First Pentecostal Church of Ozark
Rev Jeff Treat, Pastor
Ozark, IL

Bro Shawn A Wilson
Mattoon, IL
Calvary Tabernacle
Rev D Stoval, Pastor
Toledo, OH

Bro Chisum B Wilson
Matton, IL
Calvary Tabernacle
Rev D Stoval, Pastor
Toledo, OH

Bro John P Zerbe Sr
Peirson, MI
Solid Rock Worship Center
Rev Bobby Gray, Pastor
Cedar Springs, MI

Sis Cynthie A Zerbe Sr
Peirson, MI
Solid Rock Worship Center
Rev Bobby Gray, Pastor
Cedar Springs, MI

Bro Marcus Dunlop Sr
New Palestine, IN
Liberty Tabernacle Church
Rev Brian Lane, Pastor
Whiteland, IN

Bro Bud Caudill
Dupont, IN
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ
Rev Herbert White, Pastor
Austin, IN

State Watch

New Jersey
S. 1400 and A. 3204 would allow operators of motorcycles,motorized bicycles and bicycles to proceed through a malfunctioning steady red light if the rider comes to a full stop at the intersection, waits for two complete cycles of the opposing traffic signal or for two minutes, whichever is shorter,then treats the traffic control signal as a stop sign.


H.B 2314 would allow motorcyclist and moped riders to split lanes if traffic is stopped or is traveling 10 mph or slower, the rider travels no more than 10 mph faster than traffic and the rider merges with traffic when traffic speed exceeds 10 mph. The law would apply to highways with speed limits of 50 mph or higher.

H.B. 748 would repeal the exceptions to the state’s mandatory helmet law. The law currently exempts riders 21 or older who have completed a motorcycle safety course or who have health insurance coverage.
Also S.B. 273 would allow motorcyclist to split lanes on limited or controlled access highways when traffic is moving at 20 mph or slower, if the rider does not travel more than 5 mph faster than surrounding traffic.

H.B.1872 would require the adult motorcyclists to register as organ donors if they wish to ride without a helmet. The bill also makes failure to wear a helmet a secondary offense, which means law enforcement officers would not be allowed to stop riders simply for being helmetless.
Also H.B. 2446 would allow motorcyclists to ride on the shoulder of limited access highways when traffic is stopped or is traveling 10 mph or less, the motorcyclist must not exceed 15 mph and must take the first available exit.
And H.B. 2193 would add grass clippings to the list of substance a person may not throw or deposit on the roads. Grass clippings create a hazard for motorcyclists.

H.B143 Changed registration and state wide fees for all- terrain vehicles, dirt bikes and street-legal ATV’s. Under the new law, registration fees for off- road vehicles will not exceed $35 while the fee for a street- legal ATV will not exceed $72. The state’s Motor Vehicle Division requires that $1 of the registration go to the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Rehabilitation Fund. State wide fees foe ATV’s and snowmobiles will vary, based on the age of the vehicle.


Also Utah became the second U.S. state to formally recognize a type of lane splitting, with the governor’s signature on a bill legalizing the filtering of motorcycles between lanes of stopped traffic.

“This is a major victory for motorcyclists in Utah and across the country,” said Mike Sayre, on-highway government relations manager for the American Motorcyclist Association. “As more states acknowledge the benefits of lane splitting, motorcyclists can become safer on the roads, and motorists can find some relief from traffic congestion.”
H.B. 149 allows motorcyclists traveling no faster than 15 mph to filter between lanes of stopped traffic traveling in the same direction on roads where the speed limit is 45 mph or less.
The bill, sponsored by state Rep. Walt Brooks (R-St. George) and state Sen. David P. Hinkins (R-Orangeville), was signed by Gov. Gary Herbert on March 21. The bill takes effect May 14.
There are provisions in the bill automatically repealing the law on July 1, 2022, if the legislature takes no action to extend it.

The AMA endorses lane splitting, given the long-term success in California and the University of California study by Berkeley researchers showing that it enhances motorcycle safety. And the AMA will assist groups and individuals working to bring legal lane splitting and/or filtering to their state.

Michael Theodore
National Road Captain


Up Coming ASR Event’s

April 27: Maryville, TN Chapter Redbud/Dogwood Ride

May 5: 1st Annual Cortland, New York Biker Sunday and Bike Blessing; Cortland, NY

May 11: 7th Annual Sword Run; Clarksburg, WV

May 25-26: Rolling Thunder; Washington, DC (This will be the last Rolling Thunder)
June 8: Cruise In & Ride; Jacksonville, Illinois
June 9: New Straightsville, Ohio Biker Sunday, Hocking Hills Chapter; New Straightsville, OH
July 7: 10th Annual Biker Sunday in Memory of Michael T. Theodore Jr., Ashtabula Chapter; Jefferson, Ohio
July 31 – August 3: ASR National Rally; Maryville, TN
Sept 11-14: Azusa StreetRiders 2nd Annual Fall Retreat; Galveston, Texas
Sept 21-22: 2nd Annual Biker Sunday; Clendenin, WV

Sept 23-28: UPCI General Conference; Indianapolis, Indiana

Michael Theodore
National Road Captain


Shout Out for a Job Well Done

I just wanted to take a moment and thank a couple of our brethren for jobs well done. Bro Theodore & Bro Joseph have over the years worked behind the scenes updating and maintaining this ministry’s public information flow. From monitoring both the Web Site and the various FB pages they  have continually kept us informed and up to date with information relevant to ASR members and guests. In addition have kept inappropriate content from tarnishing our reputation. BroTheodore also contributes articles to our Rumblin’s  every month and Bro Joseph works all the back office duties for our Web site.

