Documents for Annual Business Meeting

Absentee ballots for the offices of National Vice President and National Secretary are now available. If you would like to submit a vote for either or both of these offices, please send an email to To be counted, absentee votes must be submitted in writing by July 19, 2024 to the addresses provided on the absentee ballots.

There are some documents that will be voted on during the annual business meeting on August 3, 2024. By July 4, 2024 these documents will be sent via email to all voting eligible members (dues-current members and life members) at the last email address known by the ASR Board. If you have changed your email address since you became a member of ASR and have not updated ASR’s records, or if you do not receive an email with documents before July, 5, 2024, please email with your current email address.

How Great Is My God

By: Johnathon Mcguire
Vice President
Mid Michigan Chapter

A  year  ago  I  met  Brother  John  Zerbe  in  Midland  Michigan.  Pentecostal  Temple,  the  local  UPCI  Church,  was  preparing  to  participate  in  the  Midland  Memorial  Day  Parade  2023.  Pastor  Willis,  Brother  Zerbe  and  Sister  Zerbe  were  going  to  ride  their  bikes  in  the  Parade.  I  was  to  drive  the  Church  van.  As  we  prepared  for  the  day,  Brother  Zerbe,  or  as  I  now  with  respect  call  Zerbz,  talked  to  me  about  a  motorcycle  ministry.  This  thing  was  called  Azusa  Street  Riders.  He  explained  to  me  how  it  wasn’t  a  club  but  a  ministry.  That  the  bike  and  the  patch  were  tools  the  LORD  uses  to  start  conversation  with  people  and  minister  the  Gospel  of  JESUS.  He  wanted  to  start  a  Chapter  in  Michigan.  This  caught  my  interest  since  I  have  a  history  on  2  wheels.  I  wanted  to  become  part  of  it  and  do  what  I  could  to  help.  Shortly  thereafter  a  Chapter  was  formed  in  Midland  Michigan.  At  the  1st  meeting  of  the  Mid  Michigan  ASR  Chapter  with  its  humble  beginning,  I  was  voted  in  as  its  Vice  President.  With  Brother  Zerbe,  as  the  President.

I  hadn’t  rode  since  receiving  the  HOLY  GHOST.  I  was  associated  with  people  where  that  bike  and  I  had  existed  unGODly  and  in  darkness.  Five  years  had  passed  without  a  ride  because  what  it  meant  to  me  to  be  on  my  bike,  the  mindset,  the  lifestyle  and  what  I  was  involved  in  had  all  ceased  to  exist.  The  old  man  was  dead.  Now  that  I  was  made  new  in  CHRIST,  coupled  with  the  focus  of  a  motorcycle  ministry,  well  that  gave  new  meaning  to  –  lets  ride.

