Exciting Summer

Well going to start this out with retirement is Awesome especially being in Azusa Streetriders. This summer for me has not been dull for a moment. Seeing the countryside and traveling for ASR Ministry, Outreaching, Sharing the Good News God’s Word, Shining the light. First trip the month of April Myrtle Beach,S.C. The Pilgrimage riding over the mountains, seeing the ocean, walking the beach. Seeing God move and Antonio get baptized in Jesus Name. Then Month of May : We took a ride to Toledo, Ohio meet up with some new faces and had fellowship.  Month of June Zanesville, Ohio Around 75 bikers drove to Heartbeats handed booties did outreach there. God moved and a baptism took place. People are hungry for truth and being right with Jesus. So Excited for this it gives me Joy unspeakable full of Glory. Hallelujah.Month of July N.E. Indiana New Haven, Indiana Beautiful Church meet more of God’s Chosen People and Awesome food and fellowship and Outreach. August National ASR Rally Maryville, Tennessee. Thank all those who were apart of this Rally and me being voted in for the New Treasurer for ASR.I will say it will be a learning experience for me and I want to thank God for all what Sister Theodore has done in past and for her helping and showing me the in’s and outs for this position. Looking forward in meeting and talking to more people in ASR. While here we did get to ride the tail of the dragon and believe me I said a few prayers going thru it. Wooster Biker Weekend was exciting,Great Ride, Great Fellowship and Food. I love my ASR Family. September Cedar Springs, Michigan and excited to announce we have a chapter now called Mid-Michigan Chapter. ASR Ministry is growing and I’m thankful. Awesome turnout, Great Weather. Then weekend after got the privilege to go to UPCI General Conference in Indapolis, Indiana and got to work the Azusa Streetriders Booth with the founder Brother Fred Beall. We meet alot people and was able to share the Goodness of God . Heard some great testimonies and prayed with people and have several asked about our Ministry. I can say if we do our part God is faithful to do His and His Blessings are overwhelming and overflowing. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more in future for Azusa Streetriders.

Cynthie Zerbe
International Treasure

Fall Events Coming Up

Last Up For 2023
Sept 29 – Oct 1
6th Annual Biker Weekend
Sept 29-Oct1
Toledo Biker Weekend
Toledo, Ohio
Oct 7
Central Missouri
Blanket Run
Oct 7-8
Biker Weekend
Oct 21
Floyd’s Backyard Run
Madison, Alabama
Oct 21
Souls Harbor
Ride For Recovery
Now is the time to start planning your events for 2024.
When you have selected your date’s for your event. Please create them on both of our ASR Facebook group pages in the event section please.

Passing The Baton

I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of you that have supported not only myself but the two boards that I served with over the last six years. It has been an honor to have been your president and it has been an honor to serve you fine people, I pray that I have served you well I guess time will tell.

Moving forward I’m asking all the members of the Azusa StreetRiders ministry to get behind Brother Michael Theodore and this board and give them the support that they need in order to take this ministry to the next level. I ask all of you to keep them prayer this is God’s ministry ran by men and women who are Holy Ghost filled. That certainly does not make them perfect but it does make them willing to step up to the plate and to do a job that at times is not only difficult and unrewarding but also challenges us to the core of one’s own beliefs.

So therefor Keep the Faith, Stay the Course Jesus is coming back soon for his church and the Azusa StreetRiders is a unique niche within the church. Love and appreciate y’all with my whole heart.

God Bless and Keep each and everyone of you and yours. May the sun always be to your back and the wind in your face and I’ll see ya here, there or in the air.

Moving Forward

Praise the Lord my ASR family. I first would like to start off by saying thank you Robert Thompson for your six years of leadership in ASR. I would like to thank my wife Laureen Theodore for her six years of service, It was an honor and pleasure working with the both of you.
Moving forwad I am anxious to see what the Lord has in store for ASR and to work with our new board. The theme for 2024 is Taking It To The Streets. One of my goals starting off will be connecting our membership through communication and information. Pray for the new board as we move ASR forward. I love you all.

