Bind The Strongman is Right Around the Corner

We are 1 week away from gathering in corporate prayer on March 7th at four locations to engage in Spiritual Warfare against the principalities and forces of this world we live in. As we approach this week and you are riding pray up before you go as the devils have already attacked ASR moving into the Annual Bind The Stromgman event. We need to stay strong as a Ministry of Jesus Christ and always don the Armor of God before every ride. The locations of the Bind the Strongman locations are:

New Life Tabernacle 3635 Hwy 42 S, Price Texas Pastor Randy Hennigan

The Life Church 2446 Trebein Rd Xenia, OH 45385 Pastor Ken Dillingham

Harvest Temple 530 S. Main St, JAcksonville, Il 62650 Pastor Archie Beavers

Life United Pentecostal Church, 1301 Pipkin Rd, Hinesville, Ga 31313 Pastor Thomas Crutchfield.


Prayer Needed

Please Pray for Bro. David “POPS” Locke and Bro. Donald Brown. They were in a motorcycle accident, and they sustained injuries. Bro. Locke is currently in a Trauma Hospital in Houston, Texas. IT is reported he has multiple fractures.

Change of Venue for BTSM in Texas

Due to circumstances out of our control, the Texas Central Region Bind the Strongman location has been moved to Price, Texas.

New Life Tabernacle 3635 State Highway 42 S, Price, TX, United States, Texas Pastor Randy Hennigan.

If you were planning to attend the Baytown event, please try to make these adjustments and support this last, short-notice change.



Bind The Strongman March 7th, 2025 7:00 PM – 12:00 ish AM

We are just a month away from the annual prayer service to prepare for our riding season. I hope everyone is as excited about this event as I am. As we ended the riding season last year Azusa Street Riders members were in a spiritual attack in which several members were involved in motorcycle accidents and a couple were severe. Prayerfully we banded together in a season of fasting and prayer for our ministry and our downed riders, of which, all have overcome this attack and are on the mend. Joining with my Pastor Ken Dillingham we prayerfully sought the Lord for our theme for this year’s Bind The Strongman Prayer service. When we reflected on the unity we had during the season of attack we wanted to continue with the movement and decided our overall theme would be Spiritual Warfare. Session 1: The Armor of God and Riding Protected. Session 2: The Battle is the Lords, The Basics of Spiritual Warfare. Session 3: Enduring, Not Holding on for dear life – Holding on Until the Glory Comes. Session 4: Exercising Authority, Having a Spiritual-Led Battle Plan. Session 5: The Weapon of Worship, Leveraging the Victory of Jesus.

The locations have been selected and the planning has begun. Plan to unite with other Azusa Street Rider members across our nation as we come together in separate locations for the same purpose to show the devil that we are ready and will never back down as we prepare to spread the Gospel in the Highways and Byways and compel them to come in so that His house may be filled.



📢 Join Us for Azusa StreetRiders: Bind The Strongman! 🙏🏍️
🗓️ Friday, March 7, 2025
🕖 7:00 p.m.
📍 The Pentecostals of Baytown
5303 N. Hwy 146, Baytown, Texas 77523
🔥 A powerful night of prayer and worship!
Saturday, March 8, 2025
☕ Coffee @ 9:00 a.m.
🏍️ KSU @ 10:00 a.m.
Join the Prayer Run and experience unity and purpose on the road!
🏨 Local Baytown Hotels:
– Days Inn (8115 N Hwy 146, Baytown, TX 77523)
– Motel 6 (8911 N Hwy 146, Baytown, TX 77523)
– Super 8 (9032 N Hwy 146, Baytown, TX 77523)
Bring your passion for God and the open road! Let’s come together in prayer and action to Bind the Strongman! 💪

Bind the Strongman 2025 Locations


We finally confirmed all the Bind the Strong Man locations as we enter the New Year. We will be getting flyers and hotel information soon. Please be in prayer to attend and support the location nearest you to bind in unity as we prepare for the rising season and ministry outreach for 2025.


The theme for this year’s Bind The Strong Man will be Spiritual Warfare. This topic was chosen due to the attack on ASR at the end of the 2024 riding Seaon. We will bind together in prayer on March 7, 2025, to ensure the devil knows that ASR will continue to engage in Spiritual Warfare and spread the Gospel everywhere we ride.


Session 1: Armor of God (Riding Protected)
(7:00 PM – 8:00 PM)
• Scripture Focus: Ephesians 6:10–18
Session 2: The Battle is the Lord’s (The Basics of Spiritual
(8:00 PM – 9:00 PM)
• Scripture Focus: 2 Chronicles 20:15, Exodus 14:13–14
Session 3: Enduring (Not Holding on For Dear Life – Holding on
Until the Glory Comes)
(9:00 PM – 10:00 PM)
• Scripture Focus: Hebrews 12:1–3, Galatians 6:9
Session 4: Exercising Authority (Having a Spirit-Led Battle Plan)
(10:00 PM – 11:00 PM)
• Scripture Focus: Luke 10:19, James 4:7
Session 5: The Weapon of Worship (Leveraging the Victory of
(11:00 PM – Midnight)
• Scripture Focus: Psalm 149:6–9, Acts 16:25–26

Confirmed Locations:

The Lifeway Church  2446 Trebein Rd, Xenia, Oh 45324 Pastor Ken Dillingham.