Zerbz  talked  to  me  about  how  people  would  come  up  and  start  the  conversation.  I  found  out  how  true  that  is.  Recently  I  was  invited  on  a  ride  by  Brother  Thomas  Newman  from  Yorkville  Ohio  UPCI  Church  where  my  dear  Brother  David  Forsythe  Pastors.  Our  destination  was  Gatlinburg  Tennessee  to  meet  up  with  several  people  who  needed  a  witness.  We  rode  through  West  Virginia.  On  our  way,  stopped  in  Jane  Lew  West  Virginia  and  visited  with  Pastor  Jeff  Cochran  of  Buchannon  UPCI  Church.  At  breakfast  that  morning,  us  three  Brothers  ministered  to  the  kind  waitress  GOD  had  put  in  our  path.  She  felt  a  strong  presence  of  the  LORD  as  she  let  tears  flow.  Phone  numbers  were  exchanged  so  that  Sister  Cochran  could  reach  out  to  her  and  help  that  relationship  with  JESUS  grow.  After  leaving  Jane  Lew,  we  rode  to  Charleston  West  Virginia  and  met  up  with  the  National  ASR  President  Jeremiah  Hayes  for  lunch.  How  refreshing,  iron  sharpens  iron.  Then  on  to  Gatlinburg  where  I  had  the  opportunity  to  give  a  lengthy  version  of  my  testimony  to  a  married  couple  at  the  cabin  where  we  stayed,  and  so  a  seed  was  planted.  The  man  and  Thomas  work  together.  I’m  sure  Brother  Thomas  will  do  plenty  of  watering  there.  After  the  beautiful  ride  through  parts  of  Tennessee  and  North  Carolina,  Thomas  and  I  rode  out.  Heading  to  Glen  Ferris  West  Virginia  for  Men’s  Conference  where  Brother  David  Bounds  spoke  what  GOD  put  on  him  and  the  place  just  came  undone.  Wonderful  worship  and  what  a  move  of  GOD.  So  energized,  and  full  of  the  HOLY  GHOST,  away  we  went.  Back  toward  Yorkville  Ohio.  Just  north  of  Flatwoods  West  Virginia  we  stopped  at  a  rest  area.  A  woman  approached  us  and  asked  if  she  could  take  a  picture  of  the  patch  on  the  back  of  my  vest.  A  conversation  began.  As  she  talked  to  me  about  her  walk  with  GOD,  Brother  Thomas  received  a  word  from  the  LORD  for  her  and  jumped  in  and  spoke  it.  Immediately  she  broke  out  in  tears.  As  we  prayed  for  her  and  laid  hands  on  her,  GOD  filled  her  with  HIS  SPIRIT!  A  day  she  will  never  forget.  And  all  this  happened  in  front  of  two  tour  busses  of  people.  A  witness  of  a  move  of  GOD  for  all  of  them  to  see.  I  traveled  on  to  Midland  Michigan.  Where  I  had  some  things  to  work  out  at  my  tax  preparers  office.  On  that  Monday  morning  the  owner  was  in  and  he  noticed  my  vest.  He  said  “Azusa  Street!  Charles  Parham  and  William  Seymore!  Are  you  Pentecostal?”  When  I  said  yes  he  strolled  around  the  tax  office  singing  old  hymns  and  praising  GOD.  Stopped  in  front  of  me  and  as  the  presence  of  GOD  fell  on  that  place  he  was  filled  with  the  HOLY  GHOST  and  spoke  in  tongues!

I  write  all  this  to  honor  my  ALMIGHTY  LORD  GOD  JESUS!  Understand  people,  this  Azusa  Street  Riders  thing  is  ordained  of  GOD!  No  matter  where  you  ride  and  stop  with  this  patch  and  the  Anointing,  GOD  is  with  you.  Angels  are  encompassed  about  to  help  prepare  the  way.  This  is  a  Missions  work.  In  a  field  where  most  of  the  people  you  come  in  contact  with  have  never  met  a  Oneness  Apostolic  believer  and  been  ministered  to  by  one.  This  is  to  help  the  lost  who  are  hungry  and  hurting.  This  is  to  impress  upon  them  to  yield  their  mind  to  the  HOLY  GHOST  and  not  a  substance!  It  is  evident  that  GOD  honors  this  because  of  HIS  manifest  presence.  Because  of  HIS  miracle  working  power  evident  at  every  stop.  And  because  people  come  to  you,  GOD  draws  them  by  HIS  SPIRIT.

A  week  after  the  Gatlinburg  trip,  Midland  Michigan  had  its  first  ASR  Biker  Weekend.  What  a  joyous  time.  Brother  Hayes  and  his  family  came,  along  with  other  Brothers  and  Sisters  from  out  of  state.  We  raised  funds  for  Motorcycles  for  Missions  which  purchases  bikes  for  missionaries  overseas.  Great  fellowship.  Great  food.  Thank  you  Sisters  of  Pentecostal  Temple  Midland  Michigan  for  preparing  meals  for  us.  Pastor  Kevin  Willis  of  Pentecostal  Temple  invited  his  brother  who  is  also  a  Pastor  to  preach  for  us.  He  preached  about  “The  Pulpit”.  That  got  us  stirred  up!  Great  worship  and  Alter  call  followed.  We  rode  Saturday  and  Sunday.  A  little  rainy  Saturday.  Didn’t  let  the  rain  stop  us.  This  is  ministry,  nothing  can  stop  it.  The  gates  of  hell  shall  not  prevail  against  the  Church!  We  are  the  Church.  We  are  GOD’s  modern  day  remnant!  Out  into  the  highways  and  the  byways.  To  the  uttermost  part  of  the  earth  –  lets  ride!