Michael Theodore
International President


Welcome New Members


Ronald Willis   Portland,Indiana

Sharese Willis  Portland,Indiana

Larry Dunwoody  New Lexington,Ohio

Sherri Dunwoody  New Lexington,Ohio

Norma and Mark Daniels  Maryville,Tennessee


Daniel Raymond and Sharon Floyd  Ardmore,Alabama


Maureen Dorn  Myrtle Beach,South Carolina

Chrisandra Magwood    Clanton, Alabama

Elizabeth Mallory  Clanton,Alabama


Michael Theodore                                                                                                            International President


Jacksonville, Illinois Biker Weekend


Article by
Austin Seaton

Hello and greetings from the west central Illinois Azusa Street Riders! Based in Jacksonville, Illinois. Our chapter started 6 years ago with the help and guidance of brothers Mark Hardin and Scott Culver. From there we began our endeavor and this year hosted our 5th annual biker weekend. With our largest turnout to date we began the first of our 3 day event with prayer. We drove from church to church in our region and prayed for revival and an outpouring of the holy ghost across our state and nation. Saturday we began with a breakfast meet and greet welcoming old friends and introducing new ones. After the ride concluded we met at Austin Seaton and wife Melissa Seatons home for food games and fellowship. Sunday was nothing short of anointed Brothers David Barajas and family of Moline IL brought a message of Praise and releasing a spirit of the lion of Judah. The alters filled as a overwhelming spirit of the Holy Ghost began to pour out lives held in bondage changed and multiple being refilled with the Holy spirit after years away from God’s love. I am beyond blessed by the ministry of the Azusa Street Riders and cannot wait to see what the upcoming year’s have in store. I leave with a scripture that has been deeply impacting as of late Psalm 27/14 Wait on the Lord be of good courage and he will strengthen thine heart. Thank you so much to all of my local chapter for making this our best year yet and cannot wait for what is yet to come!


Up Coming Events

End Of Season Events Coming Up For 2023
Sept 9-10
3rd Annual Biker Weekend
Sparta, Tn
Sept 15-17
Michigan Biker Weekend
Cedar Springs, Michigan
Sept 19-22
UPCI General Conference
Indianapolis, Indiana
Sept 29-Oct 1
6th Annual Biker Weekend
Sept 29-Oct 1
Toledo Biker Weekend
Toledo, Ohio
Oct 21                                                                                                                                                Souls Harbor Ride for Recovery                                                                                Calhoun,LA
Have you selected your event dates for next year?? Now is a good time to start thinking about your event dates.

It’s Time For The 2023 National Rally – Maryville, TN

Here are a couple of updates

2023 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally Update: First and foremost, everyone be safe on the ride to National’s!

1. Anyone planning to sign up at the door for the meal plan that has not yet done so please just let us know now we need an accurate headcount by Saturday. We want to make accommodations for everyone.
2. All those planning to attend Wednesday nights midweek service here at FAC please park around the circle in front of the church hopefully we’ll have enough faith to get a nice picture.
3. Any rider that has a PackTalk COM system and would like to link in please bring your helmet and your PackTalk unit to Wednesday nights meet and greet so we can get everything linked up and not have to deal with it on Thursday morning.
4. A reminder that Global Grounds World Missions coffee shop will be open 8 o’clock both Thursday and Friday for the convenience of our Azusa StreetRiders Ministry. The coffee shop in usually not opened in the mornings during the week.
All workers in the coffee shop are volunteers and 100% a profit go towards missionaries around the world. Not everybody is aware that FAC Maryville support not only ALJC missionaries but also UPCI and other apostolic missionaries throughout the world. Keep that in mind and please help support this ministry.

5. Please go ahead print and fill out the Ride Waver from the Azusa StreetRider web page and bring it with you this will help cut out time at the registration desk or the meet & greet.

A another couple of last-minute changes here first off brother Mark Condon is it going to be unable to attend this year’s national rally unfortunately, something came up and he had to change his schedule here at the last minute we’re certainly going to miss his worship. However, FAC has agreed to provide their praise singers for both Thursday and Friday night.
In addition, after looking at the cost for the main church to bring in the cleaning crew Thursday and Friday, and also to hire the tech crew to come in in order to stream do the media and everything that is involved the cost was more than we wanted to pay. Therefore we’re moving the service to the youth sanctuary which I was at this morning and it is extremely nice and very high tech. So we will streamline the service and they have a complete media team at our disposal along with a led backdrop there on the platform so everything should be extremely nice.
Let’s Have a Great Rally, looking forward to seeing all of you here.

