The Call of God

In Jeremiah 1:5-7, the Bible says this:
5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
6 Then said I, Ah, Lord God! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.
7 But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.

In other words, God speaking through the prophet says that not only was he known before he was conceived but that God had a calling on his life before he ever took his first breath. Jeremiah begins to argue a bit and essentially tells God, I’m not your man. The Lord then politely but strongly informs him that he is the one, “you WILL go and you WILL speak whatsoever I command thee.

In Galatians 1:15-16, the Apostle Paul wrote:
15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace,
16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:

The Apostle recognized that Jesus knew him before his birth and that he had “called” him by his grace to this glorious truth. He understood that a man, no matter what his past can be born again and filled with God’s own Spirit. The Apostle said that this new birth was to “reveal his Son” in him that he might preach the gospel. He then made a statement that “immediately” he did what he was called to do. He didn’t go looking for help or support, he simply did what God had called him to do.

Now if God can use one man on foot to take the gospel to the entire known world of his day what might he be able to accomplish with over 500 Holy Ghost filled, Bible believing, motorcycle riding Apostolics?

Do you want to know why Paul accomplished more on foot by himself than 500 Azusa StreetRiders on motorcycles? The truth is that Paul understood that God had a calling on his life and he made that calling a priority in his life and too many of us don’t.

Here’s the thing folks, too many of us view ASR as a side thing, just something I do with other like-minded brothers and sisters. You know, something I fit in when I feel like it and if I don’t, then it’s no big deal. After all, I’m faithful to church, pay my tithes and even went to prayer meeting and it’s not like ASR is all that important, right? Wrong!

1 Thessalonians 2:12 says
12 That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.

The fact is this: from the foundation of the world, before you were born you had a calling on your life. God knew you would have a love of riding and called you to this Ministry. ASR is a very big deal my friends, because it is God’s calling on your life! It may not be your only calling but I assure you that God has called you to this ministry.
Every time you put on that vest you are a rolling billboard for Jesus Christ. The word Apostolic means like the Apostles: Let’s be Apostolic, do what God has called us to do and take this message to the world. Let it be said of ASR that we “walk worthy of God, who has called us”

By the way, what do you think Paul could have accomplished if he had a bike???

Your brother in the Lord,
Pastor Bill Monk
VP Appalachian Chapter

All Hands on Deck

Thank you Bro Harding for providing us with this years recipients for our Motorcycles for Missionary 2022 Offering.
Azusa StreetRiders Members were a little short of our goal for this year but I know we can do it. We have raised so far $11,082.72 for 2022 and we need $27,400 to completely fill the ALL the requests presented to Bro Harding. See below for more details for those motorcycles requested:

Here are the submissions from the UPCI Global Missions Missionaries. These are always vetted through the Regional Director before coming to me. These are the only two regions that responded.

Bro Tom Harding
Azusa StreetRiders International coordinator.
UPCI Global Missions Department, Executive Assistance

Africa Region:
Zimbabwe – Missionary Mike Long
3 motorcycles needed at $1,600/each = $4,800
South Africa – Missionary Nicky Sisco
3 motorcycles needed at $1,500/each = $4,500
Democratic Republic Of Congo – Missionary Nicky Sisco
2 motorcycles needed at $1,600/each = $4,800
TOGO – Missionary Ken Cantrell
3 motorcycles needed at $850/each = $2,550
Asia Region:
Golden Triangle (Myanmar) – These bikes are purchased new in Thailand and brought across the border to Myanmar.
Missionary: Lynden Shalm, Golden Triangle; Supervising Pastor and Main Contact: G.T. Robert
1 motorcycle needed at $1,700 (Honda 125cc)
2 motorcycles needed at $1,900 each = $3,800 (Honda 150cc)

Total: $5,500

For the ALJC Missionary’s are as follows:
Bro Naime – Philippines – $1,500 (We have already sent funds earlier this year for $1,500 he has requested 2x bikes)
Bro Watts – South Africa – $1,750
Bro Grimh – East Africa – $1,800

We need to pull together to make up this deficit by the time our annual business in Warren, OH. I know we can do it!


