Registration is open on the website for the National Rally 2024 in Omaha, NE.
Meal plans are also available for purchase on the registration page.
Please make sure you register! We look forward to seeing everyone in Omaha!
Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ ~ Official Site
Registration is open on the website for the National Rally 2024 in Omaha, NE.
Meal plans are also available for purchase on the registration page.
Please make sure you register! We look forward to seeing everyone in Omaha!
By: John Zerbe – Michigan Coordinator
I got a chance to attend this conference in Marshall, Michigan this year. The Prayer, Preaching, and Presence of God was Amazing. I want to share that we had a great turn out for ASR Supporters. Mid-Michigan Chapter presented Support Shirts to several men that are going to promote Acts 2:38 message. These men represent 4 different churches and cities. Solid Rock Worship Center, Cedar Springs, Pentecostal Temple, Midland, Christian Life Center, Fremont, Christian Life Ministries, Big Rapids. There may be a chance of a new member in Manitique, which is in the U.P. I’m excited for what God is doing around the world and especially Michigan. Keep Praying 🙏 until Jesus Comes
From the desk of Jon Weber, ASR National Road Captain:
Praise the Lord ASR friends and family! I pray this finds you well in Jesus name.
Riding season has finally arrived and it’s time to hit the road for some much-needed wind therapy. For those that can ride all year round, well this is for you too 😉.
Summer is always a busy time and there are many local functions and riding events going on where seeing our ASR patch could spark a conversation that could win souls for the Lord. Let’s attend what we can and let our light shine for those to see the goodness of our God!
Let’s also be aware of the various biker weekends coming up and do our best to support all those we can. Remember, a lot of time, money, and effort go into these events and if we want a good turnout for ours, we need to get involved and support as many as we can! Those of us that have had the privilege of attending these biker weekends know first hand the impact these events have had on the community. We have seen souls Baptized in the name of Jesus, souls filled with the Holy Ghost. We’ve seen broken hearts mended, lives touched, healings and miracles performed! These weekends have also helped us to be able to bless many missionaries with many needed motorcycles to reach souls they couldn’t before and to further their work for the kingdom of God!
In what may be considered a lesser scale, they provide great fellowship with our ASR family and friends that we all miss during the colder months. I myself am looking forward to seeing you, and I personally am going to do my best to hit some areas this year that I haven’t been able to hit before.
Enjoy this summer riding for Jesus!
Ride safe, smart and let Jesus guide you to that soul in need of a change!! God Bless us all!!
The riding season is upon us. We have our rides planned and our bike serviced road ready. Our mission is clear and the purpose is to “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled” Luke 14:23. I want to take this moment to remind each one of us to seek God to:
At the ASR annual business meeting on August 3, 2024 in Omaha, Nebraska, offices for Vice President and Secretary will be elected. Nominations are now open for these positions and will remain open until May 31, 2024. To be qualified for these positions, the nominee must be a dues-paying member in good standing for no less than 2 years. To submit nominations for one or both of these offices, please email a completed nomination form available at the link below to Julie McGhghy at on or before May 31, 2024.
Duties of the Vice President:
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall discharge the duties of the President. He shall execute all other such assignments as may be ordered by the Board or President. This shall include presiding at membership meetings and/or Board meetings at the request of the President. Additionally, the Vice-President:
Duties of the Secretary:
The Secretary shall be responsible for all books, documents, papers, and records of ASR not otherwise entrusted, temporarily, or permanently, to other officers or to standing or special committees. The Secretary is, therefore, custodian of all ministry documents. Additionally, the Secretary:
The ASR board would like to thank Bro Travaris Mallory for his service in the role of International Secretary. He did an outstanding job in that position. Bro Mallory has decided to step away from ASR, and we pray that God will anoint him in his endeavors to reach this lost world.
The ASR Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Sis Julie McGhghy as secretary to fill the remaining term of office recently vacated.
After much prayer and consideration of Sis. McGhghy’s qualifications and love for ASR as demonstrated by her long-term membership (since 2010) and prior service, the Board was happy to offer her this position.
She is uniquely qualified to handle the responsibilities of Secretary due to her many years as a corporate attorney. She is dedicated to the Apostolic doctrine and is submitted to the authority of her pastor and the UPCI licensing authorities. She has actively loved the organization and its members by serving as National Ladies Chaplain and submitting many video and written teachings in the Rumblings.
Sis. McGhghy is married to Bro. Mike McGhghy. Together they have supported the annual Bind the Strongman and National Rallies when in town. In June 2019, after selling most of their possessions (including their 4 motorcycles) they moved to Costa Rica to serve as Associates in Missions, working alongside Bro. Luke and Sister Samantha Campbell. They returned to the United States in 2021 and now serve as Associated Ministers under the UPCI Global Missions Division and travel to teach faculty development seminars for Bible Schools throughout the world. Although they do not currently own motorcycles, they continue to love and support the ministry of the Azusa Streetriders.
Please join us in welcoming Sis. McGhghy to the ASR Board.
By: Bro Clarence Earp
Praise the Lord!
What a great bind the strongman we had in Jacksonville Texas. We had 3 motorcycle ministries attend and participate in our worship, the Word, and prayer.
There were healings both physical and spiritual.
We are so grateful to brother Micah Jones and the great saints of the Jacksonville church for their gracious hospitality. The ladies absolutely went overboard on food and refreshment.
ALL of the speakers did a marvelous job, and it seemed the vein of the preaching really just seemed to flow with one message just complimenting the previous. I never got an accurate count but I think their was about 40 to 50 in attendance and 12 to 14 ASR. We had 12 bikes on our ride and then we all went to a cookout in the country. Hot dog’s hot links s’mores and a campfire.
Some of the Hell Fighters M/M also showed up at the cookout.
We were also blessed to attend a fundraiser for a member of the Hell Fighters where we were able to pray for many and Brother Tate was asked to come back the following Sunday to give his testimony.
By Cynthie Zerbe
In August 2021, ASR got invited to have a Biker Weekend in Fremont, Michigan at Christian Life Center under Pastor Neal Tedford. Pastor Tedford asked us to go and pray for an individual that had left the church and backslid, and a girl that had been born with a brain disorder.
We went that Saturday and prayed with them on our outreach ride. The presence of God was powerful. Now grant it, time has passed and we continued to pray for them and the church.
This past weekend our church Solid Rock Worship Center had a leadership seminar and the surrounding churches in our section were invited. A lady came and sat across from Brother Zerbe and I and starting talking to us. Her name is Mary and she said to us. I know you! We said, you do? She said, you came and prayed at my house. She recognized Brother Zerbe’s vest.
I about started crying because we only met her that one time, and I didn’t recognize her until she said something. We visited and talked and she invited us over to a daughter church of Fremont Church that is starting up in Hesperia, Michigan. We went and got to see Emily, and they are both are now faithfully going to church and doing the work of the Lord.
Glory To God In The Highest!
Cynthie Zerbe
Just a heads up, the deadline for dues is this month April 30. If you haven’t paid please do so. This help support ASR.
Registration has started for our 2024 National Rally in Omaha, Nebraska. I’m looking forward to this. Please check out the event page and register.
Your International Treasurer,
Sister Cynthie Zerbe