Meal Plan and Registration are now on the Azusa StreetRiders website under Events.
Please sign up today so we can start getting a count for this years National Rally in the Motorcycle Riding  Capital East of the Mississippi, Maryville, TN.

In addition Bro Tom Harding UPCI Global Missions Coordinator will be opening this years Mission Service with the Key Note Introduction followed by none other than Bro Peter Gray the Latin America/Caribbean Field Supervisor for the ALJC World Missions Department.
Bro Bruce Howell has been requested  by Bro David K Bernard to be in the Philippines for a special service therefor Bro Howell has requested requested to be rescheduled to speak at one of our National Rally’s at a future date.

Azusa StreetRiders have a great lineup for the 2023 National Rally:
Bro Kenneth Carpenter, Bro Bruce Howell & Bro Mark Condon – Invite a friend !

Wednesday, August 2nd:

Midweek service followed by food and fellowship in the FAC Pavilion Center at the rear of the church.

It was asked which host hotel we will be gathering at Thursday and Friday morning on our way out of town. We are actually going to meet at the church both of those mornings and of course on Saturday for our business meeting. The church is probably only 10 minutes from both host hotels, and from Alcoa, Maryville in the surrounding areas.
We have a state of the art coffee shop located on the south side of the building of which the church will open for an hour or so for our benefit both those mornings. As our tradition has always been, we will serve coffee and donuts before and during our business meeting.
Thursday, August 3rd:
“Tail of the Dragon” & “Cherohala Skyway”

Lunch will be served

  • Thursday’s Ride

Motorcycles for Missionaries Service:
Speaker Bro Peter Grey

Thursday Night Missions Service:
Bro Peter Gray
Latin America/Caribbean Field Supervisor for the
ALJC World Missions Department
Dinner served at the FAC Pavilion Center

Friday, August 5th:
Destination TBA at this time
Lunch will be served

Azusa StreetRiders Motorcycle Ministry Friday Night Evangelistic Speaker:

Pastor Kenny Carpenter

Friday Night  Evangelistic Service:
Pastor Kenny Carpenter –
ALJC General Superintendent & FAC Pastor  Maryville, TN

Dinner served at the FAC Pavilion Center

Saturday, August 6th:

Azusa StreetRiders annual members meeting
Lunch immediately following

Afternoon ride

We have two hotels that we’ll be using in the Alcoa/Maryville area for the nationals:

Fairfield Inn & Suites Knoxville Alcoa
1865 Pauling Street, Alcoa, TN 37701
Ph: (865) 409 5950
King / Double Queen – $119.00
Breakfast Included
Call the hotel and mention the Azusa StreetRiders event. FYI This hotel is brand new !

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Alcoa (Knoxville Airport)
130 Associates Blvd, Alcoa, TN 37701
Phone: (865) 981-9008
King / Double Queen – $119.00
Breakfast Included
Call the hotel and mention the Azusa StreetRiders event.

Meal Plan and Registration are now on the Azusa StreetRiders website under Events. 


Events Coming Up For 2023

August 3-5
National Rally

August 12
Community Prayer Run
Dayton, Texas

August 17-19
Regional Nets
New England Territory Summons
Tiverton, RI

August 17-20
5th Annual Biker Sunday
Jacksonville IL

August 19
“Cruzin ‘ for Christ ”
St John, New Brunswick Canada

August 25-27
Wooster Chapter Biker Weekend
Wooster, Ohio

Sept 9-10
3rd Annual Biker Weekend

Sept 15-17
Michigan Biker Weekend
Cedar Springs,Michigan

Sept 19-22
UPCI General Conference
Indianapolis, Indiana

Sept 29 – Oct 1
6th Annual Biker Weekend

Sept 29-Oct1
Toledo Biker Weekend
Toledo, Ohio

All events will be listed in the monthly rumblings newsletter. And also the national website.
When you have selected your date’s for your event. Please create them on our members page and also on the friends page in the event section please.