Righteous Judgement

John 7:24 Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgement.

As I reflect on June, the events we have been to, and the 2500 miles over 9 states we have ridden, I know what we were doing and how we were presenting ourselves, but what did other people think? Being an Addiction Counselor, when I see people standing on the street corner my first thought is that they are looking to buy drugs, as this is a common way for people to get drug money. I am always convicted with that thought.

It is easy to jump to conclusions about someone based on their outward appearance. However, this is something that we learn not something we are born with.

Nelson Mandela once said,

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

Jesus did not judge people based on their outward appearance. Others were amazed and intrigued at the kinds of people Jesus chose to befriend.

That’s true for us today too. Jesus has never been one to build a clique from the most famous, most popular and most beautiful. He accepts all who open their hearts to Him. We’re a motley crew, however, with His power within us, we can change the world.

This verse (John 7:24) is part of a challenge Jesus made to the religious leaders of Jerusalem. Jesus was teaching that people should not be superficial when evaluating others, but instead should judge based on what is right. This means examining people’s heart, motives, and lives rather than making judgements based on appearances. Jesus believed that to judge rightly his audience needed to know God and have faith in Him. He believed that if they did, they would understand who Jesus was and their evaluation of the situation would be different.

Prayer: Lord, forgive me for the constant judgements I make of others. Give me Your eyes, so that I may look at people’s hearts, not their outward appearance. Amen.

Who have you judged harshly?


Hear from the Candidates

  • Bro. Johnny Carr – Vice President Nominee

Greetings in the name of Jesus! I was nominated to run for the VP position of ASR and I was asked to submit a little about myself. To introduce myself to those who don’t know me.

I joined ASR in 2017 and been a dues paying member ever since. I really don’t like talking about myself, would rather others know me for who I am by my actions.

My apostolic beginnings started in April 1991. During that time I followed the message of salvation by repenting of my sins, being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and being filled with the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in tongues.

I worked in my local church, helping in any capacity I could. Janitor, grounds keeper, carpenter, electrician, plumber, Sunday school teacher, Bus Ministry, etc…, whatever was needed I was willing.

I started in Jail Ministry in 1992 by helping in our local jail Ministry team. Since then I have worked as interim pastor for a local church and moved from that to pastoring a home missions church. I am no longer pastoring, but I do not feel like God is through with me yet. I am and will always be, conservative in my views on holiness. For without holiness, no man shall see God. Hebrew 12:14  Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.

I have obtained a Masters in Biblical Studies and I am an ordained minister through Independent Apostolic Ministry at the present. I am presently serving as the  Louisiana State Coordinator and served as the East Texas State Coordinator before moving to Louisiana.

My last secular job I had, I worked my way into management of the shop, after 9 years of management I feel very capable that I can handle a management position no matter what it may be.

I will say the last two years have not been easy years. I have missed out on National Rallies due to health at the time. 2022 seen me in a major accident and 2023 had me having bypass surgery on my heart. But God has been good and faithful to me during that time. He has supplied my every need.

Upon thinking about and praying about, what I could offer ASR as the VP, it has me looking back in what I know about ASR and things that have transpired over the years. It also has me thinking about ASR’s future.

One of the biggest things, in my opinion, is to see us become an unique unified body. I know from past experiences outside of ASR, that without complete unity, the leadership’s hands are tied. ASR might experience growth, but is that growth healthy? Can it withstand the trials to come?

Second, I would love to see some type of training done. You might ask, how can this be done? There is many ways, Zoom comes to the forefront on my thinking. Zoom meetings once a month, would go a long ways in teaching on outreach, safety, the do’s and don’ts of this ministry. There are many of you out there that has a lot to offer, especially to the new members that may not be up on their knowledge of the motorcycle world.