Keep the Faith and Stay the Course.

Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ

2022 National’s Motorcycle Raffle

Bro Terry Metheny has acquired on behalf of the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry a 2003 Harley Davidson 100th anniversary Fat Boy that has been donated for Motorcycles for Misionary. Just under 5600 miles with a street value of about $6500.
We will be auctioning up to 100 tickets at $100 each. Once they are sold the Raffle will be closed. Any or more information call Bro Terry @ 574-202-0294.


Welcome New Members & New Chapter in Tallmadge, OH

Let’s take a moment and WELCOME all our newest members to the Azusa StreetRiders Motorcycle Ministry. Also let’s greet our newest chapter –  The First Apostolic Church of Tallmadge,
Pastor Kenneth Bulgrin.

Bro Joe Friend
South Whitley, IN
Victory Life Church
Pastor Greg Fries

Bro Tim & Sis Pauletta Preston
Defiance. OH
Victory Life Church
Pastor Greg Fries

Bro Mario Roguski
Lowell, IN
Victory Life Church
Pastor Greg Fries

Bro Joshua & Sis Kristen Gunter
Hobart, IN
The Rock Church
Pastor David Stovall

Bro Gary & Sis Christina Fullen
Ravenna, OH
First Apostolic Church of Tallmadge
Pastor Kenneth Bulgrin

Bro Darin & Sis Shandenara Miller
Akron, OH
First Apostolic Church of Tallmadge
Pastor Kenneth Bulgrin

Bro David & Sis Carrie Johnson
Rootstown, OH
First Apostolic Church of Tallmadge
Pastor Kenneth Bulgrin

Sis Margaret Underwood
Lorain, OH
First Apostolic Church of Tallmadge
Pastor Kenneth Bulgrin

Bro Isaac Barnett
Akron, OH
First Apostolic Church of Tallmadge
Pastor Kenneth Bulgrin


Bring Kick Stand Pucks

Please bring along your Kick Stand Puck if you are coming to the National Rally. Make sure you have it on your bike. You will need it for Thursdays lunch stop. With the added heat wave the restaurant has a asphalt parking lot.  They do not want holes in their parking lot. Thank you!

Up Coming Events

Events coming up.

August 3-6
ASR National Rally
Warren, Ohio
August 7
Warren, Ohio Chapter
Biker Sunday
Warren, Ohio
August 12-14
Michigan Biker Weekend
Cedar Springs, Michigan
August 20-21
Wooster, Ohio Chapter Biker Weekend
Wooster, Ohio
August 20-21
Jacksonville, Illinois Biker Weekend
Jacksonville, Illinois
September 3
Toledo Ohio Chapter River Run
September 9-11
Appalachian Chapter Biker Weekend
Clendenin,West Virginia
September 24-25
Sparta, Tennessee
Biker Weekend
September 30- October 2
Myrtle Beach Fall Bike week with round table discussions with founder Fred Beall.
October 23
NELA Biker Sunday
Delhi, Louisiana
All events will be listed in the monthly rumblings newsletter. And also the national website.


Only 1 more month until the rally is here!!! Please get pre registered for the 2022 National Rally as soon as possible. If you are unable to pay for registration in advance please send me a text or message to let me know you will be attending. We must have an accurate count for the caterer in 3 weeks.
Here are instructions how our ASR members can register.  Your registration includes, 2022 rally pin, name tag, coffee/donuts before the business meeting and a catered lunch after the business meeting. The lunches offered to be purchased for the Thursday and Friday rides for 15.00 are buffets and the snacks for after service will be wraps, sandwiches and or pizza for 10.00. Please register ASAP so we have a count of how many to prepare for.


