Thomas Whitmore
Michael Theodore
Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ ~ Official Site
Thomas Whitmore
Michael Theodore
Cynthie Zerbe
Katrina Sutton
The National Board of Azusa Streetriders would like to welcome Bro Scott Culver as our new International Chaplain. Bro Culver has been a long standing member with this ministry, and we believe he will be an amazing asset to this ministry and the Chaplaincy of ASR. He exhibits the true heartbeat of ASR, by reaching out into a lost world, loving people right where they are, and guiding them to Jesus. Join us in welcoming Bro Culver into this position, and help us pray for his success and the anointing of God to rest upon him as he moves forward.
Jeremiah Hayes
Vice President
Azusa Streetriders International
Bro Chris & Sis Tammi Owens
Longview, TX
Longview First Church
Pastor James Moore
Events Coming Up For 2023
June 3
Hocking Hills Chapter Bike Blessing
Circleville, Ohio
June 3
Community Prayer Run
Jacksonville, Texas
June 9-10
Bikerfest at Rushing Wind Biker Church
Zanesville, Ohio
June 11
Muskingum Chapter Biker Sunday
Zanesville, Ohio
June 19-23
ALJC General Ministry Conference
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
June 24
Appalachian Chapter
Child Shelter Benefit Ride
Charleston, WV
June 24
Church Prayer Run
Liberty, Texas
July 14-16
NE Indiana Biker Weekend
New Haven, Indiana
August 3-5
National Rally
August 17-19
Regional Nets
New England Territory Summons
Tiverton, RI
August 17-20
5th Annual Biker Sunday
Jacksonville IL
August 19
“Cruzin ‘ for Christ ”
St John, New Brunswick Canada
August 25-27
Wooster Chapter Biker Weekend
Wooster, Ohio
Sept 9-10
3rd Annual Biker Weekend
Sept 15-17
Michigan Biker Weekend
Cedar Springs,Michigan
Sept 19-22
UPCI General Conference
Indianapolis, Indiana
Sept 29 – Oct 1
6th Annual Biker Weekend
Sept 29-Oct1
Toledo Biker Weekend
Toledo, Ohio
All events will be listed in the monthly rumblings newsletter. And also the national website.
When you have selected your date’s for your event. Please create them on our group members pages in the event section please. Or give your information and event flyer to the board or myself so we can get it listed.
Azusa StreetRiders’ is going to have a display-information booth at UPCI’s General Conference in Indianapolis this year which is open to the public from Wednesday morning (9/20/23) through
Friday night (9/23/23) and we need your help!
ASR’s presence over the years at this annual event has been extremely helpful to help dispel negative pre-conceived notions about motorcycles and bikers while explaining how our ministry has helped win the lost! Thousands of Oneness Apostolics (pastors and saints) simply pass our booth and that, alone, gives name recognition. Many stop with questions. We tell them about souls that have come to Christ through our efforts, about backsliders who’ve returned to the fold, and about witnessing opportunities afforded us while ministering with our motorcycles wearing our God-inspired Azusa StreetRiders back patches.
At the Conference, we tell them about the powerful Apostolic ministers who’ve preached our National Rallies and about our “Motorcycles for Missionaries” program. They’re astounded to hear we’ve donated well over a hundred motorcycles to Oneness Apostolic foreign missionaries around the globe and are surprised at us having members in 42 states and several foreign countries including our largest chapter in the Philippines.
UPCI’s General Conference is an opportunity to reach new pastors and saints. We open our hearts and welcome bikers who don’t feel they “fit in” with church people. We offer them a ministry (ASR) where they, too, can win souls all while doing what they love riding bikes!
Despite having over 700 Trinitarian motorcycle ministries around the world, Azusa StreetRiders is the “World’s Only Oneness Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry.” Yes, there’re some local
Apostolic church groups that ride, but we need to convince them to join us there is strength in numbers!
Azusa StreetRiders have broken down barriers between bikers and saints like no other Oneness
Apostolic ministries have been able to do. But there is much work still to be done! Every year, there are new General Conference attendees who know very little about us. Again, we need your help! Help to meet people, to talk to them about biking, about ministry, and about ministry using motorcycles.
The Exhibit Hall for General Conference is opened to the public Wednesday through Friday
during the hours charted in the schedule below. Many of our ASR Members will be there and I ask that you please help us by committing to be at the booth for at least two hours. Everything will be furnished except your personal vest. If you can help us, please bring it. Men’s attire is typically dress pants, a long-sleeve white shirt (with or without a tie) and the vest. Ladies generally are in dresses and wear their vests. Please don’t scoff at the attire requests. We know the saying, “These are my church clothes” often seen on bikers’ vests, but remember, we are “guests” at the conference. If we exhibit ministry and ourselves accordingly, we’ll have much more favorable opportunities to spread the word about Azusa StreetRiders.
Bro fred Beall,
Founder & Lifetime Member,
Azusa StretRiders Ministry
The Pilgrimage, Myrtle Beach Chapter of ASR’s “Biker Sunday” event, was a tremendous success. At the “Meet-n-Greet,” we had a Taco Bar and just relaxed and fellowshipped with those who had already arrived. Breakfast early Saturday was followed by the filming of powerful ASR testimonies at Christian Life Center of Myrtle Beach. The video will be edited for brevity to eventually be used as promotional material for Oneness Apostolic pastors to encourage them to have their bikers join ASR in our outreach efforts.