The Pentecostals of Baytown  5303 N. Hwy 146, Baytown, TX 77523 Pastor Bolenbaucher

Harvest Temple  530 S. Main St, Jacksonville, IL 62650 Pastor Beavers

Life United Pentecostal Church 1301 Pipkin Road, Hinesville, Ga 31313

2025 Bind The Strongman Location

Planning is underway for the 2025 Bind The Strongman on March 7th, 2025. We pray for at least  5 locations this year to allow for a bigger attendance. As we finished out the 2024 riding season the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry was under attack with with 5 riders going down in a week time frame. 2 had significant injuries and are still recovering, and 2 totaled motorcycles, and these are the ones we are aware of. Azusa StreetRider Ministry is powerful and the Devil knows it and will do all he can to deter us from our calling and mission. We need to start 2025 with a powerful message that we will not be scared away from reaching the motorcycle community and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So I am encouraging all members to attend a location near them or commit to hosting a location for this powerful prayer service to prepare us for the riding season.

Confirmed Locations:

The Lifeway Church  2446 Trebein Rd, Xenia, Oh 45324 Pastor Ken Dillingham

The Pentecostals of Baytown  5303 N. Hwy 146, Baytown, TX 77523 Pastor Bolenbaucher

Harvest Temple  530 S. Main St, Jacksonville, IL 62650 Pastor Beavers

Tentative Locations Pending Pastoral Approval

Life Gate Church 7371 Wall Triana Hwy, Madison, AL 35757

Potential Locations

Hobart, IN. Waiting on confirmation as Bro Gunther has to talk with his Pastor.

As we continue to plan and gather information we will be posting here in the Rumblings and on the Facebook page. If you are interested in hosting a location or just want more information you can call my cell: Chaplain Scott Culver 937-572-4141 or reach out the Vice President Jeff Keck.

Winding Down the Riding Season and Preparing for Bind The Strongman

Winding Down the Riding Season and Preparing for Bind The Strongman


 As the riding season is winding down, I reflect on this past year of adventures and I am reminded of Luke 14:23: “And the Lord said unto his servants, Go out into the Highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”   Having ridden almost 13, 000 miles, and 17 states, having witnessed multiple people get baptized in Jesus Name and several receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost makes for a good riding season. This would not have been possible without the season starting in a time of prayer and a successful Bind the Strongman. With March approaching, we need to start preparing for the 2025 riding season and Bind The Strongman 2025. Our goal is to have a Bind the Strongman event in each Region to come together in a time of prayer for this ministry to grow and reach people as we ride in the Name of Jesus. Join me in prayer as we locate the locations for this year’s prayer meeting. I am hoping to have multiple locations to allow for the opportunity for everyone to attend this powerful event. Contact Vice President Jeff Keck and Chaplain Scott Culver, if you are interested in hosting the 2025, Bind the Strongman Event so we can get the locations set promptly to allow for maximum attendance.

Righteous Judgement

John 7:24 Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgement.

As I reflect on June, the events we have been to, and the 2500 miles over 9 states we have ridden, I know what we were doing and how we were presenting ourselves, but what did other people think? Being an Addiction Counselor, when I see people standing on the street corner my first thought is that they are looking to buy drugs, as this is a common way for people to get drug money. I am always convicted with that thought.

It is easy to jump to conclusions about someone based on their outward appearance. However, this is something that we learn not something we are born with.

Nelson Mandela once said,

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

Jesus did not judge people based on their outward appearance. Others were amazed and intrigued at the kinds of people Jesus chose to befriend.

That’s true for us today too. Jesus has never been one to build a clique from the most famous, most popular and most beautiful. He accepts all who open their hearts to Him. We’re a motley crew, however, with His power within us, we can change the world.

This verse (John 7:24) is part of a challenge Jesus made to the religious leaders of Jerusalem. Jesus was teaching that people should not be superficial when evaluating others, but instead should judge based on what is right. This means examining people’s heart, motives, and lives rather than making judgements based on appearances. Jesus believed that to judge rightly his audience needed to know God and have faith in Him. He believed that if they did, they would understand who Jesus was and their evaluation of the situation would be different.

Prayer: Lord, forgive me for the constant judgements I make of others. Give me Your eyes, so that I may look at people’s hearts, not their outward appearance. Amen.

Who have you judged harshly?


Always Keeping Ready for the Mission

The riding season is upon us.  We have our rides planned and our bike serviced road ready.  Our mission is clear and the purpose is  to “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled” Luke 14:23.  I want to take this moment to remind each one of us to seek God to:

  • Let us always be ready to share our testimony and His Word II Timothy 4:2
  • Keep our attitude Christ-like Ephesians 4:2-5
  • Protect us and those around us Ephesians 5:15-17
  • Give us alertness and quick thinking on the roads Proverbs 3:23-26
  • Bring us back to our family with a grateful heart for the blessings of the day Psalm 121:8