Go to the website, click on menu then click on events, click on 2022 national rally, Warren, OH {This might be on page 2} then click on view details. You can put the number of how many you are registering in the drop down boxes,  proceed to “register now” then finish payment information. That is where you can register for the rally and purchase the meals you want.  Check your email for a confirmation that the transaction was completed. Please let me know  if you have any problems or questions.
God bless,
Sis Laureen Theodore
ASR International Treasurer

Welcome a Brand New Chapter & New Members

Let’s all take a moment and welcome our newest chapter in Danville, IN Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Jermey & Sis Michelle VanLue (Pastor)
Danville, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church

Bro Mitch & Sis Angel Cooper
Danville, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Bruce & Sis Tammy Rutledge
Indianpolis, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Lee Trevor
Indianpolis, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Spencer Coffey
Lebanon, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Shane & Sis Sonja Coffey
Lebanon, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Kirk & Andrea Coffey
Mooresville, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Matthew & Sis Jennie Adame
Danville, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Justin Cline
Plainfield, IN
Abundant Life – The House of Mercy Church
Pastor Jermey VanLue

Bro Justin & Sis Nicole Landon
Warsaw, IN
Community Life Center
Pastor Phil Chandler

Bro Austin & Sis Lucky
Chillicothe, MO
New Life Church
Paster Jeff Keck

Bro Bobby Beechman
Lexington, TN
FPC Lexington
Pastor David Beechman

Bro Brad Burke
Henderson , TX
New Life United Pentecostal Church
Pastor Micah Jones

Bro Lance Nishiyama
Tacoma, WA
Apostolic Revival Center
Pastor Abraham Monterrsa

2022 National Rally Schedule


Wednesday August 3rd-Alter worker training session with Evangelist Charles Robinette at The Pentecostals of Champion 7:00pm. Meet and greet after service, location TBA
Thursday Aug 4th/Friday Aug 5th-Ride schedule
9:30am KSU leave Holiday Inn (Niles)
10:00am registration begins at Packard Music Hall
10:45am Thursday-Blessing of the bikes/Friday- Prayer for Military and First Responders
11:00am KSU leave for ride
1:00pm Lunch stop Thursday-Lake Shore park/Friday- Golden Corral
3:00pm KSU return ride back
4:00pm Arrive back at Hotel
6:00pm Prayer at Packard Music Hall
7:00 pm Packard Music Hall- Thursday-Motorcycles for missionaries service with Evangelist Charles Robinette/Friday-Church service with Evangelist Doug Klinedinst
Saturday Aug 6th-ASR Business meeting at Packard Music Hall
8:00am Coffee and donuts
9:00am ASR business meeting
12:00pm Lunch immediately following the business meeting
Sunday Aug 7th- 10:00am Biker Sunday service at The Pentecostals of Champion with Evangelist Doug Klinedinst. Lunch following service followed by a short ride.
Cost for registration for non ASR members to ride Thursday and Friday-
$20.00 for Rider
$ 5.00 for passenger
ASR members 30.00 registration fee (this includes your rally pin, name tag, donuts and coffee for business meeting, catered lunch following the business meeting. Business meeting location is Packard Music Hall.
ASR cost for food (please pre-register)
$15.00 Thursday lunch on the ride
$10.00 Thursday after service snack
$15.00 Friday lunch on the ride
$10.00 Friday after service snack

Up Coming Events

Events coming up.

July 15-17
Northern Indiana Biker Weekend
Warsaw, Indiana
July 30-31
Niles, Ohio Chapter
Biker Weekend
Niles, Ohio
August 3-6
ASR National Rally
Warren, Ohio
August 7
Warren, Ohio Chapter
Biker Sunday
Warren, Ohio
August 12-14
Michigan Biker Weekend
Cedar Springs, Michigan
August 20-21
Wooster, Ohio Chapter Biker Weekend
Wooster, Ohio
August 20-21
Jacksonville, Illinois Biker Weekend
Jacksonville, Illinois
September 3
Toledo Ohio Chapter River Run
September 9-11
Appalachian Chapter Biker Weekend
Clendenin,West Virginia
September 24-25
Sparta, Tennessee
Biker Weekend
September 30- October 2
Myrtle Beach Fall Bike week with round table discussions with founder Fred Beall.
All events will be listed in the monthly rumblings newsletter. And also the national website