“Thank you” to my wife, Diane Beall, Pastor Stacy Davis, the Myrtle Beach Chapter of ASR (Bro & Sis Ketron, Bro & Sis Poleto, Bro & Sis Colosimo, Bro & Sis Badillo, Bro & Sis Dorn, Bro & Sis Montes, and Bro Roberts), our good friend and riding partner Jimmy Frost, and the entire staff and members of CLC for their efforts in making the event a powerful outreach to the local biking community. We had 18 first-time visitors including members of CMA, Sons of God, Bond Slaves, Broken Chains and non-affiliated bikers. All were able to hear the Word preached and be part of an Apostolic church service. Pray God moves on all who attended!
A special thank you to all out-of-town Azusa StreetRiders for making the long trip to Myrtle Beach to attend and be a part of weekend’s activities. ASR Members came from:
West Virginia (Bro & Sis Hayes, Bro & Sis Harper, Sis Roat, and Bro Hayes, Sr.),
Tennessee (Bro Thompson and Bro Carpenter),
New Brunswick, Canada (Bro & Sis McLeod),
Michigan (Bro & Sis Zerbe),
Missouri (Bro & Sis Cobb), and
Ohio (Bro Theodore).
We are family!
Any Azusa StreetRiders dues paying members wishing to nominate any Azusa StreetRiders dues paying member for either one of these positions please contact Bro Traveris Mallory for a copy of the nominating ballot.
Nominations verbally, emailed, snail mailed or by any other means will not be Nominations verbally, emailed, snail mailed or by any other means will not be accepted. A nominating ballot MUST BE filled out and returned to the national secretary in the time specified. All nominations must be in by May 31
Bro Traveris Mallory
Azusa StreetRiders National Secretary
phone: 205-229-2096
A word for the President:
I feel anyone nominating an ASR member for either one of these positions should consider the following characteristics or attribute listed below of the person you are considering and not just that he/she is a friend that you would like to see on the National Board.
Let’s also use 1 Timothy Chapter three as a further reference . I know this scripture is talking about a deacon or bishop position however I think we could easily, without the taking anything away from the word of God, use this as a guide when choosing any national board position for our ministry:
1 This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.8 Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;9 Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.10 And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless.11 Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.12 Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.13 For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.
Let me be the first to say in making this list that I for one cannot/do not live upto many of these attributes however that does not relinquish the membership from expecting these things from the National Board of the Azusa StreetRiders ministry including the members of the current board. We need to strive for the best we can be.
Sister Zerbe and I stayed at the Landmark Resort during the Pilgrimage in Myrtle Beach, SC. While we were there she had to go outside to use the phone. We went outside and a gentleman came up to me and was asking for help.I asked him his name and it was Antonio Sumpter.I started to talk to him about the Lord. I ask him if he wanted to go to Christian Life Center with us to see if we could get help there for him and get him some food to eat. I asked him if he wanted me to pray with him and he said yes. I started to pray with him and he began to cry. After praying he told me he wanted to go to church with us. I told him we would be leaving at 10:00am for church if he wanted to ride on the back of my bike he could go with us. So we went back to the room to get ready which was about a half hour when we came out to meet Brother Theodore, Antonio was outside waiting. So we rode to church . During the Alter Call Service I asked Antonio if he wanted to go up front and pray and he told me yes. While he was praying I told him that He needed to Repent and Accept Jesus as His Personal Savior and be Baptized in Jesus Name by immersion. I ask him if he wanted to and he answered yes. so we proceeded on with Antonio getting Baptized in that Beautiful Name of Jesus.After Service Praise God.
John Zerbe
Events Coming Up For 2023
Mark your calendars
May 6 Bike Blessing Gauley Bridge,WV
May 13
Sword Run
Clarksburg, West Virginia
May 20
Blessing of the Bikes
Toledo, Ohio
May 20
Church Prayer Run
Coleman, Texas
May 27-28
Central Missouri Biker Weekend
Rolla, Missouri
June 3
Hocking Hills Chapter Bike Blessing
Circleville, Ohio
June 3
Community Prayer Run
Jacksonville, Texas
June 9-10
Bikerfest at Rushing Wind Biker Church
Zanesville, Ohio
June 11
Muskingum Chapter Biker Sunday
Zanesville, Ohio
June 19-23
ALJC General Ministry Conference
Pigeon Forge,Tennessee
June 24
Appalachian Chapter
Child Shelter Benefit Ride
Charleston, Wv
June 24
Church Prayer Run
July 14-16
NE Indiana Biker Weekend
New Haven, Indiana
August 3-5
National Rally
Maryville, Tennessee
August 17-20
5th Annual Biker Weekend
Jacksonville, IL
August 19
“Cruzin’ for Christ”
St John,New Brunswick Canada
August 25-27
Wooster Chapter Biker Weekend
Wooster, Ohio
Sept 9-10
3rd Annual Biker Weekend
Sparta, Tn
Sept 15-17
Michigan Biker Weekend
Cedar Springs, Michigan
Sept 19-22
UPCI General Conference
Indianapolis, Indiana
Sept 29-Oct 1
6th Annual Biker Weekend
Sept 29-Oct 1
Toledo Biker Weekend
Toledo, Ohio
All event are posted on both our ASR group facebook pages and on our website. You can create your event and post your flyer on the group facebook pages event section. If you are planning an event please let us know so we can get it posted.