There are other things on my mind, but I am trying to make this short as I can. Pray and fast about this election, God’s will is paramount. If Bro Keck is elected, then that was God’s will, if I am elected, that to is God’s will. Let God be our guide.

  • Pastor Jeff Keck – Vice President Nominee and Currently Appointed Vice President

Hey everyone, I am Pastor Jeff Keck.

I have been riding for 50 years and I started out as many of you did, on minibikes. My dad bought me my beloved Suzuki 185 enduro in 1977. I have been riding with Azusa StreetRiders for the past 20 years and I look to continue for many years to come.

I have started 2 ASR chapters (San Diego, CA and Northwest, MO) and have been active at many levels in ASR during my tenure. I currently serve as the appointed international vice president for 2024.


Vision articulates God’s plan while Mission implements God’s Plan. It is my desire to see ASR grow spiritually as well as numerically. But good intentions are never enough. In my estimation, the primary function of ASR is twofold: 1.) Encourage our members (brothers and sisters) to contend for the Apostolic faith once delivered to us.  2.) Make disciples inside and outside the biker community at large.

In order to do this effectively we must prayerfully work hand in hand with the local churches and pastors who watch over our members in their local congregations as well as being involved as a torch in the biker community.

My first initiative is to continue to reach out to as many pastors and churches as possible in every state/district of North America. This is a daunting task, and I will need the continued support of every State Coordinator for us to be effective.

My second initiative is to work closely with chaplain Scott Culver to expand our chaplaincy division by encouraging more of you to engage in the training tools available. We are here to assist you to find better ways to utilize your ministry gifts of service.

My third initiative is to continue to encourage member, beginning at chapter level, to become all that God has called us to be. To understand and embrace our role in this world as the “image bearers” of His name and Spirit. We must be unapologetic in our orthodoxy as well as our orthopraxy of Scripture while serving the lost with orthopathy. We are ministers of Christ and as such, we are the purveyors of the Apostles doctrine and distinctives as we ride and represent our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Every time we put on our colors; we are dressed for discipleship success.

I humbly ask for your vote as I endeavor to serve you with distinction as your international vice president 2024-2025.

  • Julie McGhghy – Secretary Nominee and Currently Appointed Secretary

Greetings fellow Azusa StreetRiders. I am Julie McGhghy and I am the current Secretary appointed by the ASR Board to fill the remainder of the 2024 term of office. I have also been nominated to serve for the next two years.

My husband Mike and I have been members of ASR since 2011. I served as the first National Ladies Chaplain from 2014 until I resigned in 2018 while Mike and I prepared to move to Costa Rica to serve as Associates in Missions. Although we had to sell our bikes and most of our belongings when we moved to Costa Rica, we continued our membership in ASR and I contributed to the ministry by submitting articles for the Rumblings and reviewing by-laws and resolutions when requested by the Board.

Please allow me to let the Board’s announcement of my appointment inform you about me: “She is uniquely qualified to handle the responsibilities of Secretary due to her many years as a corporate attorney. She is dedicated to the Apostolic doctrine and is submitted to the authority of her pastor and the UPCI licensing authorities. She has actively loved the organization and its members by serving as National Ladies Chaplain and submitting many video and written teachings in the Rumblings.”

Mike and I returned to the United States in 2021 and now serve as Associated Ministers under the UPCI Global Missions Division and travel to teach faculty development seminars for Bible Schools throughout the world. Although we do not currently own motorcycles, we continue to love and support the ministry of the Azusa Streetriders.

For the short time that I have been serving as Secretary, I have greatly appreciated the singular focus of the Board on moving the ministry to grow spiritually and numerically. I pray our continued spiritual growth will be evident by the love and unity of the membership as we reach out to the lost to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and trust our Lord and Savior to give the increase to His Kingdom!

I consider it a great privilege to serve this ministry as Secretary and appreciate your confidence in me to do so.

Miscellaneous Information From The Desk of Jon Weber, N.R.C.