So a big “Hat’s Off” for both you
Thank you and God bless you and yours.
Bro Thompson
Azusa StreetRiders National President

Welcome New Members

Azusa StreetRiders Welcomes our newest Members

Bro David & Sis Stacey Doss
Jacksonville, IL
Harvest Temple Church
Rev Archie Beavers,Pastor

Bro Nicholas Helms
Greenback, TN
FAC Maryville
Rev Kenny Carpenter, Pastor
Maryville, TN

Bro Darrin Burkett
Maryville, TN
FAC Maryville
Rev Kenny Carpenter, Pastor
Maryville, TN

Rev David and Sis Heather Stovall
Toledo, IL
Calvary Tabernacle
Rev David Stovall, Pstor
Toledo, IL

Bro Shawn & Sis Tammy Strader
Calvary Tabernacle
Rev David Stovall, Pastor
Toledo, IL

Sis Miranda Womack (Spouse Bro Mike)
Effingham, IL
Calvary Tabernacle
Rev David Stovall, Pastor
Toledo, IL

Bro Sam & Sis Heather Elfakir
Toledo, IL
Calvary Tabernacle
Rev David Stovall, Pastor
Toledo, IL

Bro Gary & Sis Jeri Beasley
Toledo, IL
Calvary Tabernacle
Rev David Stovall, Pastor
Toledo, IL

Bro Greg & Sis Lisa Johnson
Toledo, IL
Calvary Tabernacle
Rev David Stovall, Pastor
Toledo, IL

Bro Kevin & Sis Stephanie Jenkins
Neoga, IL
Calvary Tabernacle
Rev David Stovall, Pastor
Toledo, IL

Bro Amar Elfakir
Toledo, IL
Calvary Tabernacle
Rev David Stovall, Pastor
Toledo, IL

Bro Philip Haston (Spouse Sis Katherine)
Deville, LA
Rev Lonnie Weidner
Ball, LA

Sis Katherine Haston (Spouse Bro Philip)
Deville, LA
Rev Lonnie Weidner
Ball, LA

WinterFire Conference Update

First off all of us should take a moment and thank the Lord for Brother & Sister Mcleod, Brother & Sister Perry and all of the members of the New Haven, CT Chapter for a Job well done presenting the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry at the WinterFire conference. Job Well Done!
Bro Thompson, ASR National President

“THAT WORKED” by Brother David Mcleod

Bro Jeff Banores and Bro Dave McLeod
standing in front of our new
Azusa StreetRiders display booth

We, as Azusa StreetRiders, were privileged to have an opportunity to explain our Motorcycles for Missions Ministry to numerous Oneness people during the 3rd week of February.

The venue was the major WinterFire Conference that occurs annually in the Hartford, CT area. It’s the premiere gathering of Apostolics for the Northeast Quadrant of North America.

It was also the first time to utilize our new ASR display backdrop.

Have a look at the attached photos. It’s 10 ft wide and 7ft high. The “face” of the unit is fabric and our favourite “Azusa Biker” is the visual centre point. The fabric is attached to the frame using Velcro. It takes about one minute to either set it up or take it down. Simply remove the display from its wheeled container and pull it apart. It unfolds and raises as it opens

People walking past us would literally stop and stare. It’s that effective!

This would give us an opening to say something like “Do you ride?” And the conversation was off and running.

I got to meet many of the New Haven, CT chapter members as we were on their home turf, so to speak. They’re to be commended for the ease with which they were able slide into biker related conversations. I’m convinced that these guys are on a 1st name basis with about half the population of New England! Hugs and “Biker Handshakes” were the order of the event.

Chapter President, Jeff Banores, has some really good plans to promote the ASR message in his area. President Jeff now has the contact information for five prospective members. We probably wouldn’t have found these folks had it not been for our WinterFire participation.

We’re looking forward to riding with any of the New Haven members who are planning to attend the National gathering this summer.

Please allow me to share some insights gathered in Hartford.

There are numerous District Conferences, Men’s Conferences, Youth Conferences, etc that fall under the umbrella of our various Oneness organizations. These events are where we will have an opportunity to meet prospective members and raise our profile.

The display is guaranteed to attract attention. We have the “common denominator” of our shared interest in all things “motorcycle.” In Hartford, we heard things like:

  • “My husband rides a motorcycle. He’s not as regular with his church attendance as he should be. I wish that he could meet you people.”
  • My sister-in-law lives in Texas? Do you know if you have anyone in Lubeck (sp) that could contact her? She sure loves her Harley.”
  • “We have two guys in our home church in New Jersey that belong to the CMA.”
  1. Our new “May I Pray for You” patch drew a lot of attention. People were asking us if we had any for sale. I was also asked if we had “bumper stickers” of the patch. – Good idea.
  2. The personal connection of the New Haven chapter members made a big difference at this conference. Chapter Presidents,,,, no one knows your area better than you……. Get out to your District events and see what will happen. We’re the largest “Oneness Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry” in the world. Let’s be scriptural. “Everyone Win One” would double our membership. It was an honour to represent our Ministry at this event. Both Brenda & I were ministered to by the anointed preaching The conference organizers did a great job on tis years ministers.

Dave McLeod / ASR Director for Canada & Atlantic Canada Chapter President