  1. Greeting in Jesus name ASR family & friends! First I want to say how thankful I am to be a part of this ministry and to have a family like each of you and have had the privilege of getting to know! There are so many I haven’t had the pleasure to meet yet! Hope to see those at our National rally this year! I’m excited that it is in Nebraska as I have never been there!
    We ask for summer and got Africa, lol ! Speaking of Africa, I’m excited to see what we can do this year for  the Motorcycle for Missionaries!!
    Hope everyone has success in the planning for raising money!! Time is getting close, so good luck and God bless your efforts and this mission! We are a big part of these missionaries spreading the word of our Lord and savior!! These are the times to make ready folks!! Look up for our redemption draweth nigh!!

With summer here, many highways as well as local roads are under construction. Traffic is bad with back ups, detours, workers everywhere. Please pay extra attention to the cars around you! They are nuts!! They don’t watch where they are going. Only concerned with getting through traffic, so WATCH OUT!!
Unfortunately, due to other circumstances but still the same, we’ve had a couple of people who have had accidents that I am aware of. One was due to gravel and the other was a deer. Thankfully God had His hand on them and they’re healing up! So please everyone, let’s keep our heads on a swivel, our senses to our surroundings, and what is on the road ahead of us!
Remember: saying a quick Prayer before you ride asking our Heavenly Father to put a hedge around us, lead us to His will and Jesus, take the handle bars, is a must!!
He watches over his children!

ASR biker weekends are in full motion! Hope each one is successful! I’ve made a few myself and the fellowship is Awesome!! Being able to witness, asked to say a Prayer for someone, all due to our patch is outreach in its self along with the scheduled outreach! I so enjoy this work for God and I personally want to do more!!
I’m hoping to see many of you yet this summer and I Pray for our ASR and leaders that Hod will continue to Bless and keep them in His will!!




National Rally Volunteers

At this year’s National Rally, volunteers have been requested by the host church to help with clean-up after each meal. We would like to set up teams to be able to rotate these responsibilities, so the same people don’t have to pull double duty. If you are willing to volunteer for this, please email the board at asr.national@azusastreetriders. Thank you for your willingness to serve in the Kingdom of God!

Motorcycles For Missionaries

Fundraising has been underway by multiple chapters across the country to raise funds for Motorcycles For Missionaries. There are several different ways to raise funds for this awesome program.

Some chapters take up designated offerings during their Biker Sunday services, while others host M4M Fundraiser runs, in which donations are collected.

Others host raffles by donation, in which proceeds benefit Motorcycles For Missionaries. There are several fundraiser giveaways going on right now. Reach out to a local chapter for tickets, and be a part of taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the foreign mission field by way of 2 wheels!

Maryville Chapter (TN)


Myrtle Beach Chapter (SC)


Appalachian Chapter (WV)


Wooster Chapter (OH)

AR-15 Diamondback
Drawing to be held on Aug 17 after ride
$10 per ticket, or 6 for $50.
Optional $600 cash payout.

National Rally Q&A Session

At last year’s rally, we met with Chapter Presidents, Area Coordinators, and Chaplains in a separate Q&A session on Friday morning of the rally. This allowed a smaller group to meet with the board, and cover some specific questions and concerns without disrupting the annual business meeting. We plan to once again have a Q&A session at this years rally in Omaha. Details on the time and meeting location will be forthcoming. If you are a Chapter President, Area Coordinator, or Chaplain, please plan on attending this session.

Election Information

Absentee ballots will be available no later than July 5 and may be obtained by sending a request to Julie McGhghy at Absentee ballots may be sent to the Secretary (Julie McGhghy) or  the President (Bro. Jeremiah Hayes at no later than July 21, 2024.

All dues-paying “Members”  and all “Life Members” are granted one vote for each office.

Please be prayerful in this time of preparation for the National Rally, annual business meeting, and elections.

Happy Father’s Day

I want to wish each of our ASR fathers a Happy Father’s Day!

In a society where the role of the father is minimized, I am honored to be part of a ministry where Godly men still raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

I also want to say a special Happy Father’s Day to the father of ASR, Bro Fred Beall. Thank you Bro Beall for your unwavering devotion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.